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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. reportedly, no. Not played it myself but it's been getting sub par reviews all over the shop. I'd save my cash for a good RPG like Fable.
  2. Hi I'm Daniel. I have a crushing addiction to Viva Piñata.
  3. hahaahahaahahaahhahahahahahaha
  4. no we're meeting at the station. Naught but scant yards from your alightment.
  5. these aren't art. Craftsmanship (in a limited sense- none of these are unique, right? but not art by any means. Nooooo way.
  6. Gotta say- even though I much prefer controllers to M+K, I'd find that really hard without autoaim.
  7. oh, you're actually giving sex eyes dressed as sonic. hmm..little aroused.
  8. freshers week is so important in first year. get to it boy!
  9. You aint seen nothin yet. Keep on truckin!
  10. The bus routes are all on the eighty line so any number in the 80's from the stop outside Zavvi will get you where you want to go- and the stagecoach ones are the cheapest. Also: Solid plan. I appove.
  11. Thread. Now.
  12. what, again? *groan*
  13. Yeah I had to have a load of physiotherapy when I was a nipper to get my brain to play nice with my body so NHS are generally pretty awesome in my books for that one. I imagine I'd be a bit of a mess without it.
  14. holy shit, that's some expensive meds! yeah, NHS ftw and stuff
  15. I'm not sure where Macain stands on the war front. You'd imagine, as a war vet (and a 'nam PoW no less) that his stance would be vehemently pacifistic. Yet the default Republican stance is one more committed to a US presence in Iraq. That said, I think it's a given that they'll be there a while, and it'll be hard to judge either President by their actions in dealing with the wreckage left by the administration of another. As I understand it, the traditional Bush neo-con faction will have little to do with Macain's camp, come November success.
  16. I'm not as impressed this time. Probably because it's been done, but mostly because Total Eclipse of The Heart doesn't have as good a drum section as In The Air Tonight.
  17. Doesn't have to. It was just a really funny idea that people could remember.
  18. deep burn. High five.
  19. In Sheffield? lol.
  20. SO. new Kings of Leon is out. Thoughts, anyone? Enojying it myself atm. KOL seem comfortable with what their doing and it's unmistakably their sound now. They're good songwriters though, and that's no bad thing.
  21. thing is with EVE is that the only good part of it is the community- the gameplay done solo is a bit shit but given the time, the very stuff he purposefully ignored is what makes EVE EVE.
  22. Have you ever seen The Return? That's the most soul rakingly savage piece of emotional brutality-disguised-as-something-you-pay-to-have-fun-to ever made. Left the cinema wondering what the bloody point was, frankly. In cheerier news: I caught The Host this week and was pleasantly surprised. I knew it was a black comedy going in, but from old reviews I expected a different plot. Excellent stuff, in all. The pitch black mockery of Bureaucracy and media sensationalism reminded me of Brazil a bit, only filtered through typically mental Eastern style. Go rent it, peons.
  23. this just makes me feel really quite sad. Another victim of American gun culture if anything, although trying to find blame at all feels a bit...pointless. Poor kid.
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