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Adrian DX

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Everything posted by Adrian DX

  1. Hi everyone I need a cheap place to stay in London for 2 nights, anyone got any tips? I want to live as cheap as possible, but not too shitty. And in case you're wondering.. Me, my girlfriend and a friend are going to London to see Four Year Strong (http://www.fucktheguywhoownsfouryearstrong.com on Dec. 1 ^^ Oh, and I hope this thread is legal, after all it is general. And I ask in this forum specifically because most people here live in the UK.
  2. Anyone know if there's a way to copy "protected" save games onto a SD card (or any of the likes). I'm borrowing a PS3 from a friend of mine and I want to copy some of my save game from from the HD to an SD card, but it says it "cannot copy data". This message does not appear on any of the other save games I try to copy (Could it be that it can't copy it because its Japanese?)
  3. I lost 6700 stars... Just noticed since they sent the mail about the database error =( WHAT THE FUCK NINTENDO, WHAT THE FUCK... I think its the first time I've EVER been pissed off at Nintendo. Those motherf.....
  4. I love my Dreamcast =D And I do in fact use it very often. Me and some friends usually gather in the weekends and play old Dreamcast games. It's so awesome =) Though GTA IV has been stealing my free time for video games lately =( Bluey: You live in Japan? I didn't know that *sooo jealous*
  5. Adrian DX

    GTA IV

    Haha, yeah.. All the small details just make this game so awesome. They've thought about ALOT of stuff when sowing this piece together.
  6. Adrian DX

    GTA IV

    anyone else got problems connecting to live? I just got home with my Special Edition GTA IV and the 500 live points + gamerpics thingy and 12 months of live, but I can't seem to get a stable connection to live =/ Could it be that GTA is more than Microsofts servers could handle? O.o
  7. Adrian DX

    GTA IV

    I get 12 months with my copy. GAME ftw. =D
  8. Adrian DX

    GTA IV

    Well it was for the best to all of us that the site crashed (well at least the broadcaster got connection problems or whatever).. I watched that stream for 2 hours...
  9. Me and a mate did Phantasy Star Online Ep. 1&2 on Gamecube right after it released. Played for about 27 hours straight. We had planned the whole thing waaay ahead too. We spent 50 GBP on food, coke etc. etc. for that "event" Me and other friends have also done an Ocarina of Time run that lasted about 10-12 hours.
  10. Chapelle!!! Me and one of my friends do that line whenever juice is mentioned and then we laugh our butts off every time. Never gets old =P Anyways.. here's my "hang around" room. I'm too camera shy to be talking about stuff, and that would prolly take too long and get boring. Maybe some other time, but for now this is what you're gonna get:
  11. Haha, not thinking about the whole storm situation over there and all, I thought this was some kind of Fall Out Boy thread when reading the title xD oh I'm so bored right now, sorry
  12. There, fixed =P ---- I'm having doubts on posting my collection now with all this talk about robbing even if there is someone in our house about 24 hours every day O.o
  13. Couldn't agree more, buddy. But I really love I-Empire and I guess AVA and +44 is all we're gonna get untill they hopefully one day get back together. And woho, my post #1000 ^^,
  14. I agree with anyone recomending Second Sight. I love Free Radical and I love that game =) However.. everyone saluting P.N.03.. I can't really say the same.. I bought that game for 5GBP.. yes.. 5GBP a week after it released and I've never had my expectations been blown to pieces more than with that game. Its been a while since I played it but, I remember the graphics as being ok, the controls sucking, the gameplay being repetetive and well. It just really dissapointed me and every time I've tried sitting down and really playing it, it hasn't lasted for more than 5-10 min. a time. Oh and on Chibi Robo: If you ever see it, get it guys! I love that game, the whole scenery is so lovely, Chibi Robo is so cute and the story brings you a nice little warmth inside. Such a cozy and fun game =)
  15. I still have about 60-70 games and I wish I'd get rid of some of them, but it seems noone wants to buy them (I haven't like worked my ass off getting rid of them either but...). I'm still buying GC games to try and fill out the collection of great GC games. I'm still missing Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos 1&2, Fire Emblem, Viewtiful Joe, Auto Modellista and a few other titles.
  16. And try to make sure it doens't have much lag. Mine has about 1 sec. of lag and its impossible to play on. Edit: But hm.. I think that VGA cable will work on your Gamecube as long as you have the Digital AV out port (newer Gamecubes don't have this). I won't promise anything though. However, this thing is guaranteed to work on nearly every game system you have ;-)
  17. YouTube was down for me for about an hour earlier this night.
  18. Hey guys, calm down. I knew that when creating a blink-182 thread there would be a lot of hate. I have no idea so many people hate this band, amongst the many different styles, genres/bands I listen to blink created the music I love the most and so I don't see why other people who are fans of the other bands I like can also like blink. The only logic solution is that people look upon blink as a popish boyband and other people decide to jump on the blink-182 hate wagon. Anyways. I/we know you hate blink, so STFU about it and come back when you've got something nice/not directly hating to say. Aight? P.s. I hate you f*****s: peace:
  19. Hahah, yeah I noticed. Yeah its from a near-complete list I have of all blink shows played from 1994-2004. Prolly written by americans, as you said xD Oh and my Europe Tour 2004 T-Shirt sort of confirms it, Dublin seems to have been the last show. Strange of them to end the tour in Dublin out of all places indeed. But it's probably because it was the first time they played there? I dunno. And dude, would be sweet if you found pictures you took from that gig and would be willing to share =) One of my HDs just crashed, taking away tons of stuff (including all my thousands of blink pics) so a little something to get the collection started again would be nice.: peace:
  20. Woah... Then its actually possible you saw their last show ever. 2004.12.16 - blink-182 Live @ European Tour (2nd Leg) '04, The Point Theatre, Dublin, Ireland, UK was their last show ever. I was actually planning to go to the show two days before (2004.12.14 - blink-182 Live @ European Tour (2nd Leg) '04, Carling Academy, London, UK) But my mom said that we could wait till' next year and said something along the lines of "Its not like they're gonna stop playing". Ironic...
  21. Ayup, Mark chose the name +44 because its the UK country code, and he really likes the UK and the fans blink had there. --- haha, nice story jayseven xD
  22. So, this might not interest THAT many members on this forum, but I personally feel this deserves a thread =) Guitarist and Vocals - Tom DeLonge Bass and Vocals - Mark Hoppus Drums - Travis L. Barker Today (22. Feb. 2008), it's 3 years since blink-182 announced on their homepage that they would go on an indefinite hiatus to spend more time with their family (which was just a lie not to upset the fans too much). I almost dare say that I love this band more than life itself. I've been listening to them nearly every single day since I was nine years old. And it still hurts me that they're not around playing live shows and making music together anymore. And the worst part is I never got to see them live =( So what are your relations to this band? Anyone seen them live? Anyone here who might play a song or two of them a week? Bring your stories etc!
  23. We've skimmed through the most of what's to skim through, couldn't find any language options though. And no snapshot settings for JPG format screenshots.. Anyone know if this is actually possible or did I just read a rumor saying that? The snaps are saved in .bin format which kinda sux (haven't found a way to view them on my compy yet).
  24. Me and DiemetriX have been playing it for about 4 hours today. It FRIGGIN ROCKS... I love it..
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