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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Seems even Haiti can't avoid stick from rightwing nutjobs. This is an incredible response to two such scumbags.
  2. Nobody should be reminded of blink-182
  3. He really is great. Quality comic actor who should basically be in everything.
  4. That sounds completely disgusting.
  5. but he's like the...cover version of Vision.
  6. I'm going with 'no' as i have no idea what you're on about so presumably that's come to and end. He's back to being super fast. Cool power anyway, I always thought.
  7. It's been a proper weird series. Post Civil War was awesome. Like, proper epic classic Avengers stuff with a really good team but literally everyone on the team switched out in Secret Invasion. Ares and Sentry joined Osborn, Iron Man went on the run, The Wasp died, ms Marvel joined The New Avengers and Black Widow went underground with Bucky Cap. Pyms team is just...nowhere near as good. Stature and Vision don't feel like Avengers and US Agent is...what, a parody? Totally obsolete next to Hercules anyway, who is the series' best character along with Amadeus Cho. Quicksilver is quite good and Pym himself has been pretty awesome. Jocasta is just weird. There's not enough gelling with the team, is the problem. They're characters seemingly picked at random. i don't know why they're a team, really. that said it's still really enjoyable, largely down to the writing. It's really snappy and fun which makes the book feel much larger than life.
  8. Mighty Avengers is out too. Still a compelling read despite a weaksauce team and robot sex.
  9. oh yeah. Why did I think I'd not read it? uhh....carry on!
  10. So Ryan Ottley is leaving Haunt Frankly I'm happy. I thought haunt was uninspiring and the thought of delays on Invincible made me sadface. Good too have him back full time.
  11. My face hurts. Managed to bite all the way along my left cheek in my sleep the other night, effectively turning it in to a wholly accurate denture mold for several teeth. Swelling and ulcurs ahoy. fnnuugghh.
  12. Happy birthday
  13. That's pretty awesome. Iron Man and Dark Avengers tomorrow. Massive win
  14. I think Jim got there first from the sounds of it Heyyyo!
  15. It's a theme, a motif. It's neither the dramatic climax or the crux of the narrative. It's a means by which McCarthy establishes a new morality and a prism through which to view a burned world. One of a series of images that establishes the finality of his apocalypse. You should read it. It's good.
  16. this would be the weekend of the 28th or earlier? depends which.
  17. Good luck! I have also been revising. And heading towards a denial spiral about my impending essay deadline. Fun/ fucking doomed. I'm around...yes? yes.
  18. I just think it's absurd that people intentionally go to the cinema to get nothing out of it.
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