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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. Added just now, my FC is to the left.
  2. Commodore 64 - Rambo Commodore Amiga - (Simpsons game) Bart Vs The Space Mutants NES - Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt. Double pack SNES - Super Street Fighter 2 N64 - Lylat Wars Gamecube - Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader Wii - Wii Sports WiiU - Nintendo Land Gameboy - Tetris Gameboy Advance - Mario Kart Advance Nintendo DS - Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo 3DS - Pilotwings
  3. @flameboy I'm opening my gates in about 3 minutes
  4. @flameboy My son's playing ATM, but I'll be on in about 20 minutes. Will write again.
  5. Thanks very much he will be very happy, and is a proactive user of AC, just like your good self.
  6. I've been adding everyone as a best friend, including you Mr.Pompey Mayor, and it is the way to go.
  7. @R3ap3rG added you today. BTW, my colleague in Taiwan, a Taiwanese English teacher is now a massive Nintendo Fan (thanks to me) He just loves AC, but has only me as a friend He would be ever so happy if you could add his FC to yours, and I'll pass yours on. His FC is : 0834 - 0533 - 5678. He'll appear as 'tu' and his town is Jentutu, he has cherries as his native fruit. Thanks in advance for helping a friend
  8. And I've got work. Will definitely try over the weekend though
  9. Cool, Iun. BTW I am in Adam's place Pompey ATM it's amazing.
  10. Friend Code: 1332 - 7777- 2327 Town name: Talon IV Major: Londrgon (missing an A I know) Native Fruit: Apples (thought these would be the norm, but seems more people have cherries, so yay apples). @yesteryeargames added you.
  11. I named my town Talon IV (Metroid), then went online and found out that there are 2 spellings for this (Tallon IV and Talon IV) maybe different regions??? Anyway, one L for me, my name though is Londrgon (can't believe the limit on names). In other news got my bug net and shovel.
  12. So, GAME are finally letting us pre-order their copies of digital retail games, cool.
  13. @Ville and @Nintendo Fan. Added both of you.
  14. Yeah, had lots of them, basically for every 2 real days that pass the clock counter moves 15 minutes, so yours at the quarter to mark will take 2 days to reach the top and finally be openable.
  15. Ahhhh, I remember the good old days, blah, blah, blah. It seems that a lot of people look back at the absolutely wonderful Super Mario 3D Land (which I admired from the first screenshots, and loved even more when playing) now with rose-tinted admiration. I remember when the first videos were shown, most people were saying WTF, Nintendo promised us a 'proper' 3D Mario, look what they've done to us. This game is going to blow my socks off, I don't care what others think any more because whatever Ninty do, they just can't please you. Yeah, the return of Frog Mario http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/06/frog_suit_confirmed_for_super_mario_3d_world
  16. Called it months ago, and said this is the best way to advertise the Wii U for free to millions of people, and people said it was a shit idea. This will make far more people aware of what the Wii U is, better than any marketing campaign from Nintendo so far.
  17. I may be the only one saying this, but I'm glad the release list is sparse, I haven't the time or money for anything more.
  18. Just finished watching the whole show for the 2nd time and if you watch from the 5:00 minute mark there seems to be a level editor shown for this game. Was unsure the first time I watched, now I think it looks awesome. The Cat Mario abilities look cool, and imagine making your own levels!
  19. Added @Katie and @Haden. Let the good times roll.
  20. There's also this page which takes you straight to all the 3DS and Wii U eShop download titles; http://www.game.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/HubArticleView?hubId=214844&articleId=214845&catalogId=10201&langId=44&storeId=10151 and then click on which platform you want to look at.
  21. I practically ordered from their website as soon as the codes went up, maybe that has something to do with it? Had a similar, but not so lengthy wait for Fire Emblem, too.
  22. When I bought DKCR from GAME as a digital download code emailed to my inbox, it took them 6 hours to sort it out and send it, so don't expect miracles.
  23. Funnily enough I have played on a number of occasions, and when connected to 3 or more I get a lot of drop-outs. When only connected to myself and one other (total of 2 playing at the same time) I have only experienced a little lag, but with a much more stable connection. I'd really love to play this game locally though.
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