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Everything posted by Emma

  1. @nightwolf Dan read about your diagnosis, and passed it on to me. I have pretty bad endo and ovarian cysts too. If you want to chat to me about it, feel free to PM me on here or Facebook. A little positive- although my symptoms haven't vanished completely, I feel much, much better since my surgery and coil fitting. I'm not in anywhere as much pain, and I have far more energy than what I used to do.
  2. When I was a student I lived abroad for just short of a year on the Swiss- German border. The best thing for me was meeting people and seeing the sights together. I'd definitely suggest a place with a good expat community, maybe Berlin? I'd also recommend moving somewhere that will offer a lot of sightseeing and good travel connections. Even though I didn't speak fluent German most people spoke good English, so I agree with Eenuh on that one. Oh and a country/job that appreciates holidays is also very important!
  3. It's actually fairly common to be called back in after a smear. I'm sure she'll speak to her family and find that out, but I imagine it's quite scary to get the news on your first one!
  4. Dammit, I too was wooed on OkCupid by a bad boy with fake tan and tribal tattoos, just look at him!: I just want a nice guy!!!! :laughing: :laughing:
  5. I really, REALLY.. REEEEEALLLY want this microwave (can't believe I've said that!) It's so AWESOME! £70 at Wilkinsons!
  6. I went to Disney Land Paris when it had only been open a few years and remember enjoying the fireworks on the lake at halloween. Best display I've seen. As for the parks, I definitely recommend Florida, they are sososo much better.
  7. Yeah, I think in the pictures the second one looks much nicer, but might not go as well with all my wardrobe full of flowery dresses!
  8. After playing Mario Kart on @Shorty 's I really want a WiiU! Maybe, maybe I'll ask for one for Christmas! I bought my guinea pigs a new hutch. It's a lot bigger than the photo suggests. They currently have 20% for all small pet items. I also bought 2 jackets from Topshop. I'll keep my favourite and return the other one. Which do you guys prefer?
  9. You found him in a field? He looks so cuuuuuuuute.
  10. All I could think was this:
  11. I really like the colour contrast of the green Yoshi and the red Mario controllers!
  12. ... Just don't tell Dan!
  13. Check out who we bumped into at Sheffield Food Festival yesterday! @Blade! He was lovely and really funny! ...Our meeting caused a glitch in the Matrix (behind me!)
  14. @Eenuh The books you've named are some of my favourite, so I believe you'll love The Princess Bride https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21787.The_Princess_Bride?from_search=true Don't be put off by the title! It's all action, fantasy, adventure, humour and romance. It's easy to get into and I couldn't put the book down.
  15. @Eenuh, you've just reminded me that I really want one of them! ...I also really want tickets to see Katy Perry in Sheffield on Friday. They still have tickets available.. Maybe I'll get 2 tickets :P
  16. According to the students in Sheffield fitted clothing is out, baggy is in (unless it's a suit- looking good @Ashley!). I think you look fine @The Bard.
  17. My neighbours are building a fence in our shared garden and it's raising my blood pressure. They're disregarding who owns what and they are taking our land. Landlord doesn't care either so there's nothing we can do except sit and watch them take the space. They haven't spoken to use about it, they've just done it. Whenever we've asked them about it, they've always done worse than what they've said. Also, we need to clean out the chicken coop and run this weekend and we can't because their tools are all over the place. On a positive note at least they are working in very, very smelly conditions.
  18. I wear some makeup, and I definitely recommend Benefit. Browzings That Gal Primer On my hair I use Aussie 3 minute miracle, it's awesome! : peace:
  19. I actually really liked part one, and I'm okay with how it ended. However I thought they went about it badly. Instead of spending the whole season on the wedding, then squeezing 16 years into one episode, they could have easily spread out the last episode across the season, focusing on an aspect each episode, as there was lots of great material there that wasn't fully used. I don't think we would have felt so annoyed with the ending then.
  20. I hate the dentist too. Injections in my mouth are the worst! Also, I'm sure the drilling during a filling makes my brain vibrate! Oh and the sucky thing is terrible and I can hardly breath! I feel so sorry for the dentist getting covered in my saliva!
  21. If you're interested in becoming a teacher, you need to get yourself some experience in schools first. Talk to a range of teachers about their experiences and what the job is actually like. I'm actually in the process of leaving teaching, so my experience isn't the most positive. However I'd be happy to give you some information if you'd like? p.s Started my new job yesterday! I'll be convincing young people (whose parents have never been to University) and mature students that studying a University course in healthcare is super awesome and worthwhile.
  22. Sounds like me and Dan! Have a chat with her about it, and both agree to go out of your way to be nicer to each other. I'd say it's normal, but then I'm only seeing it from my experience. What are the arguments over?
  23. My best friend moved to Dublin in September, he's been updating me throughout the day on all the fun things he's doing. Hopefully this time next year I'll be able to visit and join in in all the festivities. For now I'll have to make do with my green 'shamrock' hat in Animal Crossing.
  24. I've watched that gif on repeat for over a minute. I think I need to calm down. Also, congrats on all the dates and fun times! I think with the whole first date effort thing, it all depends on the type of person you're meeting and wanting to meet. Hopefully if you're both pretty chill, then it's a nice match. Whereas people who like to make an effort would like to see someone make effort. If that makes sense?
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