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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Has anyone come across an instance where the english language just can't really express the meaning of something properly? Several times I have found myself going "Oh we need new words for this!" For instance: Love - I think that it's in italian that there are several words for love to help distinguish between family love, friends love, love making, love for something like a food. But we just get 1 word which is frequently misunderstood! Friends of the opposite sex - why isn't there a word for this huh? I have lots of friends who are girls and I get tired of having to say "my friend who's a girl" or "my female friend". Tis stupad! Other european languages can do it, why cant we!
  2. You don't see what I mean about the viscous cycle then?
  3. But cacking on people who shit on you just leads to escalation and cyclic malice. You need to break the loop somewhere and you don't sound ready to take that responsibility. And the toy anology doesn't work. The best response is to do nothing but what you seem to be suggesting would be to have a tantrum back. As I said before, people are in Saudi because the want to be and they agree to those laws by living there. I don't think I can broaden your view on this (that's what I'm trying to do, not change it). All I can suggest is putting yourself in the shoes of what you would think of as the opposition. Your views seem to be very black and white and you judge harshly. I find it worrying that you seem to like using the word discriminate. But hey, you is you right?
  4. Yeah it's definitely the most plausable theory. With the "tinkering" idea, I wasn't so much thinking about big influences, just the occasional nudge hear and there (kind of like playing pinball i guess). It's not like you can argue it either way really though cos if God does exist (which personally I don't think he/she/it does) you would never be able to see the universe and the evolutionary path without their influence. But yeah, go Chow SPAM Franklin!
  5. Haha. Do they actually call you a freak or is that just how you hear it?
  6. Read back Fish. He says that he wants to start on Tuesday.
  7. Great. Double standards never hurt anyone did it? Now you're making sense. I'd still stay clear of using words like "wrong" though, it has no absolute definition. On top of that if you say that someone is doing something that is "wrong" then you are superimposing your belief of what is wrong onto their actions and they just might not share your meaning of the word. I don't like it but hey. And as a side note: UN law is not written by a collection that represents all of the cultures around the world, mostly western ones. Using UN law as such a rule book could lead to imposing western philosophies on unwelcoming countries.
  8. Hmmm... surely those people with those views could say the same to you for being such a bigot though? This is how wars start.
  9. You don't believe that it's possible that God created the system of physics which runs through our existence and therefore natural selection too? Even Neo-Darwinism leaves rooms for God, not to mention that even with Natural Selection in the works you could still have pangs of destiny or fate. (P.S - Why am I having discussion particularly with Fish in like 3 threads? :/)
  10. Sorry Fish, which ideas and belonging to who?
  11. The theory is sound, sure. In practice it is pretty much a no-no at the moment. The hydrogen being a potential bomb (much more so than car full of fuel) is the biggest problem I think. Then there's the fact that hydrogen is is not produced in any kind of capacity to be cheap. And even if that were the case, it would be incredibly expensive, especially when you compare it to fossil fuels. The only production hydrogen powered vehicles that I know about are a set of buses that were built and distributed amongst big cities (all in Europe I think). London got 1. I think that the production run was of 10 buses.
  12. Because you are making your judgements about a whole group of people based on the actions of a non-representative collection. On top of this, these facts have been reported to you via the media which will (however slightly) colour that information. I don't see any problem with rising above other peoples crap. Just because they are wankers doesn't mean that I have to be.
  13. I remember that chat as well. First day of AS-Chem: "Everything in GCSE chemistry is lies". And there was me finally coming to the understanding of why I hated my chem teacher at GCSE. He used to belittle me in front of the class for trying to understand what was really going on. He was a cock. Frankly Chemistry is taught backwards in this country. They should start on the subatomic level and then work out. Otherwise you left trying to build a house without knowing what a brick does. :s
  14. Read the sentence after the one that you bolded Moogle, I'm referring to the situation generally in my statement but I don't support the threats made to the Danish newspaper. I find the "why should I if they won't" arguement to hold no water whatsoever and also to be incredibly childish. I don't support the cartoon either; I think that they were free to use their intelligence and realise that it was in bad taste and not print it.
  15. Oh of course! All the engineers who have been working on the hydrogen engine for the past 30 years or so can now go home and have a cup of tea because Fish has made it make sense now! We can build the cars tomorrow! You know if you graduate to reading the A2 chemistry book and start finding out about real energy exchange and the facilities required for some of these processes then you will find that creating hydrogen fuel is amazingly expensive energetically and finnacially.
  16. It's against Islamic law to portray Muhammad in an image - so what? Sorry Fish, I can't agree with you here. Just because it's called Islamic Law and the West doesn't follow that law system doesn't mean that we shouldn't respect the philosophy that Muslims live by. In this case though, it is stupid beacuse these cartoons were not drawn by Muslims... This arguement really annoys me. People in Saudi want to live there, they agree to the laws of the country just like you do by living here. You obviously hate the fact that they "do that to their people" but you have no right to make any judgement on how they live their lives. They just have different life philosophies to you. You can't just say that it's wrong because its different.
  17. Nope, he said to me specifically that they cost more money to maintain than the money that they produce from the sale of the electricity. I was like you, I assumed that they would fund themselves but the truth with the sea farms is that the more you make, the greater the deficit. Only silver lining is that at least we'll be green
  18. Jamba


    Great film, really enjoyed how they hybridised the genres. It made it feel really surreal and strange at times but was full of win. At times though it did get a little ott but to me that just came off as funny rather than crass.
  19. I think that automobile fumes and the general transport problem needs to be addressed first. I think that efficient hybrid cars should be subsidised (not just taxed less) to encourage people to buy them. I want: On top of this, if people actually used public transport and the companies running that service weren't a bunch of arses then the service could get cheaper and a better alternative for people to use. Source please. My information comes directly from a man who has been working for DEFRA for years and is currently involved in Fishing and most things to do with the sea that are controlled by DEFRA in this country. I had a discussion with him about them and he told me (and yes he probably is only referring to the sea farms) that they were unreasonably expensive to maintain.
  20. I've heard that maintenance of Windfarms is phenominally expensive. So even though they are greener they need a small fortune for funding.
  21. I have personally heard about this from the store in Middlesbrough. It's a joke. Soon GAME and Gamestation will be practically the same.
  22. Maase why can't we discuss here? You're the one who made a new thread. You're just promoting an unnecessary thread, especially as this one was made first. This thread is necessary because we need to know which games are going on. I was finding it very hard to see the order of the "queue" without this thread. We can just have the discussion here as well.
  23. Not getting hyped at all for this. Nintendo have done things like this before. Promised or suggested big news and then delivere the GBA micro and so on. If the goods turn up then I will be happy.
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