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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Review copy. I know a guy who knows a few guys who know a few guys who make fucking awesome games.
  2. Someone buy me this This just in: Rob Liefeld still can't draw feet or even his own two most famous characters.
  3. Easily leads to unhealthy conservatism though.
  4. Well, no, I suppose not. But that's still 30 odd years before that. Crucial years too- when we really decided the kind of society that we wanted to be after the war.
  5. Yeah I think it's something that we, as a nation, find quite alien. For us, we've had generations bought up on post war social development that's ingrained the idea that the state should control health and everyone should have access. For the americans, post war meant a whole different social trend that was based on the prosperity of industrial and corporate revival. They don't have that basis of everyone being in it together.
  6. Assuming leetpants has a soul, lets go with 'good' Obama is in the least enviable position I can imagine for a inaugural president. His predecessors fucked up the entire planet then just as the shit hit the fan, they left him in the position to clean things up. Combined with rabid rightwing block voting against genuinely progressive policy, and you have a pretty shit position. Guantanamo Bay is also a legal minefield that he still hasn't cleared. I was hoping that'd be done by now, but it's clearly not the kind of place you can conveniently dismantle, given that it's a legally dubious gulag designed for indefinite incarceration without charge I can only imagine what kind of smokescreen the bush administration put it under.
  7. If it makes you feel any better, you probably did better than me.... Seriously though: chin up. Interviews are kinda hard to take but you're clearly awesome. You'll be fine
  8. Can't stand em personally. Knuckle dragging, moribund madchester drudgery. They lucked out with a few good songs early on and refused to innovate, grow or change for a decade while they pumped out tepid stadium chants for mondeo drivers.
  9. Great. There's a mod that makes you loose 5,000,000 XP when you kill someone using it. Fucks sake.
  10. *obligatory 'she said' etc reference*
  12. I'm back on another Interpol kick. Easily one of my favourite bands- They're just masterfully controlled. Their songs are monuments to subtlety, understatement and precision. I find them incredibly moving- I was literally on the verge of tears seeing them live last year and they can summon that reaction from the merest, incremental shift in a chord, hook or rhythm. An amazing band.
  13. haha that was quite good actually
  14. That's the default
  15. Oh, sweet lord this is genius.
  16. Should get getting this for free. Hypr Lulz
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