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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Tears of rage? that's different.
  2. that's good, but not as good as Hong Kong's 'Man Fuk Road'.
  3. 'way too long' is a bit misleading. It takes them longer, yeah, but not too long. It just needs time to make games as good as theirs.
  4. Wall.E is the single greatest thing I've ever seen. I just loved every single second of it. The scene where they
  5. Major corps buying up smaller companies is nothing new, so I'm not exactly worried about seeing Google ads in Episode 3 or anything. Only really important thing from our perspective is that one of the richest companies in the world could be backing the most talented games developers in the world from now on. Good thing!
  6. The Fith Element is a comedy classic. For some reason, it's not often called a comedy but it clearly is. It's also brilliant.
  7. gently recovering from a demonic hangover, presently. time to have a shower and some lunch I think.
  8. you're really, really wrong. still can't stop listening to mogwai. been this way for a week now- my entire music collection is withering on the vine in neglect. Anyone else got their mits on The Hawk Is Howling yet? It's just fantastic.
  9. that's a faintly arousing thought.
  10. zomg blueness. When was this?
  11. hehe this is fun. I've been trying to keep my mouth shut for over a month since flinky told me his master plan. wheeee!
  12. it got canned, though. it wasn't supposed to end like that. not watched it myself but my mate swears by it.
  13. bc 2 with full physics would be batshit awesome
  14. saw a really nice duffel coat from H&M this week. Do want. It's a bit sexual.
  15. Job hunting in earnest today. Need to whip out some applications.
  16. no you can't, sadly. I tried that myself.
  17. Never played it. Heard it was a bit weak sauce though. The others are the pimpest of pimps though.
  18. told you it was good. that ending is something else, eh?
  19. I can haz wurld toor?
  20. sick if you fancy a game some time drop a pm. It's wicked online.
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