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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I remember them saying something like that Tales.
  2. No movie groups or books clubs or anything like that? I'm not a huge fan of clubs either but you do have to put yourself out on a limb and almost talk to random strangers. It's difficult at first but when you meet a few people, then introduce you to their friends and you just build up a kind of web. I suggest random friendliness. Works a charm.
  3. I'd like to be a secondary character in something small and down to earth like Garden State. You know, a film about people and how they fit into the world and with each other.
  4. But don't I remember you saying that you actually feel quite lonely? It's difficult but you need to get out there and make the effort to find new people and open up to them. Otherwise, thats not going to change. Well, now I'm going to go against my instincts and stop trying to help everyone.
  5. "See I was right, Nasal is very "in" this year"
  6. Ah cheers guys! *feels fuzzy inside* No probs Daft, I think you made it sound far worse than the situation really is anyway. Doesn't help that I'm having probs with my brother atm either in a similar yet different kind of way..... *looks up at thread title* Buuuuut we are getting a little away from the subject. Lets celebrate with a naked chicken dance: *insert chicken dance video from scrubs which i can't find right now *
  7. I have something similar.Quite frequently, Bluey and I have bouts of hysterics that can go on for minutes. At the end of last summer with both came up to Middlesbrough to check out the new house I was moving into and we were just lying in bed and chatting, when we both started. It's a silly cyclic thing where to more the other one tries to stop themselves the harder it make the other one laugh. We literally laughed non-stop for about 10 mins I think. We were both aching afterwards.
  8. I had a crap time at boarding school but I got over it, because I found that life was too short and that I was fucking lonely being miserable. The music example is a good one but a very special case. But using the same philosophy to cover everything in your life is dangerous. As I said before, if you don't connect with people then they will never know you. You will have no context and you will exist on the outside looking in as you will never be involved or interracting. The only explanation I can see for that is that you're worried what might happen when you do. I'm glad to hear that you're trying to break through it though. Hell even talking to us about this is quite a step for you by the sound of it Has anyone ever told you anything that inspired you or stimulated you or been of any benefit for you at all? If so (which I'm guessing they have) then you can do exactly the same. Don't sell yourself short, you might have something to offer that people need. Even if it's just allowing people to know that you feel the same way about something as them.
  9. Not want I expect but what I want: The industry to stop concerning itself with hardware and focus on the software. Personally, I think that integration is the satan of the industry for this reason and it stops people focusing on the real reason for buying a machine.
  10. What's the point in having thoughts if they are not shared? It's like Science or any kind of knowledge, it just become invalid if it's not shared because you knowing alone means nothing. I can understand why you are saying what you do but tbh it sound like you just have a very overly evolved protection mechanism to stop yourself from getting hurt. Sharing your feeling with a person allows you to have a context and an attachment to the metaphorical picture in which you find yourself. Without doing it, you are only half there.
  11. Oh it's a fantastic show Eenuh, I think it's something that you'd really enjoy from what I know about you. The characters are fantastic and if you watch it, you'll understand how wondeful yet simultaneously heart-breaking their situation is. When they want to hold each others hand they hold their own behind their backs.
  12. I'm with Cube. Next episode please! Judging by the very last scene, I'm guessing that it's really gonna kick off.
  13. Haha, that's probably true. All the huge black guys I've met have all been really cool and layed back, kinda big bear people. Wow... I sound weird, like JD talking about Turk. It's ok DJ, there's no guy love going on here :p
  14. OK, I'm gonna Phoenix Down this thread a little! Was chatting to Bluey about Pushing Daisies and for those who haven't watched it, the main characters are a couple who can't ever touch because if they do the girl will die. It got me thinking about whether people could realistically live like this. Could you have a completely contactless relationship? One that is entirely emotional and not physical? A while ago I maybe thought I could but now... no. I don't think so. Human physical contact means so much to me but I wonder if other people could manage it. Maybe people like Eenuh or Coolness...
  15. It's just a figure of speech. You say that someone's "built like a brick shit-house" referring to the outdoor toilets that people used to have in the yard. They usually have about enough room to fit a person in so suggesting someone has the same silhouette as one suggest that their a bit on the huge side.
  16. Thing is DJ that while it's growing to afro length, it's gonna look a bit messy and dodgy isn't it? If you still wanna do it then having plaits or corn rows will open up the space around your head and make you cooler. Also, never seen a pic of your before man. Your built like an absolute shit-house! No picking fights with Deathjam ever again...
  17. Turning over my ankle. I used to do it all the time as a kid, because mine are put together with a certain amount of artistic license I recon, but because I did it fairly regularly it didn't hurt but did disable me to some extent. Now I'm pretty sure that I will have some kind of permenant ligament damage and I don't turn my ankle over ever really. But when I do, it's like the memory of doing it a million time comes flooding back, combined with much more pain that it did back then. It makes me almost yell out load in frustration.
  18. Looks very good but I'm worried about the open scale of it. I hope that it punctuates the game rather than is used all the way through. I like the confined corridor play of the first, it's hard to keep any level of atmosphere in exterior settings.
  19. Lol! Stuff is good here matey. Lots of people are busy with uni and school work and exams and stuff. Bluey's in Japan now (if you didn't already know) and is having a great time and if you didn't see, the boards have been nicely restructured so the onlining sections are a bit more appropriate. And we have the Playground section! Quite a few new member knocking around, who are participating quite a lot.
  20. Yeah, good point, hadn't thought about that Dom. Well, guess that eleviates some of my suspicions. On with the lynching!
  21. Well that's just great considering that Cube's already said that. Wow. That's convenient. It means that while someone's protecting you that you can't be investigated and as you seem to be vaguely credible then you will get protected for sure. I'm trusting you with the vote and obviously Tellyn is mafia but I keeping an eye on you. Knowing who the investigators are really is very important in this game.
  22. And then there's this. Why would you hesitate to give out the name of an ordinary townie? Surely, doing so would only stop us being suspicous of one of our own and settle things a little. I'm not sure about what Tellyn is saying about Coolness but something doesn't seem right. I don't like Coolness' timing. I'll figure this out tomorrow a bit more but for now: Vote: Tellyn
  23. Possible that he's trying to distract from Mcoy? If Coolness is mafia and he's figured out that Tellyn is a doctor, then it would make sense for him to implicate him. If I'm right about what kind of figures we're playing with here, then sacrificing a mafia player to kill a doctor would make sense. Maybe not for the individual player but definitely for the team. It's only a possibility, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate, seeing as you did ask. Also, anyone can claim that they know a doctor as it proves nothing and saying that in particular helps no one. Its almost too much information, as if "the lady doth protest too much". But these are my small suspicions. Nothing big.
  24. Bears, can you tell us about the other people that you have investigated please.
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