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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I read an article in this week's Guardian film supplement that had a good section on the editing process, and basically defended the role of producers who know more about proper film craft than most directors ever will. The perception that any one individual has complete control over the process at any given point is, largely, a misconception.
  2. meh. can't say I really care about fable co-op. I mean, it's a bit more personal as a solo effort, isn't it?
  3. finally seen Goodfellas! awesome film, great cast, great direction, great sound track. Yeah. Stuff.
  4. You've all misunderstood me. I don't mean the technical editing is poor, just that the studio's have lacked restraint in sticking to a decent running time because they're trying to emulate the success of the LOTR trilogy. I mean, 3 hour Harry Potter Films, the ridiculous excesses of The Matrix sequels etc can all be attributed to this. and King Kong is way too long. half of the action scenes should have stayed on the cutting room floor and the first hour should be half that. I mean, I enjoyed it but it's pretty overblown stuff.
  5. oh, woops *actually pays attention* that's cool. Good track
  6. fun fact: the prop team totally misunderstood the brief for the terminator and made the entire thing out of steel instead of fiberglass. Apparently those bits were a nightmare to film as a result.
  7. I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say they're probably not in this thread, and even so the people you're sending the cd to are going to be random. Keep it clean, seriously.
  8. gah, please don't. Nobody else here is in to that stuff...
  9. I only really care about achievements if they make the game a bit different, something to aim for in a weird way. I have no interested in stats based achievements (GoW 'seriously?'springs to mind) but things like Geometry Wars that encourage an unorthodox style of play are more than welcome.
  10. i predict gubbins. the worst bits of the original were the action scenes, so a film presumably made on the grounds of having an action packed virus break out will, eh, suck.
  11. oh, awesome. well seeing as I'm in to good dance music, I'd much rather hear that.
  12. Pretty busy today. Was down at the 'Bureau again doing my volunteering thing. This time I got to do my bit on reception which was far more interesting than what I've done before. After that I went to see Jayseven, Shorty and Nami and hung about for a bit playing castle crashers and Gears of War before coming home for tea Trying to decide what to do with my evening now. Might settle down for a DVD as I feel I ate too much.
  13. my mate once claimed to be the male version of a lesbian. he meant well, but it didn't stop us ripping on him considerably at the time.
  14. He did sort of like CC though. You know, for him. I should just come back to your flat and play that more
  15. whereas King Kong, a worse film, was the definition of indulgence on the part of the director given far too much leeway by his studio.
  16. I just read that, somewhere in the world, a bunch of people are writing and producing American Psycho: The Musical either the world has reached an irreversible state of decline and this is the herald of the End of Days...or this is the best thing I've ever seen in my life. I can't quite decide.
  17. ah, fox... if another great show goes...I'm taking their kneecaps.
  18. there is a crash mode. It's called showtime and you turn it on with both bumper buttons at once. It's pretty fucking cool the city isn't too small- it's perfect for memorising all the short cuts etc. you won't need a gps eventually. yeah it gets too dark and play online. It's how the game was meant to be enjoyed, really. If you fancy a game, me and cube play every now and again.
  19. yeah it's pretty good. Not entirely sure it's as good as they've been previously but it's a solid effort.
  20. I doubt it. The first season did better than expected, prompting a big budget increase for this series. Am I missing something?
  21. that was the definition of back on form as was last weeks. does this one count?
  22. covers are problematic. The Futureheads version of Hounds of Love is nowhere near as good as the original, but it sometimes feels like comparing them is a bad idea. they feel very different- like the lyrics are about completely different emotions.
  23. there isn't one- still dealing with sign ups so far. I may close the thread on Friday and decide a date then. Edit! OK guys and dolls. sign ups for this thread will close on Sunday night, after that, I'm setting 2 weeks ahead to deadline where you should have sent your CDs to whoever you have to.
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