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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. No, at least that's what the official Nintendo press release has the price down for. Most Lego games (on Wii U) retail for that price in the UK.
  2. Me and my son play through this daily on 2 different 3DS'. Got most things bar some Mega stones via competitions, and not a single penny spent, mmmwhahaha.
  3. 20.99 here; http://www.base.com/buy/product/art-academy-atelier-wii-u/dgc-artacademywiiu.htm Don't know if it's cheaper elsewhere?
  4. Arkham CIty is amazing, truly a Metroid/Zelda game with flowing combat, well integrated stealth and flight sections. The GamePad use makes this the definitive issue. Some people have complained of the frame rate, but I didn't have any problems (bar one Wii U lock-up) throughout my play through. I now want to play through it again.
  5. Whoa, there was absolutely no chatter about Wii U, but people are still talking about the Wii, maybe Nintendo should start making more games for the old console again. Or are they just talking about the one and only @Wii
  6. That's some impressive and expensive DLC there.
  7. I'm in gaming for the long haul, I truly hope the Sony (Shenmue 3 Kickstarter) conference changes nothing, like I said earlier, time will tell. I only shared my concerns for the future, not stating that it will happen, merely could. BTW I had to google Veronica Mars, yes I do live on Mars :P Popular culture passes me by where I am. I'm not pointing out, or focussing on, the yearly aspect of E3 showings and game releases, sorry if it came across that way, just the way Kickstarter seemed to be abused at a conference. It just seems like the wrong place for it. So succinctly put. You expressed my sentiments in one sentence far better than I did in 7 posts. I do tend to ramble and get sidetracked.
  8. My disgust at this tactic is not at the price of a game that would normally not be made. It's about using Kickstarter during an E3 conference to fund a game that may not appear on their platform if not successful. I thought the whole point of E3 was to show the public (and investors, etc.) what IS going to be released on your console within the next year (or in Sony's case the next 3 years), not what may release on your console if you back the crowd funding scheme of our choosing. It seems to dilute the whole meaning of E3 for me. If Sony announced the game and fully funded it, no problem. Have some conviction to back up projects on your console (especially if you've given them conference time). Maybe I'm being old school and fuddy duddy about it, but I just don't like it. With all the applause it received, it sets a precedent for future E3 shows to be dominated by Kickstarter projects and not funded projects as now. I've taken that to an extreme conclusion, but just one showing was too bile inducing for me.
  9. I had similar problems with my original 3DS and it was just time to upgrade for me, just as the New 3DS was released (good timing). So, far I think I've had my moneys worth just through playing Xenoblade 3D, and the extras (mainly c-stick and stable 3D) for games like Majoras and Monster Hunter 4. But I can't help shake that feeling as if Nintendo promised too much to buyers when they released it. Verbally they didn't promise anything, but I was expecting at least one more New 3DS exclusive title to have been mentioned by now.
  10. I just don't like to see it happen at E3 for example. Isn't Shennmue a big seller? (I genuinely don't know). Time will tell, but precedents have now been set.
  11. Listening to Jonny Metts on the most recent Away team RFN podcast, and he brought a good point about the features of the New 3DS, and why is it that Nintendo have seemingly forgot that this new console exists. He was well ticked off that no new New 3DS compatible games were announced. Sure games like Metroid Prime: Federation Force will have additional features (i.e. the c-stick), but no exclusive titles. Being such an early purchaser myself I feel disappointed, not angry. How about others?
  12. Yes, I admit I made a lot of assumptions, but it's just the way I feel about it happening during E3, a conference for computer game companies to show off games that will be arriving on their systems, not for ones that are not funded and not guaranteed to arrive, but also to gauge interest and generate additional funding. They could have easily announced this before or after E3, through proper Kickstarter channels, and it would have tasted better. I really hope that this does not become a future trend during computer game conferences, but Sony have shown that this can be a great success for both companies involved and their audience lapped it up, so why wouldn't they, and others, replicate it in the future? I'm totally sceptical at the best of times. So, when a massive corporate entity does this I see the worst. As for being insulting, yes I was toward Sony, but I didn't mean any offense to gamers of any ilk, especially anyone here.
  13. Future gamers. Sony have seen a huge success in this and will emulate it to death in future E3s, and I'm sure Microsoft will copy this strategy. 'Let's make a new AAA title, but hold on we can save a few million bucks by putting it through that Kickstarter scam that Shenmue 3 and Sony pulled last year.' I do see this as a scam, and one, due its huge success, that will be replicated with great fan applause every year. Sony must be laughing themselves to sleep over this. Had you all going and you fell for it.
  14. Looks so cool, can't see what all the negativity about it is. 4-player online or local co-op blast-em up.
  15. Wii Mote, just like on the Wii, no GamePad gyro controls.
  16. Well done, to you and the missus. Now, I'll be surprised if you get back to playing Splatoon anytime this decade. :P
  17. I thought the Canadian GP was a frustrating watch being a Hamilton, Button and Kimi fan. Rosberg was told to attack and Hamilton kept getting constant radio messages to slow and coast due to lack of fuel despite using less than his rival. Kimi spinning and McClaren looking absolutely the underpowered crap it is, when are they going to turn it around?
  18. Been so busy this week, that the release of 142 surprised me. Not read it yet, but here's the cover and 3 spoiler scans.
  19. 11th June, and few releases, saving it all for E3?? 3DS eShop Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure (Nintendo, €9.99 / £8.99) 3DS Retail Download LEGO Jurassic World (€29.99 / £24.99) 3DS eShop Temporary Discounts Luv Me Buddies Wonderland (O2 Games, €10.90 / £8.90 until 11th July, regular price €24.90 / £19.900 Battleminer (Wobbly Tooth, €3.99 / £2.99 until 25th June, regular price €7.99 / £5.99)
  20. This Thursday's rather lean offerings; Wii U Virtual Console Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue & White (Capcom, GBA VC, €6.99 / £6.29) Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts Cubemen 2 (Nnooo, €4.49 / £3.99 until 25th June, regular price €7.99 / £6.99) Fit Music for Wii U (O2 Games, €12.90 / £9.90 until 11th July, regular price €29.99 / £24.90) Luv Me Buddies Wonderland (O2 Games, €12.90 / £9.90 until 11th July, regular price €29.99 / £24.90) There is no mention of Lego: Jurassic World??
  21. They talk about the usual New Business as well, but most of it is about Twilight Princess. However, they bring up some nice discussion points that I would have never thought to talk about.
  22. http://www.base.com/buy/product/xenoblade-chronicles-new-3ds-and-3ds-xl-only-nintendo-3ds/dgc-xenocr3ds.htm Xenoblade Chronicles for the New 3DS has been reduced to 18.99 at Base.com
  23. I just finished the podcast and it just reminds me that I remember very little of the game (Twilight Princess). It was the first game (apart for Wii Sports) that I got with my Japanese Wii. Playing through the game in Japanese left me not knowing where to go or what to do at many points. Would love to play it again in English, but as an HD or 3DS version.
  24. Happy Birthday.
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