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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Agree with you there Mr Cube, although I'd wonder how they would implement Umote specialism... Anybody else want to see Skyrim on the system? The inventory/magic system is meant to be very complex and I'm sure a touch screen interface would really help that. Will Call of Duty turn up in full HD glory?
  2. Now that Nintendo have removed the barriers for 3rd parties put their IPs on Wii U, what would you like to see? Are there any particular series that you want? What IPs could be given the Wii U treatment? Are there any PC IPs that could be done on Wii U but not on the other platforms?
  3. Hmmm dunno about this. Was not a huge fan of AvP but then again this is a different developer and a damn good one too. I find it hard to explain but most of what makes Alien scary is in the pace and the writing and I haven't found a game that has managed to emulate that yet. On another point, I think these uses of the Umote are pretty basic. I hope they come up with more and frankly get rid of these hacking mini-games.
  4. Hmmm dunno about this. Was not a huge fan of AvP but then again this is a different developer and a damn good one too. I find it hard to explain but most of what makes Alien scary is in the pace and the writing and I haven't found a game that has managed to emulate that yet. On another point, I think these uses of the Umote are pretty basic. I hope they come up with more and frankly get rid of these hacking mini-games.
  5. I think this is where they are heading with Smash Bros. It would make SO much sense. Already confirmed that the drones in Ghost Recon will be using this. Confirmed as a multiplayer mode for Killer Freaks.
  6. It reminded me a bit of House of the Dead: Overkill. Nintendo need more games like that
  7. Love the idea of this. I'm very happy to see more humour put into these games... I just hope that there are enough British people on board to give it the right flavour :-) Also, this game has a Vs. mode that they are calling the RED system. One player is human and uses the Wiimote whilst the other player has the Umote. That player acts as a commander of all of the Freaks, directing them on how to kill your little friend :-) Sounds like hours of fun in only one game mode. A marriage of FPS and genuine strategy.
  8. Nice :-) It will be interesting for the next game.... possibly a Wii U lead project? Will CoD devs put the new controller to good use? I personally can see them going to town on it but I haven't read a single Activision comment about the console yet.
  9. Thanks for the correction about Battlefield. I am very skeptical about this, self-admittedly and I will be happy to be proved wrong. I'm not saying that it won't be comparable in power to the 360/PS3 but definitely more powerful? Not sure...
  10. I've seen this kind of thing promised before. I flatly refuse to get excited about it's potential power when companies, especially Ubisoft bend the truth. When asked directly by Geoff Keighley on Game Trailers Reggie purposefully dodged the question of whether it was more or even as powerful as the other 2 systems. And how do you know that Battlefield isn't a cut down version? Scaled down environments, or removed filters? DO remember the early screenshots of Red Steel? That's how much Ubisoft can lie.
  11. Hmmm... I worry about Ubi implementing gimmicky shit into their games. I truly hope that Wii U can manage the graphics of these games though.
  12. Maybe Nintendo should go look at Tomb Raider and Uncharted to see what people get wowed by graphically.
  13. So Rayman gets a treatment which is a combination of New SMB Wii and DKC Returns... looks pretty good and I'm liking the humour in it. Must admit though, I'm not sure I'd fork out a lot of money for it :S
  14. Albion crossbow training! GFAAAW
  15. Does anyone think it might be a symbol rqther than a word. That way it would actually get called the Nintendo. I'd think that considering the name Wii that Nintendo's marketing department have been smoking enough crack to do that.
  16. When the Opera browser was released it one version of flash on it as I remember but they never got the rights for it to be updated. Flash updated on the rest of the net... then it stopped working.
  17. Bit of a tough one... I agree with some of the sentiments on Gametrailers though. I think with the recent events, it's going to be a tough presentation for Sony. They have to convince people that PSN is still a worthy service as they have genuinely lost users who have converted to XBL. I think a big section of their conference is going to be promoting this service. Hopefully we will see lots of content for the Vita (NGP) but I'm not sure about exclusives for the PS3... I wouldn't be surprised if we just see a lot of what we have done before. This in mind (and their track record) make me think that Sony is going to have the worst show. I don't expect another Kaz "Riiiidge Raaaaceeeeeeer...... [silence]" moment; however expect the wider Sony business to impact on the conference and drag it down. Nintendo and Microsoft have it all to play for but obviously Nintendo has the advantage with a hardware reveal. I truly expect Microsoft to have a very good conference all the same with solid software being shown off (as almost everything is unknown) and showing how Kinect can really be used, which personally I'm quite excited about. Part of me is still very worried about what Nintendo has to show... please, please, please don't screw it up.
  18. If the PS3 updates are anything to go by then this is exactly how it would be done.
  19. That's great. I'm red/green colour blind so shades of brown can be hard to distinguish, especially with N64 textures. Looks like that place is going to have more atmosphere and less of a brown smudge effect!
  20. Mine was and is set to GMT with auto-detect for day light savings... what are yours Dyson? EDIT: But now it's gone back to being fine...... EURGH. Nevermind.... EDIT 2.0: Think I've got it. Forum is not doing DST when not logged in.
  21. On a separate note, the times on the website all seem to be 1hr behind. For instance a lot of discussion going on in the Wii board for the past couple of hours and the last message was meant to have been posted at 4:47PM?
  22. I think a name of a product always has an impact. Despite all our reservations, Wii was a name NO ONE ever forgot and casual consumers all new about because it was weird. I would be happy with the Nintendo Tab. EDIT: Has everyone forgotten that Nintendo doesn't do red anymore.
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