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Everything posted by M_rock

  1. I would like to be added as well! (if that is still possible!) Code: 3179-6120-9444 Name: Miguel Town name: Pendule Native Fruit: Cherries Thank you!
  2. I gave you the bubble blower haha, hope you enjoy it :p
  3. I never experienced the NES generation, because I was too young for that. I'm a nintendo 3DS ambassador, so I have a couple of NES titles now. I find most of them horrible. They are just simply too hard. I love a hard game though, but it should be hard to beat because of the right reasons. The reason I find the NES games hard is because they are often very unresponsive. Controlling Mario in SMB is so frustrating, compared to the newer titles. But for example, with a game like Super Metroid I never had a problem. That game is also very hard, but because of the right reasons. It is challenging, but not annoying, and the controls are responsive. The game is hard, because the enemy design and level design are designed that way, and not because of a technical shortcoming. So yeah, I can finish hard games if they are difficult because of the right reasons, and not some annoying limited capability. I also love that the games are now easier/friendlier. I have an aunt who is now 56 years old, and she started gaming about 5 years ago. The first game she played was brain training, and her first "real" game was NSMB. Now if it wouldn't have been for the perfect controls in NSMB she would have never experienced how fun videogames can be. She now also plays Super Mario 3D Land, NSMB2, Luigi's Mansion.... Heck she even completes them 100%. So yeah I'm all for multi-layered games that are easy at the start, but offer a deeper challenge for more experienced players.
  4. It is normal, it seems to be a problem a lot of people with the European and American version of the game have so far. The error only occurs when you try to connect with a random dream town though! If you enter a dream code, or search a town by name, or by player name, or even by country, it works just fine. So it is only the "you decide" option that is broken.
  5. That's kind of weird? It's a 3DS game, but there is a limited edition WiiU of the game... Do I smell cross-console compability here?
  6. I have waited for this so so long! This looks fantastic, and I REALLY hope it gets localised this time! It's digital only, so that gives me a little bit hope
  7. Wii-U Pikmin 3 The legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker HD because duuuh best game ever The wonderful 101 3DS Luigi & Mario: Dream team (that's how it should be called haha ) Pokémon X & Y For some reason the new 3DS Zelda doesn't spark my interest at all, it seems so bland. The same goes for the new Mario 3D world for the WiiU. I'll get both games though and give them an honest try
  8. I was just wondering, it would be great to have a seperate thread to share our QR codes of the designs we made, no? Or is there already such a thread?
  9. Free dlc that can be claimed by requesting a gift while talking to Pelly or her sister Phyllis in the post office.
  10. Looks like I'm not going to make it tonight. But I'll try my utter best to get online tomorrow! I'm really sorry and hope you don't mind!

  11. I'm like 40 hours in now, and this is seriously the best 3DS game (at least for me haha). I'm in love with the sound track, with the graphics, the improved AI, the atmosphere aaaah! It's not even the simulation part that lurks me in, but it's this melancholic feeling that is so typical for the Animal Crossing franchise. SO GOOD Anyways, got my house upgraded again, payed off a bridge, a street lantern and a water well and had tons of fun at the island! I never expected those minigames would actually be fun, but they are a blast if you play together!
  12. Yeah, I totally want to check out your town! I'm usually online every evening between 9 and 12 pm (that's GMT +1).


    So if you want I can open up my gates every evening between those hours, and then you can just pop in when you like :)

  13. Your forum avatar is way too cool and hereby receives my approval! :D

  14. Do you guys think there is still a chance this might come to WiiU? After playing the DS and 3DS titles, I would really love to play this game!
  15. I'm totally very late to the party, I was in south France for a week and bought the game there (since Belgian stores didn't have it in stock again sigh haha :p ) Anyways! I'm totally ready for my new life! First impressions: the graphics are GORGEOUS and the improved AI of the animals is great!
  16. All the Animal Crossing songs are great tunes, in fact they need some dancing to it
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. Happy birthday both of you!
  19. Yes, 4 people in a wifi session at once is the maximum. Some kind of community option as in Mario Kart 7 would have been fun to use in a certain area to gather (like a city) indeed!
  20. So according to the Belgian Nintendo facebook, Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Time are releasing here in Europe this thursday! That's awesome
  21. oh. my. god. I want that ;A;
  22. Biskit is my favourite! (but I also really like Lily and Gaston) This doesn't need explaining. He's an orange dogs with striped ears who likes to eat and is named after a cookie. That is just PERFECT
  23. aaah ;u; thanks so much!

  24. I have to agree on this one. With Gen V gamefreak really stepped up their game to create a far more story centered game. They did a good job with Black/ White, but did it even better with Black2/White2. The characters feel so much more vibrant and alive. That's something that just wasn't in previous titles. So yeah, the pokémon series definitely has evolved (insert evolution sound here) But the Zelda series also has! I mean, it went from a classic controller setup to the best full motion control game there is out there! Skyward sword is way more cinematic than Previous titles. These are only small examples, but to me there is no way Skyward Sword and Ocarina and Time feel exactly the same. There is clearly alot of progression between them. I'll even go as far as saying there isn't a single Zelda title that "feels" like another title in the series. The Waker is absolutely different from Twillight Princess. Twillight Princess is absolutely different from Skyward Sword. Yet they still have the same feel to them and fit perfectly together as a serie. It's a perfect example on how to keep a series interesting.
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