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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Castle Crashers utter lolz. 4 player is pure genius.
  2. played this briefly last night. lol. Apologies for all concerned as to my renditions of more than a feeling. I'm really very sorry
  3. I close my eyes and I slip aaaaaa-waaaaaaaaaay!
  4. but of course. Not had the OST for this game on the go for months. You know, because it's shit. Ipod in the USB ftw as they say.
  5. Meet was so awesome. It's a shame none of you stayed for a late shift as it was great later on, too. After the last departures, Jayseven, Nami, Shorty and I all went for a drink, then back to their flat for rock band and castle crashers till 3 in the morning. Epic, faintly savage and pure win
  6. every kind of fail concievable
  7. no, they don't. saying that, if you 'just pass', your missing the point of first year. It's training, bringing you in line to think as an academic student, not a school student. Pay attention, and you're set for the much harder two years that do count
  8. Burnout Paradise back on with the bikes. Only this time I was pumping up the chemical brothers on custom sound tracks. Quite possibly the most fun you can have without buying a ps3, then WipEOut HD, then doing the same thing.
  9. any of you keyboard botherers got an opinion worth reading about rescue dawn? rented it today so, in likelyhood, sunday viewing.
  10. guuuys! oh man oooh man you have NOT played this game untill you crank up come classics from the chemical brothers on sound track. ohmygiddy aunt it's wonderful.
  11. we should be in the botanics, fending jay away from vulnerable children.
  12. :shakehead :shakehead
  13. the philosophy behind the game is just awesome. pure, free form play. No ridiculous story, space marines or delusions of grandeur to be found. Just pure, boundless multiplayer entertainment. It's genius. also: I dare say we can call it the best designed sandbox environment to date. Even Liberty City pales in comparison to the playground of Paradise City.
  14. it's...possible, assuming the code is valid. You got a 360 mic? you need one, muchly.
  15. just sing bruce springsteen lyrics at her in the corridor.
  16. Google. 8910
  17. did you ever play games before the concept of a gamer score came about? this is one of the best games this gen, hands down. it funkin rules.
  18. Black is basically a game of Commando bolted on to Goldeneye. It was quality. oh, back on topic: criterion not making a sequel?
  19. that's because it fucking rules, dude.
  20. no that's White Best. Game. Ever.
  21. sweet jehova I'm knackered. Went volunteering this morning, doin god awful filing duty. Then I went out to get my dole money sorted, popped in to HMV for a DVD I've been after on the cheap for a while, bought a new top in river island then walked to a friend's, picked up a coat I left behind on Monday night and rented Rescue Dawn at blockbusters before ambling home. It's very warm and I'm fucked now. Rwar. Chillin now, then some Burnout methinks
  22. it's ok. that's really poor quality so I suppose it'll be better to hear it done right.
  23. oh, woops. i actually hate the syntax of the mod system. i probably pressed the wrong button
  24. it's good, but i can beat that if i ever get lucky. on 37 myself.
  25. Burnout: Paradise. been playing the bikes update today and it ROCKS. perfect handling, preposterous speed and a luvurly new lighting engine with a day night cycle and haze/fog effects aaaand a whole bunch of new multiplayer and single player content just makes this amazing stuff. It's free too. Genius.
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