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killer kirby

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Everything posted by killer kirby

  1. You would class yourself among those people? Hmm... Don't think I can look at you straight anymore :/
  2. Agreed! Sonic is well known its up there with the my little pony fanbase I mean it's an incredible sight to see the love for sonic on deviant art
  3. That comic
  4. Funny you say this. Just a couple of months ago I was having dinner with my parents and we were disscussing how everyone has been and then the gay stories came up on who is gay and such, they then looked at me. I knew the day was coming when I had to confess. I told them, with my heart beating at 100 miles an hour. ...I told them I was straight, my adopted dads dropped the forks and instantly went into their rooms screaming and crying...it was a bit awkward but yeah...I think they are settling down with the news, they are 100% behind my decision. I really love both my dads and that's my story
  5. Wait till iPhone 5 is out, sure there will be a line somewhere
  6. Apple in a nutshell?
  7. I want snowboarding back in Zelda...seriously, it was awesome, I want to snowboard with a sword to swing.
  8. While today for me is awesome, but then hey, I aim to make each day better than the last Edit: BEHOLD! http://www.square-enix.co.jp/subarashiki-solo-remix/en/new.html
  9. Been on youtube so long I am starting to wonder what is strange and normal now Prob post more weird shit soon.
  10. ....it's a freaking Zelda game WHO DO YOU THINK is the final boss is? Next thing your going to tell me you don't know who the final boss in New Super Mario Bros 2 is.
  11. Yeeeah not going to happen.
  12. Wait there are seatbelts in taxis!?
  13. It was ok, but to me what really stood out was the 2 episodes they were both a blast especially TBOGT
  14. Really makes me happy to see this, they are just not letting the Vita take a breath in Japan at all, I fear how much of an impact MH4 will have (3G is still selling 5,000 a week, won't be long until it reaches 2 million) DQXI and a mainline Pokemon title will have in japan.
  15. Meanwhile over at Square-Enix...
  16. Ok, I now know who I would kill...but I don't think killing would be enough, breaking his spirit to the point that he wants to die is what I would want. 21 years for killing 77 people...
  17. I'm in the funny thread right?
  18. As long as google continue providing me with spell checks, free porn and pics of cats, I am all but happy with them.
  19. I want to write a story where a man becomes player 2 who goes on an adventure to find and fight player 1 so he can become the greatest player of all. Deep story right here.
  20. No one, I love this world with all my heart etc etc... Oh wait...yeah sorry there is one person Love ya ReZ!
  21. There is only one game I want, and I know...*sigh* that they will never bring it out, but Nintendo...here is a poor soul saying...please...please....bring another one of these onto the WiiU...even on the 3DS or the Wii or the Gamecube! I ain't fussed. ...thanks.
  22. Nah, NeoGaf really is the place to go if you want to be retarded, the only time it's worth looking into is when they want to photoshop a picture into something incredible. Other then that they are retarded. /v/ is fun, you can tell the trolls easily and most of the time just ignore them and continue talking about gaming discussions, outside of the trolls the community there is really not as evil and sinister as most people make them out to be (Mostly NeoGaf people funny enough)
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