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Adrian DX

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Everything posted by Adrian DX

  1. My exact thoughts short after the conf. ended. But, this will happen anyway and if Nintendo does release it first, dumbasses will still claim that sony was there first and bla bla bla. And so what? the Wii controller is far better than that cheap-assed rip-off.. my look at that thing is this cheap thing you buy at toy stores £10. I mean when you look at that idiot strugling with it, you know they can't pull it off. Who the hell wants to sit like that?
  2. When I showed that picture to my 21 year old brother he laughed for a while, but then he got real serious and said: "You know that is whats gonna happen, right?" I didn't really see what he meant since I had forgotten the fact that Sony are bastards who steal and they have always been this way. My bro was 100% correct on this one (like alwayss ). F**k sony I can also afford wiping my ass with £100 everytime I go to the bathroom, but I prefer buying toilet paper and saving some cash... If you see my weird point.
  3. Things to do later today: 1. Make a gif where that idiot waves around with the controller. 2. Change the audio of the speeches with Hitlers speech. 3. Burn some Sony marked stuff.
  4. Yes, he did look like a.. how do I say this in a nice way... Mentally handicapped.. but of course that is the Sony employee standard I gues...
  5. Sony deserves not to exist
  6. Same goes for this thread! Suck you fony!
  7. Ah yeah thats right, I remember your sig now Big blink fan myself, been into blink since late dude ranch days. You heard Tom's new band AVA? Their album (We Don't Need To Whisper) leaked some time ago
  8. Damn, I actually like System alot they're on my top 10 fav. bands list.. Proably on my top 5 too... Off topic: Hey! You're a AVA fan!! wii! Did you listen to blink back in the day? (Before they went on a "hiatus" too ) Yeah, it seems like alot of bands like this hiatus thing... Damn them!
  9. I actually think I've seen one of those
  10. I often post in the Phoenix Wright forums (ewilx), but other then that I feel its waaay to big to like, get to know people and stuff like you do at for example this forum. Also you can't paste stuff in that forum wich sucks balls!
  11. The old janitor/caretaker at our school (has quit now) Looked so damn like the Mario in the first Mario TV show ("Super Mario Brothers Super Show" (with the live action). Almost identical
  12. This competition isn't closed yet, right? I got tipped about it for a week or two ago, but totally forgot about it... heres my entry! One Tough Lawyer: Adrian DX Yes, its me.. and Phoenix Wright PWNS! :P
  13. I was just wondering if anyone has a video or something of someone playing the Fzero song "Big Blue" on guitar? this song is frikin hard (at least for me who has played for under a year :P ) It would be awsome seeing someone pull it off
  14. Weeeirdest name ever, Revolution was the best name ever. R.I.P.
  15. I work in the same store as DiemetriX (tee-hee) My favourite thing to do is just brag the hell out of games.. Mostly the ones I really want to reccomend. But sometimes also just to get rid of old games or games that I know won't sell out compared to the stock we have of that game. They almost always take my advice (exception with systems, since people like to think twice when buying that.).
  16. dun dun dun... I wanna see more cards, even though you're proably not making anymore... come on
  17. Too bad, I've liked them since their first album. (I still like that album the best ) I'm pretty sure they'll be back when they're short on cash
  18. Hahaha, these are awsome! That newest one reminds me of Hyrule Castle from Smash Bros. 64
  19. What a post! Anyways.. hooray for Resident Evil... Its incredible how every single game is so exciting and fun from the beginning to the end. Btw do anybody know where I could get that GC box set from 2003.. I've been looking all over for it for a few years now.. and how much do you think I'd have to pay for one?. If I remember correctly that box contains: Biohazard Zero Biohazard Remake Biohazard 2 Biohazard 3 Biohazard Code Veronica Wesker Reports 1&2 correct?
  20. Yeah, like last week I started playing OoT MQ again. And while running around Zoras Pond (or whatever) I found a seecret little pathway under the ground with invisible skultullas... Awsome to find these kinds of things years later.
  21. I wanna see them pull off a good Haunted Wastelands and Ganons Tower Good luck with Haunted Wasteland and Ganons Tower
  22. Oh well, for me the PSP seems more and more useless if you ask me
  23. Ha-ha-ha. Now I have to get these games Another one
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