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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. The 'last' episode that the channel will be showing went up last night. The channel is going to close on the 14th of December, (as stated from the beginning ) I really enjoyed having this show on the Wii, I hope they bring it back next year for the rest of the episodes. I particular liked one of the more recent ones where the characters all made an animation studio to make their own cartoons. The episode was one big parody of itself. Nintendo should do this with some other shows, like people mentioned already in this thread. Super Mario Bros super show being one that comes to mind.
  2. These are amazing I WANT ONE
  3. Recently I've been playing Sonic Generations which has a remake of one of Sonic Colours levels, Planet Wisp. I've not played Colours yet, but the music from that level is fantastic: Colours Version Audio Generations version: Audio
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if they release more levels as DLC in the future.
  5. I think Fused likes Muramasa.
  6. Awesome thread! I uploaded some old video footage of N64 games from E3 1997 on youtube a few years ago, that I think some of you might like to see them I got these videos from and old issue of Edge Magazine which came with a CDrom with this stuff on it.
  7. I love de Blobs music! Audio
  8. I'm a little late to this thread, but I just wanted to say how much I agree with you here. I'm not sure if I'd say MK Wii is the best racing game of all time ( I can't pick a favorite ) , but its certainly the most fun I've had with any of the racing games I own and I really feel its the best Mario Kart Nintendo have made so far. From 12 player racing online, uploading/downloading time trials with friends or worldwide, tons of characters,karts and bikes to unlock and then local mutliplayer which has more options then any of the previous MK games. Plus the stuff you mentioned in your post. I really liked the way the online racing is done, with an endless series of races with people dropping in and out of it. I like that you can have a friends room and have so many options to set what karts or bikes people can use and what items with show up and the weight class. I also like that the game has a new competition every fortnight (which is still running to this day), so you always have something new to try out. I think the only thing I didn't like was the lack of a normal battle mode. I do like team battle but they should of had the option to play classic battle mode in there. Also, really surprised to see Sonic and Sega All stars mode mentioned as being better here, my experience with that game was it had incredibly cheap AI, poor tracks (in both design and that almost all of them where sonic related) some not very well balanced items and an annoying commentator. but hey, at least we got to see Ryo Hazuki again.
  9. A couple of Stickerbrush Symphony/Bramble Blast remix's I like: Serious Monkey Business: Bramble Reprise Audio kamadashipoteto barbed spines remix Audio Smash Brothers Brawl Bramble Blast Audio GBA version Audio 8-bit rendition by djbouche Audio
  10. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xkloy0_yyyyyyyyyyyyyy2-yyyyyyyyyyyyy_videogames Another video from the Alpha test, gameplay and character creation
  11. Watch it before it gets taken down! Edit - welp, its gone. For those that missed it, it was ten minutes of gameplay from the alpha test
  12. They caught the scumbag responsible for this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-14515047
  13. I live in Croydon and seeing the fire that's happening here on the news is some pretty disturbing stuff.
  14. Logo and official art: http://www.n-europe.com/screenshots.php?gid=mkart3ds&page=2
  15. There are some more screenshots on the official site now http://pso2.jp/gallery/screenshot/ Also the PSO blog has some concept art:
  16. wow, I'd forgotten about PSW, that really was a great mag (with the original stafff as you mentioned). I seem to remember laughing at a lot of the stuff they wrote, especially this little column that seemed to be written in 'ye olde english' each issue from a joke character that seemed to hate gamers
  17. Sega has started an official facebook page for PSO 2 (In Japanese): https://www.facebook.com/sega.pso2?sk=wall http://pso2.jp/
  18. This is what came to my mind too, although that was 2 months after launch not 6. I've been on the fence about getting a 3DS all this time, which is out of the ordinary for me as I'm usually an early adopter when it comes to Nintendo. Good thing I waited.
  19. I'm sure many of you used buy video game magazines back in the 90's and 00's and I thought I'd make this thread to look back at some of your favorite video game magazines you used to read growing up. I used to read a ton of magazines, most of them Nintendo related (although I did buy Sega Power for a while simply because it was hilarious to read). I still have most of the magazines I bought and the cover/free gifts that came with them. Here are some of the magazines I used to read pretty much religiously: Nintendo Magazine System This was the official magazine for Nintendo all through the 90's and half of the last decade. It was a spin-off from a multiformat magazine called Mean Machines when EMAP (the publishing company that ran it) bid for the rights to make the official magazine. MeanMachines was split into two; Nintendo Magazine System and Mean Machines Sega were born. During its first 2 or 3 years when it covered the SNES, NES and Gameboy it was an absolutely solid well written magazine. Dispite being the official magazine, its reviews seemed very honest and fair. The editorial staff for the magazine (Julian Rignal, Gus Swan, Gary Harrold, Tim Boone to name a new) brought a good personality to the mag. I rememeber the magazine came with some really amazing cover gifts in the first couple of years, which included A CD soundtrack for Street fighter 2, a VHS tips video for the same game, issue 1 came with a miniature key ring gameboy with the time displayed on it's screen. When Street fighter 2 turbo was released they released a massive SF2T poster which they had to split into two parts and give one part per issue. I had the poster on my wall for years lol Sadly by the time of the N64 era, most of the original team had left and the staff that had replaced them, made the magazine truly awful. Maybe the constant delays of the N64 and then it's lack of software once released, could be partly to blame (as they didn't have much to cover), but a lot of it was to do with how the magazine was written. For example, they would refer to the Sega Saturn and Playstation as the "Sega Sad turn" and "Greystation" to give you some idea. They spent far too much time with imature unfunny insults like that and the reviews where just plain biased and unreliable (Donkey Kong County 3 got 99%). I felt like the magazine improved towards the end of its run when it was covering the Nintendo ds and preparing for Wii coverage. It seem to be a fun magazine again. Sadly just before the Wii's launch, the licence switched pubishers and the magazine was closed as a new Official Magazine was started (ONM). N64 magazine This was the follow up to a great Super Nintendo magazine called Super Play, written by most of the same staff, it was a very funny well written magazine with a great sense of humour that went around its reviews. I especially liked when they reviewed a bad game like Superman 64 or Mortal Kombat Mythologies. from wikipedia: The magazine was really reliable when it came to reviews (for the most part) and the great sense of humor the mag had made it enjoyable to read. I found myself reading pretty much everything in every issue because so much about it made me laugh. It seemed like they had fun making it, always doing crazy things like Nintendo inspired recipes and a parody of romantic novels with Nintendo characters taking the lead roles. They also did some competitions along the way, holding a Mario Kart tourney for a huge trophy and another for Goldeneye. Super Play There's not much I can say about this that I have not already said about N64 magazine as it was pretty much the same people and same mag only covering the Snes. What made Super Play very unique at the time was its heavy influence from Japan. It had a small section covering anime, which at the time very few people were interested in. they also seemed to spend a lot of pages focusing on RPG's and their guides were mostly for them too. There is a great recent 'making of super play' article with interviews from it's staff here: http://retro.nintendolife.com/news/2011/05/feature_the_making_of_super_play_magazine I'd written a bit more about some other magazines I used to read ( Cube Magazine, N.Revolution, NGC, Sega Saturn Magazine, Dreamcast magazine,Gamesmaster and CVG) but my browser crashed so I'll update this post with more later. I have a few links to sites about older mags in the meantime http://www.meanmachinesmag.co.uk/index.php http://www.transformationsequence.com/super-play.html (Will overton, Super Play/ N64 magazine cover artists site) http://www.outofprintarchive.com/magazine_catalogue_UK.html (Scans of older magazines) http://www.gamesmastertv.net/reviews/issueone.php
  20. The full media briefing is on youtube now From around 2:58 onwards in part 2, you see gameplay footage that is not in the main trailer.
  21. Nice write up Debug Official site has updated: http://pso2.jp/ http://bumped.org/psublog/:
  22. tons of infomation comming out about the game tonight as Sega are currently streaming a media event for PSO 2. Famitsu and a few other sites have a lot of new screenshots: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201107/images/00047317/MO24V74AwP2uvt715juOu69PN9REdRFZ.html http://bumped.org/psublog/
  23. New dev screenshots: More at the blog: http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-star-online-2-enemies-development-screenshots/
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