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Adrian DX

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Everything posted by Adrian DX

  1. Tried pressing and holding the systems sync buton (under the small lid left of the disc tray) and then pressing the controllers sync button (under the battery lid) ?
  2. My first impressions was that this might kick PS3 and Xbox360s arses And after playing more of the games today (Rayman, GT, CoD) for about 4 hours I now know why I didn't waste my money on a 360 (^^,)
  3. I've played to the end of the forest temple now (Japanese cube version) and I have to say. Up till now this game has potential to be better then Ocarina of Time O.o Will have to give it more time before I can really decide if this is true or not Mainly because its Japanese and because of that, I don't know the story yet
  4. No midnight openings for Wii here in Trondheim =( me and DiemetriX did play our stores Wii demo unit with Wii Sports, GT something, Rayman and CoD3 untill 23:50 though. And I do have TP for my cube so I guess I'll be able to wait 9 more hours =) Congrats to all of you who already have your Wii's
  5. I've played 5 hours of the japanese version now. School starts in 4.5 hours, but before I go to sleep. I've gotta inform you guys of one thing: THIS GAME OWNS!!! O.o This could seriously knock Ocarina of Time out of my "favourite game of all time" spot :shock: Its crazy Oh well, I'm tired.. Off to bed =)
  6. I have no idea what an rare gamecube game is, but I've got these of the ones already listed here: Killer7 Phantasy Star Online 1&2 Phantasy Star Online 3 Zelda - Collectors Edition Pokémon Box Resident Evil Ø/0/Zero Zelda Four Swords Freedom Fighters (rare or not?) StarFox Adventures And is MGS really rare? O.o Ooh, and also I've got a japanese Biohazard (Resident Evil) 4 demo disc. I think that one's pretty rare. And a GC kiosk demo disc from october 04 or something like that.
  7. Because "animal crossing in disguise" might be cooler?
  8. This game looks so cute. I YouTubed the video earlier, jic.
  9. Pro - No scratches on your discs. [sarcasm]Oh yes, getting games earlier and cheaper is a pain in the butt, and the CodeJunkies crew (or any other crew for that sake) will never create a Wii freeloader, I just know this.[/sarcasm] You can sell the games on eBay though, and buy brand new games for the money instead. And some stores take import games too (at least here in Norway) Why would you want a discount when the retail price of the US game is about the same as the European discounted price? And most online stores have discounts too. None of these so called cons will stop me from importing. But I will make one con I really think is a possible import-stopper for you though: - Need a stepdown converter to play. (sorry if any of these replies seemed to nosy or cocky etc.)
  10. Well now thats settled, I need a component cable... Wonder if I should go for the GAME one or the Official one, I heard the official ones won't be avaible before december 18th in the US, hope Europe will get our/their own cables.
  11. I wish they'd kept that version, I love that B button and that start button, and look at that cool cable
  12. You power on the wii for the first time, set the date settings etc. Go to the setup menu (lower left corner), and look up "Internet". Then you configure the Wii to connect to your home network using a DS-like setup system. So yes, you need a wireless connection in your house to enjoy Wii online ;-)
  13. Sure will I can allready tell you that when I played TP in october (the E3 demo) that there were NO problems with the controlls. So if that is Jeff's main point in giving it 8.8 (like some people on here say), I think he should dramatically reconsider and let someone else (with better gaming skills) play the game and write the review.
  14. My Wii + 10 games hopefully ships tomorrow ^_^
  15. Its not the retailers fault that they don't know how many Wii's their getting. The store I work in doesn't have this information yet either. Neither does any of the other stores in town.
  16. Jeff lost of repsect from me when I saw the video review. TP seriously can't be a 8.8 game. It MIGHT be possible, but the other review sites proove it is definately a 9/10 or even a 10/10 game. I agree with this, I don't think this thread is useless.
  17. I think the Wii will recongnize Resident Evil and MGS and it will proably give a special message or something when you get to the "Please replace disc 1 with disc 2 and close the lid." message. The Wii then disables the "close the lid" thingy and lets you change the disc. Or maybe it will just spit out the old disc, you slide in the new one and it continues? Would be pretty cool. I don't think this will be an issue though. Come to think of it, the Freeloader works (also uses disc switching), so why shouldn't normal games work?
  18. Yeah I know, just can't think of anything that won't make it sound like a rumour or whatever. But it DOES have a question mark, ergo: the thread is a question. Edit: There, changed it (hopefully for the better )
  19. I wouldn't consider myself the biggest TV tech geek in the universe, but I have an HD TV and I play Gamecube with regular composite cables. Yes, on some games it IS hard even looking at it, but at more bright games (like Naruto, Wind Waker, Mario Kart, Sunshine etc.) its not so bad that i want to poke my eyes out with an fork. I would love to get the Component HD thing addon cable from Japan for my cube, but its too damned expensive =/ (But now with all this HD talk I'm getting the hype for one).
  20. I've been wondering this for a while and perhaps some of you guys have seen a article on this issue? I'm wondering if you can play Phantasy Star Online 1&2 (and 3) for the Gamecube online on Wii. It should work imo. same thing with LAN modes for Mario Kart, Kirby Airride and 1080 Avalanche... So anyone got any confirmation if this is possible or not? : peace:
  21. Well, then this is ALSO from a review stand point. It was extremely fun and because of the multiplayer it will last alot longer than most other games. Out of the 4 games I've played on the Wii, Wii sports is proably the one I found funniest (because of the multiplayer). And that is competing against Trauma Center, Wario Ware and Zelda. But single player it won't stand a chance against Zelda, Trauma and Wario
  22. Weird, I'm using FireFox myself And.. its the exact same picture
  23. -Wii asking for Startup disc. Just thought this fitted in this discussion. Soo, in my eyes this is to "set up" something. Not an introduction thingy.
  24. If they change the main character (And I mean everything about him (nearly)) I might consider, but that dude looks so effin' stupid. So based on that I'm not too hyped for this.
  25. If anyone's willing to host, I can upload a s**** bunch of videos.. (well not s**** bunch, but a few ). Sorry about not uploading them earlier Better later, than not at all =)
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