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Adrian DX

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Everything posted by Adrian DX

  1. Actually, I prefer playing the Cube version of TP. Myself I got bored with the Wii controls around Fire Temple.
  2. I'm getting WiiFit. I need to exercise and I'm too lazy to go to the gym =P But I'm hoping that it will be supported for some future games. Like Wario Ware, imagine what they could do with this thing in Wario Ware (^^,)
  3. I want this game, but our GAME always gets sold out before I manage to get it. Hero-of-Time, you sellin' by any chance? =)
  4. Same here, give me enough challenges, a broad multiplayer mode and many things to do in the game other than fighting (mini games like the batting game on Melee) and I'm happy. Though Online would be ace ^^,
  5. I saw this movie on pre-pre event. Loved it so much that I've seen it 3 times now xD Simply one of the best movies put out there during the last 3-4 years
  6. The console code will least likely be used as star codes, then anyone you've given your code to use your code without you knowing. Is there even VIP PIN's for the Wii console itself? I never got any =(
  7. Cool, but what the heck would you do in a Haruhi game? =P Good thing I'm going to Japan this september, import Wii & DS games ftw! =D
  8. I noticed something similiar with the edition I had for like 3 hours. The cover had the ESRB logo with a 18+ rating, while the disc had the red circle one with a 15+ rating... weird stuff =P
  9. Haha, yeah that Honda is so awesome. I helped him install the drivers seat and to install the back seats *so proud* That car is also my ride for these events That would be pretty damn cool
  10. Pictures I took from yesterdays Drive-in event This was frickin' awsome btw. but I need to remember to put on more clothes for the next event xD Was sooo cooold >_>
  11. I've got this Point of View NVIDIA NVTV card that uses the NVIDIA ForceWare Multimedia software to record TV and other stuff with the TV card. But the thing is that I don't have this disc and the NVIDIA doesn't want to share it on the web for some curious reason. And no torrents have it either. But I've heard that the ForceWare Multimedia software sucks, so I wondered if there were any other programs that I could use instead of ForceWare? Any tips? (Would be nice if that program could record stuff from the S-Video port). Thanks (^^,)
  12. Hm, strange problem indeed. If Dynamic was already selected/marked on your computer, then your computer is not part of the problem (if IP conflict/collision truly is the reason for the internet crashing.) Check the other computers tomorrow and if none of them are using static IPs, then thats not the problem. And I doubt the wireless/wired part has anything with it to do.. I cant see why that should be a problem, but if you have a non-costing way of checking it, do so just to be sure ^^,
  13. Its not that he can't record with it, but he wants to know how to stream video so that others can see what he broadcasts
  14. There are online services that lets you broadcast your webcam, but I think all of them cost cash. I'll ask Diemetrix, I know he used to stream his own webcam somehow.
  15. You use static IP's? the reason the internet doesn't work might be because there are IP collisions. Just a thought.. Though Windows usually gives you a little box in the bottom right corner alerting a IP collision. Edit: oh.. I see Shino wrote basically the same I did... but here's a quick picture guide on how to make your IP Dynamic. (Don't get confused by the Norwegian system language )
  16. Thinking about it, that would actually be cool. Fire 6 shots, and do a fancy battery reload Though it would be a bit expensive playing a game of *anything*
  17. So I finally switched off my computer for some downtime again this morning and tried connecting the pins, and luckily, my external 300 GB HD did not start burning or make weird noises, but when I plug it in when windows has booted, I hear the regular "new hardware connected" sound, but nothing else happens. I have no clue whats wrong.. everything connected as I wrote in the first post and I connected VP to power (pin 10) and VG to chassis ground (pin 8). And if its any help to anyone willing to help () heres the mapping for 1394 on my mainboard: Also thanks for the help you've already contributed with, =NukeBlaze= ^^,
  18. Try entering BIOS setup and change the boot order. (try disabling everything and put HDD (harddisk) as the main (1) boot device.) And when you get the chance, backup everything (important) you've got and format the thing and install XP or Vista, you don't need both at the same time Oh and, if that network card is removable, try removing it.. My laptop wouldn't get to the logon screen for windows when I had my wireless network card (which was broken) inserted.
  19. Hi everyone! I have a small problem with installing my firewire port (built in on top of my case) to my mainboard. The case is called CS-A+380 Twin Engine (1/2) And the mainboard I'm using is a Albatron PX865PE PRO II (pic) Now... the problem is that the firewire port (and USB ports) are connected to the USB/1394(?) pins on the mainboard. I've successfully connected the two USB ports, but the firewire one is alot more tricky. Now I think the firewire should be connected to the "1394" pins, if this is wrong, please let me know The thing thats confusing me is that the mainboard "map" has different names for the pins than the cords from the firewire port. This is what the 1394 pins are called according to the mainboard "map": 1 - TPAP 2 - TPAM 3 - Ground 4 - Ground 5 - TPBP 6 - TPBP 7 - NC 8 - Chassis GND 9 - PWR 10 - PWR and these are the names written on the cords: TPA + TPA - TPB + TPB - Ground VP VG I've connected the TPA + and TPA - to TPAP and TPAM (P= plus and M= minus?), the TPB + and TPB - to TPBP and TPBM and the ground to 1/2 ground pins but I can't figure out where to connect the "VP" and "VG" ones. If anyone has any experience with this, pleeeaase help, much appreciated. ^^,
  20. Hah, ditto. I thought about posting a "special" one, but its so special it'd probably get me banned xD
  21. I loved RE0! The FMVs in this game are incredible! Always packed with action and other cool stuff. I dunno what more it is that makes me love Zero, but I guess it has a nice feeling to it or something like that. Though I don't think its better than 1/Remake. It captures a second place on my "Favorite Resident Evil Game" list.
  22. Sunshine was good, it has extremely nice graphics, but Mario 64 had the levels, the hidden stuff, the surprises, the hats and the music. Mario 64 > Sunshine.
  23. If I ever find Vexx in a store I will buy it.. Or maybe I'll import a cheap US version from eBay.. I always wanted to try Vexx out, that main char. looks so cool
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