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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. tons of infomation comming out about the game tonight as Sega are currently streaming a media event for PSO 2. Famitsu and a few other sites have a lot of new screenshots: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201107/images/00047317/MO24V74AwP2uvt715juOu69PN9REdRFZ.html http://bumped.org/psublog/
  2. New dev screenshots: More at the blog: http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-star-online-2-enemies-development-screenshots/
  3. http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-star-online-2-rappies-and-forces-development-screenshots/
  4. yeah, they added that feature recently, there should be a little icon of a film reel next to servers that support the replay feature.
  5. Some new screenshots of the RAmarl and RAcast races: http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-star-online-2-ramarl-racast-development-screenshots/
  6. I NEEDUH MONSTA TA CLOBBA DAT DAIR KIRBEH (I actually like Dedede's voice in this)
  7. Watching the new episode put up today gives you a key to watch a locked episode. Yeah my nephews now love this show (aged 4 and 5 ) since this channel arrived. Thats said, I'm much older and like the show too I even like of he mix between CG and animation.
  8. i think this is the greatest thing ever, I used to watch this cartoon show back on Fox kids in 2004 and I liked it. This channel is nicely designed too. I just wish the episodes where there forever but I guess licencing prevents that.
  9. Capcom-Unity are doing a live stream right now if anyone want's to watch:
  10. I was just reading an interview done with the 'vice president of strategic planning and business development' of Capcom, at IGN. There is nothing really of note here but he talked a little about Capcom's support of the Wii over the past 4 years and I thought some of you might want to read it: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/117/1172319p1.html
  11. New Zelda: Ocarina Of Time gameplay video http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/26064/new-zelda-ocarina-of-time-gameplay-video/
  12. Youtube link:
  13. the high quality trailer is up on the site now:
  14. It was around the price shorty mentioned on the gamecube version. If I remember right though, the first month was free. I think the only free to play PSO they made was the first one for the Dreamcast, aside from a phone bill from the dial-up connection.
  15. No problem good sir, the trailers up on youtube now too:
  16. Sega released a statement about it: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/297946/news/sega-explains-fan-made-streets-of-rage-shutdown/ I'm not sure why they waited all of this time to protect their intellectual property rights, as the remake has been available for a good few years or so, so why wait until bombergames put out the final version? I think Sega should strike some kind of deal with them and release this officially through PSN/XBL/Wiiware and Steam.
  17. Been playing this today, its such a great remake with so much effort put into everything in the game. I had played this a couple of years ago and thought it was pretty much perfect then, but they've added so much now its even better. Also, I caught a little Shenmue reference on the third level with all of the arcade machines.
  18. sorry if this is an old over asked question, i've not been able to read up much about the 3DS the past week, but can you add people to your friends list that you meet in-game? like for example if I joined a public game on Street fighter IV can you send them an invite to be on your friends list?
  19. a lot of screenshots at CVG: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/291904/news/new-pilotwings-resort-screens/
  20. update to the article I linked to: I'd be ok with universal codes.
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