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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. DLC might be an issue, but Valve are bringing the TF2 DLC over to 360 soon. Shame it's months late and won't revive the game. I played it today and it was so boring. Nobody used mics, nobody played as a team. It was bullshit.
  2. what was the question?
  3. This game looks shit. I hate the phrase 'good for a wii game' because all it does is highlight that the Wii can't possibly handle a good modern FPS. It can't do physics, AI, graphics or animation to any quality to keep up with the current crop of the genre, and this game just comes out looking like an N64 shooter.
  4. Blazing Saddles Comedy perfection, this. Classic Brooks send up of the Western, racism and just about anything that gets in his way. I was raised on this film and I've probably seen it about 30 times. Genius.
  5. Watched Blazing Saddles with a friend just now and she'd not seen it before. Quite possibly the best comedy evar! Also very amusing to watch with a first timer. Then spent a good while being shown round this ridiculously vast web source for DJ set material that features an utterly vast library of tracks to stream and buy, by genre and artist. Well good
  6. Thing is, They're not exactly sitting on their hands all day are they? They have 3 or more games in production, all of which are on two platforms already. They carry weight with steam, but they're still just one studio.
  7. http://www.theonion.com/content/news/pedophile_nervous_for_first_day_of?utm_source=onion_rss_daily lawl.
  8. god AF is posting pictures? ohmygodnowai!
  9. secondary thread function: Point and laugh at ps3 users.
  10. Distinct lack of general excitement for this game round these parts, guys. I'm disappointed in you, really. Here's some videos to enthuse you. mmm....Zombie carnage.
  11. I'm with skunky here. If you let the other team fuck you with hogs, it means you let them take control of the map and power weapons.
  12. quite ironic, really.
  13. that was far more to do with social issues than sexual though
  14. I actually need to retract my previous statement. Drank some crazy Belgian monk beer last night that is, quite possibly, made from God's tears.
  15. but they're beyond comparison. With homosexuality, the taboo was down to people being wrong.
  16. comes in a generous bottle.
  17. It was a savage financial burn, but it was so worth it.
  18. bit stupid, but I've forgotten the exact name. It's made by Belgian Monks though; exactly the way they made it 300 years back. Quite what this method is eludes me, however. One theory is that they actually own The Holy Grail and use it's powers to transform water in to this Ambrosia. The actual taste was peculiar, but amazing. It hovered somewhere between ale and lager, with an almost citrus sharpness to it. It was incredible. also incredible: £4.50 for just over half a pint of the stuff. Veeeery pricey but it's just off the scale delicious. It made sweet, prince grade love to my tastebuds.
  19. incidentally guys; went to The Devonshire Cat last night and had the sigle greatest beer I've ever tasted. in fact, it was probably the best drink of any kind I've ever had.
  20. fair point. I dunno: Porn? Porn is usually a winner
  21. their politics, isolationism and a national obsession with sports.
  22. Yeah same... off out to town later. Mate's last night in town before uni so we're off to the pub. Can't really afford it, but there you go...
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