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Adrian DX

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Everything posted by Adrian DX

  1. Btw. Dyson, add me. I've got you in my list, but you never added me back ;-)
  2. Yea.. I can get past it on Hard, but not a chance on expert... I think I might be able to get pretty far into the song if I could just get that intro right...
  3. I finally met the point in the game where I'm starting to struggle. I'm at the 4 last songs of Hard and these songs are pretty damn hard. But I've played 33% of Expert and no problems yet.. I find that kinda weird =P
  4. He's flipping a switch for DK. The switch controls a bridge on the top of the level.
  5. Oh yea? Lets try removing Mario's hat from the next main Mario game. It's comparable to that.
  6. I think I've fainted.. And it wasn't too long ago. I was taking a blood test to check if I had some illness (had been having a real bad coughing problem lately) and while waiting for the test results, I decided to stand up from the chair I was sitting in, and 2 seconds after standing up my head felt dizzy, my sight started fading and I knew I was gonna faint, and for some reason I decided trying to fall back on the chair was a good Idea, but the soft/bendable person I was I just ended up falling down to the floor in a strange position =P I lost the control of my body, I couldn't see or say anything. All I could do was hear. But it ended quite quickly. Then I had to lay down on the ground with my feet being held up in the air by resting them on the chair. I was also pretty close to fainting today after standing up a bit quickly.
  7. Sweet, I started really practicing Through the Fire and Flames on Expert today. I AM going to beat that song on expert eventually.. I'm just really having trouble getting the intro just right. And of course... 5 min. into the song, your strumming arm is pretty damn tired.
  8. When I got my first guitar I used to do the exact same thing untill I had played for about 6 months. I'm also left handed, but I play guitar right handed... Which I first now, two and a half year later, realize was a big mistake because when I play the "Post insanity" part of Through the Fire and Flames, I'm able to strum 2-3 times faster with my left hand =/ Probably gives me some kinda handicap in both GH and on real guitar)
  9. Agreed, but we'll probably get Tails first, as he is the more obvious "assist" trophy for Sonic =P More Sonic characters would own though, playable or assist.
  10. Nintendo has done great with the Wii, BUT.. Online Functionality Racing Games Horror/18+ Games and the fact that we've only got 512Mb of space on the damn thing is a pain in the butt. Those are the things I fell the Wii is missing. Also, a freeloader would spare me for some cash I've already spent on my Japanese Wii (but this is up to Datel of course, and not Nintendo themselves =P)
  11. So I've been playing the Japanese version down to about rank 5 now (yes, I've had it for about a month, and I'm slacking off on my most anticipated Wii game.. Its a shame) And I must say.. even though the only previous experience I've had with the game is videos and playing the TGS demo. I DO miss the blood.. While watching the black pixels flying across the screen, all I can think about is: Maan, it would be so much cooler if those were red =P I mean.. its such a small detail, but for some reason, just knowing that if it were not for censorship, it would be like it is in the videos we see from the American version. Looks like I'm getting all three versions of this game... Oh my poor wallet =(
  12. Ohhh man, pwning people online is sooo much fun.. At first I only met people who played Easy and so that I wouldn't choose Hard and get beaten because I made a few more mistakes, I also chose Easy, but I end up loosing because I almost fall alseep. But then out of nowhere comes this dude who picks Expert. I go along and think "YES! FINALLY! Some competition!" I select Bulls On Parade and My Name is Jonas (my favorite songs on GH3). And then I feel like a 5 ton block falls on my head. The guy picks Through the Fire and Flames two times!. And the Bulls On Parade starts playing, I rock as hard as I can, and in the end I actually beat the guy pretty badly. And then, after Bulls On Parade, Through the Fire and Flames begins and I end up totally owning his ass xD I was laughing so hard :P I got 60-something percent and he only got near 50 xP I LOVE this game ^^,
  13. DiemetriX gave them to me. They're probably from some game event where they gave out freebies, E3 05' perhaps
  14. Actually... My dad is one of the biggest Beatles fans in Trondheim, if not Norway. And I've grown up listening to The Beatles nearly every day, learning to love the songs and know them. But when I was like 9 years old. I discovered the band blink-182 and from that day on, they have been my favourite band of all-time. In MY opinion blink-182 were a way better band than The Beatles. No "quality" or whatever can change that. And sorry for replying to such an old post, I just found it funny that you mentioned those two bands (and you misspelled blink-182 btw. No biggie though =P)
  15. Guitar Hero 3 (Wii) Yotsuba&! Figurine Logitech G6 ITEC Home Cinema Collection Audio Video Switcher Buddha Statue Skate (Video Game) Caps Atari Wristband Ubisoft Sweatband 2 Condoms Wii Sparkling Vibration Gun Controller (Without vibration, lol =P) Ali G, Innit Ali G In Da House Ali G, Aiii Candy (M+Ms, Gold Coins, KitKat, IKEA candy) 6 Pack Carlsberg Identity Sundance Shield Tee Hard Rock Cafè Barcelona Tee Axe Vice And a handy amount of cash ^^,
  16. I finally got this game.. Thank Jesus for Christmas =P Already completed the game on Medium.. I'll seriously have to make the next-door kid come over to complete Easy for me... its to damn slow and has to few notes for me to even be able to play. I'll be waiting in the Guitar Hero III Friends Codes thread for challenges ^^,
  17. Um... No? If you have Killer7 yourself, you would know that when booting, you're greeted with the Capcom logo and the Grasshopper Manufacture logo. Grasshopper has always been the studio Suda has worked for and he'll most likely keep working with it because they do not alter the work he does (read this in an interview a week ago or so). And as someone mentioned before, Capcom was the publishers of Killer7, but now Marvelous Entertainment are for No More Heroes. Why? I don't know. Ask Suda or Grasshopper.
  18. Guess what I found in my mailbox this morning guys. No More Heroes!!! =D I've been playing it for about an hour and its really great, living up to its expectations so far ^^, I might write a little more detailed, post some videos or whatever later.: peace:
  19. Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX2 did 15k its first week. I dunno why games aren't selling well in Japan lately, must be because Christmas is right around the corner, and either people don't buy games because they think they might get them as a present, or something like that.
  20. Yea, it was nothing personal. I just saw all the talk about GTA and I thought I'd try to put a stop to it.. After all, this is the No More Heroes topic, not the GTA topic =)
  21. Winamp has an incredible format converter. Mark the files in your playlist you wanna convert, Right click on them, click "Send to Format Converter", select your settings and away we go =)
  22. What's up with this comparing No More Heroes to GTA? I've played both of the games, and there is close to nothing to compare. Its like comparing Nights to Marble Madness ffs. And in case this hasn't been posted here already: No More Heroes - Blood in PAL version petition Sign it, bee-otches
  23. I hate the fact that you have to chose either AAC or MP3.. I mean, why couldn't they make both possible? I can't see the problem -.-
  24. I think I can, but I never do it though. Just seems too weird for me =P
  25. Don't cross the Wiimotes, everyone know what'll happen then.
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