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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Nah Goron. Nintendo have realised that the Wii has no software and this will be getting on for a swan song I recon. 360s and PS3s are only going to get cheaper and Nintendo will really have to pull something out of the bag franchise wise to keep it going until a Wii successor in 2013 (with a 2012 reveal).
  2. You guys are giving some people on the thread such a hard time. You are pissing on people for not being open minded enough to try something that they know is bad for them. Not to mention that what they have all said is "my life is fine... I'm happy" and they don't need to have a stronger arguement than that. Why should they pursue something that almost everyone who has does so to improve or change the experience of their life in which they are obviously not satisfied with?
  3. Dude, just use a USB key.... format it to 360 format. You can copy off of your save data and profile data onto there and copy it onto the new system. Last thing that you will need to do is transfer your licenses which you will have to do through the 360 website. http://www.xbox.com:80/en-US/Support/LicenseMigration/Home
  4. Bluey thinks that this should be in all toilets.... EVERYWHERE.
  5. I'm not sure how this generation is going to pan out but the NEXT generation is really going to be something to watch for several reasons. But beyond anything, this generation has seen the biggest changes in the way that we play games since the invention of consoles. New ways of playing, new business models, popularization of new distribution, new competitors, massive broadening of the market, 3D and the unilateral acceptance that motion control is more attractive to the masses than a pad. Oh and did I mention Apple.... That's a lot. What I will say is that this is the best generation so far for the health of the industry. What has happened in the past 4 or 5 years has really opened up the opportunities for business and broadened the product choice.
  6. Yeah what Shorty said. I hope this happens. I would really increase my hopes for some of the future games if devs could start working on games now, safe in the knowledge that this higher level of detail was possible.
  7. This is very interesting. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2010-12-17-source-ms-quadrupling-kinect-accuracy The 360 limits the bandwidth being used on each USB port to around 15MB/s as multiple ones may need to be used. This is the reason why the Kinect is running at 320x240 rather than the 640x480 that it CAN do as the amount of data that needs to be transferred is about 20MB/s for that. Microsoft have said that they are working hard on compressing the data coming form the Kinect which would be possible with a firmware update and other sources have said that they think this is very possible. Good news for the Kinect! The sooner this comes the better for gamers and devs alike
  8. Sounds like something i've played for sure.... I want to say Double Dragon when i hear it.
  9. Hmm looking at the trailer I am willing to take a stab at some of the settings: 1. North Africa, likely to be somewhere like Morocco. 2. Iram, the city of pillars is rumoured to be the target of the quest. I recon this is fairly likely as, although Egypt has a wealth of possible cities, I think that ND want to swerve away from Indy at this point. 3. I would like to see Nate in America at some point. Give him a sense of home somewhere so he can develop as a character still.
  10. Are you actually making kills though? 'cos if you're not.... well they are called "Man-hunt" and "Assassin's Creed" for a reason :p I can think of a few different game modes that they could put into the multiplayer which are non-killing based. Similar to the idea that I had for Mirror's Edge multiplayer.
  11. Ah yes, then we can dispense with all the pretence that Assassins Creed didn't rip off Thief quite a bit. I've only played the opening chapter so far but it seems nice. Must admit that I'm not feeling much for the characters so far and they dump Macheavelli (sp?) in like a Marvel ret-con but no real complaints. The pace picks up quite quickly once your done bragging about how well Ezio did in AC2.
  12. Ah great stuff Cube, you're a genius. Can I transfer the info from multiple gamertags then as long as I transfer the licence then? Also what order does everything need to be done in? For e.g: 1) Transfer data to HDD 2) Upload license. 3) Download license onto new 360 4) Transfer data
  13. Guys I have some n00bical questions about the X360. I'm looking to get a Slim soon and obviously want to transfer all of my info. Can I transfer ALL of my info onto an external HDD? And this may sound like a silly SILLY question but I just wanted to double check before I make a boob of myself; if I delete the content for an XBLA game, I still have the ownership of the license for it, so I can download it again for free right?
  14. Interesting little video. Must say that there is one question that I WISH people would answer. Is the thumbstick any good?
  15. Anyone seen that SEGA are releasing Chu-Chu Rocket for iPad? About time they cashed in on a spectacular game! Hope that sucka has online multiplayer and map sharing.
  16. It wouldn't be be a Nintendo system if there wasn't
  17. I think that it's fine. He looks like he was meant to in the artwork for the game and I don't have a problem with that. Although it's not the case in every screen shot, many of the textures look much better. Particularly in Kokori.
  18. This is another nope for me. I don't have a Wii anymore but this does not inspire me to get another one. I have had more fun playing the portable Zeldas recently and although reviews and an actually playing would make a decision, I'm tired of the relatively archaic design now. The adventure that they are trying to tell should change more substantially. Just like it did for WW.
  19. Can anyone with a bit of know-how use the hardware list to estimate the price?
  20. Jamba


    I liked the Demo for the most part as everyone else stated but there are a couple of design choices that I found puzzling. 1 - The rocket slide is just running, there is very little other point to it. 2 - Doing Melee once completely fucks your energy bar. Surely there should be a non-hyper powered melee attack so I can rocket slide in a happy slap someone.
  21. For those people asking for add-ons, extras and graphical updates I would prepare to be disappointed. SEGA will want to make money very quickly off this and they can hide behind giving you an "authentic" experience so they have no reason to put extra work or money into the project. They will create an emulator which will work for the PS3 and X360 and then in simple terms attach a ROM of the original disc to it. Only very small details will have to be removed, like VMU compatability.
  22. Jamba


    I can see how you would think that from the point of view of someone who hasn't played it as it combines stuff that has been done before. But from the words of people who have played it, the combination makes for a new experience. Check out the demo. Which by the way is out today (1st Sept) in Europe. The 31st Aug release day was for the US.
  23. You make a good point about the sales decline in Japan. But it wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo did a Wii with the 3DS. Release it in all 3 territories, generate some HUGE interest world wide and remain unbothered by the lack of supply. With new hardware like this I really don't think that the lack in supply would hurt their business.
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