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killer kirby

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Everything posted by killer kirby

  1. All PS3 games I have gotten have been put into the bomb bin, oh should I mention I just bought Tales Of Graces f in a $15 bin? A week ago it was $99 The game will bomb just like it did in Japan
  2. I'm giving them till the end of the year, but jesus chriiiiist if they want MH to be big in the west they need to stop fucking around the fans first and treat the western like they do with Japan and release FUCKING GAMES!!!! (You would think that MH3 being the best selling game in the west would make them release more games to keep momentum)
  3. Damn, the more I go out with girls the easier it is (Seriously it's so freaking simple) I go with this mindset 'Go for goal' now. But then I use that mindset with everything in life and it's never gone wrong so far
  4. Sad news, I blame vegetarians for his death.
  5. I'll most likely get this game once it's in the BOMB bin on the 2nd week it's out.
  6. As much as it is awesome that the internet can provide for us fast news, connection between gamers which can help one another out in a game or argue against why they love a certain game. Magazines will always have a special place in my heart especially the older ones where they had interviews with game designers, writing funny articles, getting special stuff in magazines when you buy it, and artwork that looks like it was made just for the magazine. It was always awesome to wait every month for another issue to see what new news there was for games on our favorite system. Internet, created a new form of entertainment yet destroyed a another which was always deer to me.
  7. I really need to get back into playing this game, I mean I only have like 4 hours racked up on a file, and I've had it since launch -_-'
  8. Think Kingdom Hearts plot wise, everyone is Snake. Like in KH everyone is Sora
  9. While we shall never see ZOE3
  10. An RPG mario bad? When has that ever happened?
  11. Have fun! Dying over and over again!
  12. He is obviously in his laboratory cooking up the greatest post ever expressed for his love the Wii and the games he has played on the system. I am imagining the post to be so detailed that it could be up there with the greatest authors in history in terms of how deep and emotional it is The moment he posts I swear men will cry, woman shall be weak to the knees with his passion, websites will be blown away and be wanting to cover how incredible his post was. Fuck the WiiU launch, I am more hyped for RedShells post on his favorite games
  13. Please, 3DS ha! I still have to catch up with all the DS games I have to still complete, by the time I have finished all of the DS games Nintendo will most likely have brought out the next generation of handheld
  14. No different to achievements or trophies :/
  15. It looks more in the likes of Robot Chicken than anything, I mean you can hear that all the voices are the same from Robot Chicken. Oh and it already looks better than Star Wars Episode 1
  16. All I can see happening with this is 1st half of year: Awesome 3DS games for you all! But little to nothing for WiiU. 2nd half of year: Look at the awesome crazy games on the WiiU! But little to nothing for 3DS.
  17. Can't wait for this game to come out over here like the first one did!
  18. They made one a long time ago on the Playstation based in a hospital *Looks up wiki* yep Click Medic
  19. But this game looks original, looks fun and looks like it's had effort put into it.
  20. New mainline pokemon game. New Zelda game with added remake of Majora's Mask as a way of apologies to us for not giving us HD sooner Metroid Dread with all animation hand drawn. Advance Wars 3DS Fzero with also news that WiiU version is along the way and trailer for that will be up soon All being shown in a couple of hours. Man, I think I should get a job easily at IGN and Gamespot
  21. Coming out on the WiiU instead with online like Monster Hunter Portable 3rd on the PS3 Edit: To Grazza, your not raising your bar high enough for what to expect I think
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