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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Tell you what, if we both hit 30...
  2. Unleashed had that godawful wolf shit though. What this needs to be: Wide screen HD, XBLA + PSN pure old school retina scorching retro indulgence. if they try and do anything else the formula won't work.
  3. That kinda sucks. Still, rather have the minor delay over rushed art. I blame Haunt.
  4. Good Lord, man! Where?
  5. Amazing band. I heard recently that they built their own instruments because the sounds they wanted to make simply didn't exist yet. Punk futurists. Incredible, really.
  6. You've played it then? I want to see footage. Screenshots like this could mean anything, really. Especially given the 'nice but..yeah...' art direction.
  7. I'd forgotten about the sig. It's currently adblocked as the single most repugnant and unpleasant image on the forum. and yes: objectivity. The extended Sonic cast are, without exception, the most creatively barren example of barrel scraping desperation imaginable. The epitome of crap, misguided market research led game design and basically the sum of everything wrong at Sega that scuppered their status as a contender. They are totally without merit of any kind and should be jettisoned without mercy, hesitance or regret. Preferably out of a giant cannon aimed at the heart of a distant burning star in the far reaches of the galaxy.
  8. I'd argue you most certainly don't.
  9. He's got a voice that could only work in his own band. It's not really a good voice at all, but they use it well. They're great performers, too. As an aside...
  10. Invincible feels too happy go lucky for Bard. Great, obviously, but relies on a deep love of comic-dom I feel.
  11. I think you'd like Wanted by Mark Millar. Nothing like the film adaptation and rather brilliant. see also: V For Vendetta and Irredeemable
  12. I didn't even know Norwegian Wood was being adapted. Good times. Roll on Storm Trooper!
  13. So the next drop from Marvel is looking pretty spectacular. Whole bunch of Siege tie ins and some other good stuff. I'm reading the majority of their books so great for me.
  14. I like way you think, kid...
  15. Enough money to actually invest in a solid form of music again, please. This temporary age of the intangible is wearisome and troubling.
  16. I'd forgotten about that. Entirely unsurprising from a deluded, self agrandising looser with a persecution complex though.
  17. Seems I'm having a bad time of the Royal Fail lately. First, half my preset from my brother got lost in the post before christmas (though I still got two awesome books from him) and I just got an email from a company on amazon saying that the DVD I ordered from them (the excellent CB4. Check it out) has been returned to them 'severely damaged' and they're out of replacements. Pissed off as it was a sick deal at £3 and I really want to see it again. Oh and a few months ago some review copies of games got 'lost' en route to my house. Pikey theives no doubt. I hope that useless bunch of twats get privatised in to the fucking dark ages.
  18. Did you ever see a thing called The Estate Agents? Less funny than cervical cancer.
  19. How disappointing. I'm a big Adam & Joe fan. I hate to see them engaged in such poor material.
  20. Hey guys! Did you know that under Section 49 of the Youth Justice act 1997 that the media can't identify juveniles under 18 in reports of court proceedings? I do, because I'm revising court law and it's shit!
  21. That's shit. Hall is awesome. Sounds like they're beating it but damn This is Really Weird
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