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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Oh, Sega. Do fuck off and give these games to a good studio...
  2. ooh Secret Identity! that's ace. I know I've missed Avenger's #5 and Iron Man #30- unsure about the rest. Most likely Captain America too
  3. Fucking Hell, forum. I'm so bastard behind on comics. Slightly rocky means of acquisition before and a two week sojourn to London has totally thrown me. I have no idea what I've even missed.
  4. full playlist update details:
  5. Last time I really cried was when my cat Elvis died. He had a long life and I knew it was coming but he was my cat more than anyone's. He was my buddy and he absolutely adored me so when he went it was really hard. I still get down thinking about it, actually.
  6. Don't make me ban you
  7. quick protip- the advanced settings allow you to place items according to coordinates. Use that for getting items to line up exactly.
  8. I think the slight problem with the story is that after a fairly concise intro it kind of meanders in to little disconnected sequences that don't feel connected enough. It tightens back up once you get back from orbit though and the last few levels are absolutely awesome.
  9. No, I was just pointing out that Dante seems to be alone in any kind of interest for this game.
  10. BP is cool. Wakanda, generally, is a really cool place in the MU.
  11. If anyone's up for more customs tonight, I have my mits on remakes of The Pit and Hang em High to try out. I also found Lockout but it's pretty shonkey.
  12. I see what you did there! You used a new Ps3 game and a poor 360 game from around launch! Lolololololololol!
  13. wuv u 2
  14. Yeah I see no problems yet. I could see the ps3 outlasting the 360 but not by much and so far there's been nothing of the technical gap between the two that was predicted.
  15. the problem with the team AI is quite simple: they don't shoot enough. For me to get a kill with the AR I need to pump a clip in to an Elite's face and then beat the shit out of him. A little bit of burst fire isn't going to get the job done. The best member of the team for actually helping out is Jun. The sniper rifle is powerful enough for that kind of shooting to work, and he's a really good shot.
  16. or basic human anatomy.
  17. Ahahahaahaahahaahaahaahaahahahaahahaha! Edit: There are no feet!
  18. Aye, Noble Team would be fucked without mighty Six!
  19. some cheeky gobshite armour locked in front of my speeding ghost earlier. I feel deeply emasculated.
  20. ok just spent all day blazing the campaign. That's possibly the best game I've ever played.
  21. probably. Time's winged chariot seems to be grounded by fog though.
  22. oh, come the fuck on postal service!
  23. yeah. Well, the obvious solution is to vote with your wallet in said scenario. as for flying solo at the cinema: I did this when I saw Inception. Was good! I mean, if you go with a friend you're basically only paying to sit in the dark and not talk.
  24. Actual 3D is fine. It works well for me, produces some cool effects and is generally gravy in my book (although the colour thing concerns me. Hopefully this will improve) retrofitted 3D applied in post production can fuck. right. off. I will never, ever go and see a film like this.
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