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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. It's an interesting question for sure, one that Nintendo doesn't seem keen on answering with any confidence. My purchase of a Wii U was entirely my own fault though. I have always enjoyed Nintendo's forays into new gameplay types and I put far too much faith into them making game that would justify all of their rhetoric concerning the Wii U braking new ground and bringing new experiences. So far we have had SOME new experiences but the reality is that as an early adopter you are buying into a promise of getting the types of games/services that you hoped for. In my situation, Nintendo have not got anywhere meeting that promise and, judging by their current trajectory, probably never will. In short, looking at the past, the present and the probable future of the console it's just not something that I want to invest my time and money in any more. For me to enjoy myself, I think it would be better spent elsewhere including more time on my 3DS. On a serious point though, my 3DS is completely fulfilling my Nintendo fix.
  2. Have watched episodes 1 and 2 now and am completely put off. Every one of the characters is like some pathetically shallow child (not the boss obviously) who is incapable of making anything but the most immature choice at the time. Story about adults that behave like adults please.
  3. Not deliberate but massively outside of the terms of reasonable wear and use. Can't say I'm surprised in the least at their decision as I would have made the same call but it's harsh that the most handled bit of the console really costs that much. Only stacks up as another question as to why Nintendo decided to design the console like this.
  4. Yeah I guess... Just wanted some bits to be a surprise. Shame as it means I can't come into thread anymore and get excited
  5. I know I shouldn't be expecting this thread to be spoiler free but recently people have been spoiler tagging stuff. Time to duck out so I don't spoil anything more for myself?
  6. So I was wrong! (In fact I think I made them announce the date by saying it wasn't coming ) I'm really looking forward to this but I'm not going to try the demo as I don't want to spoil anything. Fully set and ready to get my finger-pointing, desk-slamming, paper-tapping, whip-cracking, psych-lock-breaking, coffee-drinking, memory-losing, beard-swooshing, t-bone-steak-eating, crowd-rabbling, FFS-Larry!-ing, NOT-GUILTY-confetti-slinging, pay-cut-noodling, toupee-slinging, that's-a-stepladder-not-a-ladder-ing, grape-juice-drinking, blue-badger-robot-dancing SHIT OOOOOOWN.
  7. Then maybe buy your console until after the good games are out? Seriously man, chill out it's nothing to get upset about. If you feel that way about it (and I do too I'm just done being annoyed about it) then just sell your Wii U like I am.
  8. Just spent about an hour and a half trying to rationalise data with formulas that I'm not even remotely familiar with only to realise 4 things: 1) I'm using Open Office which is vastly different to Excel 2) No one at work uses Op Off. 3) None of the formula syntax even vaguely works the same (and the graphs SUCK BALLS) so I've not even gained any useful learning experience out of my time. 4) I've nothing of use. Fucking great.
  9. Duuuuuuuuude... ball suckage indeedy.
  10. I'm 100% happy that Dennis Dyack can no longer ignore the reality that no one is going to accept him being part of any games creative process that has even the slightest risk. The guy has poisoned everything he has touched in the past 10 years and has no skill at working with any external companies. He might regain some trust if he kisses everyone's arse for 5 years and works very hard to prove himself again but I doubt anyone outside of silly investment firms are going to give him any money.
  11. In the UK particularly, the people that did such a good job of advertising the Wii and the DS aren't involved anymore. Plus I remember reading somewhere that Nintendo was saving it's budget for Xmas where it will be used more effectively (read drowned out by xb1 and ps4 noise).
  12. This is exactly what I expected it to be after watching the vids at E3. They need to stop trying to cock around with the core mechanics and let people play online properly, with some other interesting modes chucked in. You know... maybe look at what Sonic Transformed is doing?
  13. Hey Rob, I have one for sale with a lot of accessories and stuff. PM me if interested or see the sales board.
  14. Really looking forward to this on the 3DS as it'll be something @bluey and I can slug it out on (only form of accepted domestic abuse!) I'm very impressed and I just hope the gameplay holds out. I have a lot of faith that the 3DS version is going to be purdy :awesome:
  15. A little disorientated playing this at the moment but enjoying it. I'm having major problems with what I hope is my SD card making the music all stuttery but it's leading to the occasional crash which is really annoying. Had to completely wipe the game after downloading it the first time and then reinstall it. Thank fuck a new SD card is on it's way as I rage quit after it crashing after playing for a couple of hours last night!
  16. Aaaaaand done. Does sound like my current ad is screwed though right?
  17. So I downloaded MH3 and first off the game just failed to load. Was worried by the tiny amount of space I had left but wiped the file and downloaded it again. The whole thing is very jerky. I think either my SD card is on it's way out or is just of poor quality/speed. Thoughts? Also what do people think of Kingston for as cards? Any other 32gb suggestions?
  18. There's this horrible thing with Windows 7 and 8 where if they can't ping the gateway address (probably ARP reply actually) then you can't set the network type to Home or Office, just forced to keep it as Public. This completely fucks almost anything that you want to do apart from going on the net as it imposes a whole bunch of firewall rules that don't go away even if you turn your firewall off. It might be something similar... go into network and sharing centre. In the middle of the screen and slightly to the left there should be a link to select and change the network type: If you can't click it, then it can't detect the gateway. You're not doing something daft like VLANing your network are you?
  19. I know... had to get rid of everything on my card and think I need one with a higher speed anyway.
  20. I am but my 3DS is going nowhere! :p All sounding pretty good. I think now will be a good time to give this a bash before I look at 4 as at least I won't be forking out a lot to find out whether I like it or not. And there's always the slightest glimmer that @bluey might be up for some multiplayer but it's probably a bit hardcore for her.
  21. So, I've tried the demos of MH3 on both 3DS and Wii U and as beautiful as both were and exciting as the setting was, I genuinely found it extremely difficult. Not necessarily in a fun kind of way though... I definitely found the controls a struggle if not a total barrier to entry. It all seems overly complex and although it gives you a bit of a tutorial I think that if I played the game properly then I'd definitely need a bit of hand holding and more info on how some of the bloody items worked. For instance, I felt like I had absolutely no chance of using some of those mines/bombs because of how fast the monsters were moving around and how difficult it was to keep a sense of where they were. It definitely seems like my kind of game as I do like WoW a lot but I always wanted something a bit more actiony. Would anyone give me an idea as to whether the demo was representative of the game and how much there is to do outside of hunting in the field (like cool little villages with silly side missions). Would really appreciate any input from anyone that is very new to the series as well, particularly if it's anyone like me that wasn't thrilled with the demo.
  22. No release date on this yet then? That sounds like it's going to be slipping into the post Xmas window then...
  23. No... the sea was a mystery to be explored with plenty of stuff kicking around try and attack you optional paths to explore. It's a much better balance of the concept of an open play ground rather than Wind Waker where you could hardly ever see anything to get tempted by. Can you really not see how the Wind Waker "mechanic" was little more than a way of either controlling where you went in the early parts of the game or later an irritating barrier to going where you needed to. I don't mind there being mechanics that present an obstacle that I need to overcome. But changing the fucking wind direction? What, as a player do I get out of doing that? It's whimsically fun the first couple of times but you get no sense of achievement out of it and you don't get to feel like a badass wind master because there are hardly and times in the game where you actually use that mechanic outside of sailing. It's not clever, it's almost functionless from a game design point of view and stops people from enjoying the game by wasting their time. I don't have the attention span of an 8 year old (but thanks for the petty inference) but I do prefer to not have to pay penance to a game before I can get to the bits we all enjoyed.
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