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Adrian DX

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Everything posted by Adrian DX

  1. Yeah, what the fuck. How can the Wii play the gate to itself?!
  2. It seems like Nintendo starts some kind of campaing and then forget about it. Theres no doubt that Resident Evil 4 is a players choice. What the heck!
  3. Or of course you can just buy a new lazer, that might help. They don't cost too much either as far as I can recall..
  4. Freedom Fighters P.N.0.3 (even tough I got it free!) Enter The Matrix ISS2 Thats about it
  5. I dunno if they're actually released in europe. I'm friends with a guy that works in whats proably Trondheim's biggest comic book store, and I asked him if it was possible to get the killer7 comics and then he just ordered them. The little price-tag thingys in the bottom right of the issue covers is in USD so I guess they're from the US.
  6. I assume this is the most official Killer7 thread there is on this forum? Anyways... A week ago I was surfing around eBay for sealed copies of killer7 when I stumbled over Killer7 comics. I decided to go to town the next day to order the issues that are out. This friday the 4/8 comics (or something like that) arrived. Really cool comic. I reccomend it to anyone that enjoyed the video game. (I also added a picture of the 4 issues I got, they're number 1, 3, 3 (2nd version) and 4.) Anyone else here got their hands on this?
  7. I'm to lazy to make a great speech for each game, so I'll just write all the games I played and enjoyed (and maybe add a little comment after the title). I have to add that I missed RareWare this generation. But at least we got Free Radical to fill some of the empty holes. killer7 - Best Gamecube game imo. Resident Evil 0, 1 and 4 - My first resi game was on the cube and it got me hooked. Time Splitters 2 & 3 Phantasy Star Online - Great online MMORPG (wich I still play btw.) Donkey Konga Animal Crossing Mario Sunshine Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Auto Modellista Zelda Four Swords Crazy Taxi Can't think of much more right now. Maybe I'll add some more games later
  8. If my mom left a stripper in my room I'd be happy. But indeed, tragic and pathetic event
  9. Indeed, the Drum solo is the best part xD
  10. Yeah, 6 days to be exact Anyways happpy birthday to Donkey Kong =) But doesn't this also mean that its Mario's birthday/anniversary too?
  11. No big deal, I mean... As long as Nintendo has Phoenix Wright as their defence attorney, they'll be fine
  12. Good ol' blooper from Super Mario Bros. (NES) (that pic, is better viewed with a colored background (black, blue etc.)
  13. No way, josè. The day I enjoy Fifa, GTA, NFS or fifa street?! (wtf :shock:) will never come
  14. Yaay, Zelda won ^_^ And now they're asking if Zelda REALLY is the best game series ever? Okay, I gotta agree. They're not being very original:shakehead
  15. Its not Nintendo thats ripping off anyone, its the fact that the games have to travel and on that travel there are many companies etc. and every company that is involved in getting games to a certain country wants a piece of the cake. This is my experience: Japan = Cheap > U.S. = Still Cheap > U.K. = Getting expensive > Norway > Overpriced 2k
  16. Trailer for this game I just saw this, never looked much into this game before. Think I might pick it up at release. Looks good
  17. Angels And Airwaves - We Don't Need To Whisper 7/10 Tom DeLonge from blink-182 left blink to start his own band together with David Kennedy (Bassist from Box Car Racer (Wich Tom also was a member in)), Atom Willard (Used to be the drummer from The Offspring) and Ryan Sinn (Bassist from The Destillers). The album has 10-11 tracks (depending on wich version you have). There are some really good tracks on this album, my personal favourites are It Hurts, The Adenture, The War and the U.K. Bonus version of Start The Machine. But the minus on this album is that some of the tracks become to similiar. I still give this album a 7/10 because I really like the songs I mentioned ^_^
  18. 500 USD isn't that bad a price if you think about it. Its a way better purchase than buying a PS3 for 599 USD =P
  19. All these mentions and noone found/recongnized Lolo and Lala? They're sittting on the big yellow thing to the left And of course theres the Snow Bros (upper left part of the pic.) And then a little to the left of the snow bros. you have the Dig Dug character being abducted or something by that bird
  20. GameFAQs.com is currently running a poll to see what their readers think is the best Game Series ever. Today the poll is The Legend of Zelda vs. Final Fantasy. Click here and vote for your favourite (to the right) here. Personally I think Zelda is the best series ever. After playing Ocarina of Time I find it hard that I will ever play a game as epic and good as it. I've played FF7 wich is said to be the best Final Fantasy ever. And I think it was too slow and the graphics and gameplay just didn't impress me much.
  21. Lets hope it truly is just downsized and not completely shut down.. I've never been to E3, but I'm hoping I can go when I get old enough.
  22. Duck quacks do echo! (I saw it on Brainiac!)
  23. 1. Wii Console (Black/White, perhaps both?) 2. 1-3 Extra Controllers (All diffrent colors) 3. Zelda: Twillight Princess 4. Trauma Center 5. Wario Ware 6. Red steel 7. Wii Sports 8. Metroid Prime 3 9. Excite Truck 10. VC games 11. DVD Thingy 12. SD Card (if needed) 13. Call of duty 3 (If its any good )
  24. Agreed, I've seen the tabs for this song and it ain't easy, but theres gotta be someone who can play it flawlessly
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