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Everything posted by Ike

  1. One Piece anime is on hiatus until April 2025 to improve quality, a move I 100% agree with.
  2. Blame @Glen-i , I was out for blood after he bombed me on the bridge after I activated it.
  3. All I know is that you are all jerks.
  4. You can turn off the sounds by setting it to "button mode" which makes it act more like a normal alarm clock.
  5. Ask the Developers vol. 14
  6. I have the K5 Pro and it’s a great keyboard. Wouldn’t mind a K3 for work.
  7. Dan Da Dan anime has started airing, would recommend based on the manga.
  8. Play magazine are shutting down. Just Edge and Retro Gamer left now?
  9. Falcom JDK band Special Stage event. Mostly “Trails of” songs this year.
  10. But more importantly!
  11. Aw kinda wish they hadn't announced it yet in that case. Guess they need time to meet demand.
  12. To be fair, it was pretty hard to get a good look at them.
  13. Wii Vitality Sensor 2.0
  14. Sonic music slaps.
  15. It'll be a fresh file for me. Also never played it before. Obviously we don't have to play that it if it's a pain to setup or anything.
  16. I think it's funny they got their dad to go beat them up.
  17. Kirby & the Amazing Mirror? 👀
  18. Ooh, I wonder if they'll do a new game as well then.
  19. And yet I came off worse. Figures. I blame @BowserBasher for Redshelling me in the first place.
  20. The box art for these are great. Might get an Edge. That USB cable is hilarious though (in a good way) as well.
  21. Not played this one yet, but I’d say you don’t need to have played the others.
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