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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Just incase anyone was worried, I got it sorted. Insert your OSX disc when you boot into windows. Then run setup.exe from the disc which install Bootcamp on your windows. This finally lets Windows talk to your hardware properly and allows you to right click and all of that super advanced stuff.
  2. About 4 months. Bluey's family live here and mine are close by. Plus we wanted to get out of London. It made it a lot easier to explain why after someone set fire to Ealing. Do you come into Banbury much then?
  3. Ok I thought I had read a 3DS article about this on Kotaku ages ago. BAM: http://kotaku.com/5499823/nintendo-3ds-could-borrow-3d-trick-from-iphone
  4. Yes :-) Why? Is this where you tell me that you keep bumping into me in Glynn's comic book shop in town?
  5. http://www.machwerx.com/apps/machdice/ Chur-ching! I'm not sure this is the best example but it is an example. I think this was the original but check out his other games as they might show the tech better.
  6. Right, so I'm trying to use Bootcamp for running Windows 7. I'm managing to boot into Windows fine but it doesn't seem to be able to detect any of my hardware properly. Annoyingly it runs fine through VMware as you would expect. Anyone else had this problem?
  7. Not a question but a fact :p There is that boggle type game, definitely uses some kind of dice or blocks anyway. When you tilted the phone it tilted the camera and simulated a 3d effect as you could look around the object.
  8. Both bluey and I were feeling pretty uninspired today but we went out for a great walk to investigate the new bit of Banbury that we've moved into. Got totally lost but had a great time and came across some fantastic bits of town. We actually got so lost that we found sign pointing to Banbury On top of this, I've got back on the 3d art bandwagon and am finding my feet again with the tools like a shakey legged newborn foal. Not bad for running it through VM Ware!
  9. I was thinking that you need to print it as a 2 page booklet. This will make sure that page 1 & 4 are printed on the outside and pages 2 & 3 are on the inside. For making sure that you can see all of your pages simultaneously you might be able to change the view settings to allow you to see 2 pages next to each other (or I might be getting mixed up with Acrobat ). But mainly I would echo what other people have said. Mess around with your printer using scrap paper. Literally make pages with nothing on but a 1, 2, 3, 4 and that it. Then you can figure a way to do it that fits what you need. EDIT: And REEEEEALLY important. Use Print Preview! It will save you so much time!
  10. Oh right... was that it? Not to be Mr. Reality Check but that's not really how brainwashing works. Especially not enough to warrant a personality transplant.
  11. There were some great bits about this episode but it felt pretty rushed. I didn't like how River totally changes attitude near the end and character. I think that required a bit more character development and Moffat seems much better at character revealing than developing.
  12. Ok I will keep it brief. You have argued that 3DS scope games cannot/will not be done on iOS. Pookiablo has shown you a great example of a game that can and will but you're somehow disputing that? You argued that Nintendo's business model isn't bad for their own business whilst noting that they are a platform holder. No 3rd party support is a pretty big reason. Also about online, it's both a problem with the infrastructure and Nintendo's attitude. They want to enforce their model on 3rd parties and refuse to allow them to implement things thatake freemium and so on models work. In short, 3rd parties go else where. Seriously what are you misunderstanding here? Also the online system that are on game center games like Gun Bros. and Metal Storm do need to be sophisticated to handle things that happen outside of the game. Maybe you should ask someone to show you how it all works. I'm getting tired of trying to explain stuff that we are having to tell you rather than you just asking.
  13. Haha! That would be awesome :-) I take it that you are talking about CompTIA A+? I was looking at a course that combine doing that with the following MS MCITP programmes: Enterprise Desktop Administrator (Windows 7) Server Administrator (Windows Server 2008) But it costs £1500 and the exams cost £99 each on top of that, of which there are 5 for the MS stuff alone! I see my immediate family a lot more than I used to because we all live near each other now but we have a big family get together for everyone from my Dad's side of the family on Sept 10th. This includes a lot of people that I get to see once everyone 10-15 years or so. Unfortunately due to my work commitments on the weekends, I can't go. No questions asked just a big no.
  14. Well the reason is that these alternate business models are more attractive and possible less risky than Nintendo's current model. Like I said, many of the newer, smaller developing community and even some of the big publishers think it's a better alternative. Even the PSN is moving in a big way to support these models. It's not so much about dropping the current model but giving room to allow the others. Nintendo seems adamant to stop it happening. And I know that you're probably exaggerating but that example of microtransaction gaming is hardly ever used. Freemium is one of the most common forms now but I don't think Nintendo could ever support it as their online structure isn't sophisticated enough.
  15. I've done unpaid work with an IT support company for a month and have just established a contact with a one man band IT support company who I will be working with 1 day a week. I haven't seen any internships per se floating around and not a lot of companies want to do them. Why pay someone to learn when you can pay someone else who knows how to do the job already?
  16. Sorry to tell you guys but hormone involved pancreatic cancer is not something you get better from with current medical tech/treatments. He's done really well to last this long.
  17. Some interesting points. I have not ever stated in what I have said that Nintendo is not making profit or that they are doomed to make a loss anytime soon. But what about better profits? You mentioned that 3DS games cost 4x as much but you are failing to address several issues in that. Firstly that Android/iOS games generally cost less to develop and that there are less parties to take a cut of your revenue in the digital market place. And in terms of online, as Cube stated iOS has a better online system that supports VOIP, a friends list, achievements and so on... I think a lot of people here are reading my thoughts (*cough* Burny *cough*) and think that I'm suggesting that Nintendo should abandon the 3DS. This generation I think they will be ok but by next generation (judging by the current trend) I genuinely think there will be massively less room for a dedicated handheld device. Also I don't think that people understand the implications of these different business models for publishers and devs. That are lots of success stories concerning alternate revenue generating methods through advertising and microtransactions. Many of the devs for mobile would not make any money if it wasn't for them being smart about giving the customer value for money. And I know that a lot of people here disagree with me but can we keep the "I am mortally offended by your opinion" to ourselves and also not interpret what you believe that I want to see happen to Nintendo. What I want to happen and what Nintendo should do are different things.
  18. Good for him. He has managed to do a pretty damn good job considering his health and has been part of some truly visionary business strategies and just visions of what we could do with technology. Not many people have made such a mark in the 21st century.
  19. Wow... you're getting pretty angry about the collection of games that made the DS the success it is right there. Brain training, countless Su Doku games and the Imaginez series are successful and probably more profitable than a lot of the games that you're suggesting and they are what people buy. You need to stop confusing your own game taste with market reality. On top of this all of the games that you have mentioned could be put on an iOS device, even SMB. I mean look at Sonic and Sega Allstar Racing. That's on iOS and has reviewed very well. And as far as going third party goes, Nintendo need to change their mobile business model. Period. For reasons I will explain below. I don't write the 3DS off completely. I think that anything that has Nintendo franchises on it will sell. But with what level of success? 3rd parties are more interested in mobile than they are in handheld with companies like EA making entire new sections of their company including new acquisitions to produce for that section of the market. Now how well do you think the 3DS is going to do if it has little 3rd party support? What can you say to companies that go fishing for better revenue using modern business and pricing models that give the customer the value they want? What can you say to companies that make great games like the Castlevania team, who see pretty poor sales in comparison with the quality of their games? Nothing... that's why Castlevania has gone to XBL and PSN. Just because there is 1 example of a game who's control scheme would not perfectly port to PDA does not mean that the business decision to move to mobile isn't sound. You will see increasing budgets and bigger scope mobile games coming out. So that may cure your worries about losing RPGs and what not. It's only a matter of time until S-E port over a couple of their RPGs and find out how much money there is to be made.
  20. I love that show. Surprisingly high in scientific detail!
  21. Good luck whatever you do Wilbur. Where abouts would you be? Or would that give away too much?
  22. Evening all, So I'm trying to get into IT. Support, network engineering and possibly server admin kind of stuff. I don't have a lot of experience but I'm computer savvy, I find it all genuinely fascinating and have picked up a lot in a 1 month placement with an IT support company. Now I've been applying for jobs but not much is coming my way. IT is quite competitive and I don't really feel like I have an edge. So I started to look at getting Microsoft certified, which is relatively standard but is usually expensive. This is something that your company would pay for but would give me proof of knowledge. The course I am looking at would cost me around £1.5k (with some heavy exam costs on top) but it would increase my earning potential (and job potential heavily!). So what would your thoughts be? Do you have experience with professional qualifications? Are they worth it? Are you MS qualified? Speak! or type...
  23. Firstly, calm down. Secondly, don't confuse console and handheld games. The most successful handheld games are ones that are designed to be just that. Can be played for a short time, picked up and put down. I don't think anyone here would entertain the idea that Nintendo should stop being a hardware manufacturer all together. But handheld? That's a different question.
  24. Dammit... I've missed this now haven't I. Was totally going to spend over £10... those games looked sweet. Surprised they haven't made an iOS equivalent, think of the money they would raise!
  25. Oh I agree with the what you say about depth but you have to ask yourself what the majority of consumers want out of a handheld game. If you look at the software that made the DS really successful then you will see that the mass market software was suited to play for short periods of time or something that could be suspended. Just got RAGE HD for free as well. Can't really complain about that, even if it is a light gun game.
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