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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Personally, no. Bought my sub off eBay this year, £25 for a 12 + 1 month voucher; £1.92 a month! That's no money, my bus fair in to town is £1.80!
  2. MY 360 LIVES!!!!!! I've fixed the drive problem (invalidated my warranty doing so, but meh), tested it out on my broken Gears disk (which DREs in the menus) and it boots that game so i think everything is ok now. Just need to pluck up the courage to pop in a working game! Off to town in a bit to see what Gamestation can do about fixing my Soul Calibur disk, fingers crossed Then i just need the screwdrivers that open the 360 controller and *hopefully* i can fix that too! Blocking seems to have gone out the window, it's not very responsive. Some characters (Talim, for example) have been nerfed to the point of being useless and others (like Lizardman) are incredibly cheap. I hate the way Lizardman can crawl along the ground, his attacks are quite powerful when he's like that, and he's far more difficult to hit! Basically it's not a patch on SCII and never will be. Hopefully patches will improve things though.
  3. Bard NEVER shuts up about SFIII: Third Strike, so i assume there's at least one good Street Fighter game since 2 Well thats good I think i'm cursed this month tbh, first my iPod Touch was robbed, then my bro's bike's wheels got robbed whilst i was using it, then this whole 360/SCIV/Controller/Monitor combo. That's the best part of £500 gone to replace that lot
  4. EDTV is Enhanced Definition TV, or 480p and 576p resolutions The HDTV label is Nintendo just trying to jump on a bandwaggon that they aren't part of. The Wii supports EDTV, but not HDTV. HDTVs support EDTV resolutions, therefore you can get 480p on your Wii using the compontent cables (and possibly the RGB cable? not sure on this one)
  5. Nooooooooo Sorry to hear that matey! Just blast the crap out of him with an unrelenting assault. Forget blocking, parrying etc and attack, attack attack! Worked for me anyways, got a perfect the first round and beat him with 3/4 health the second one. Oh and btw, i suck at Street Fighter. Not played it since SFII, SFII: Turbo and Super Street Fighter II on the SNES! It's been a good 10 years! I blame Nintendo for not having SF games on their consoles after that :p
  6. Thats what im thinking, although they aren't allowed to do that. We're on an old AOL contract from way back when their unlimited broadband was actually unlimited. London server is pretty much the same, and my game pings are just as crappy no matter where in the world the server is.
  7. I found The Apprentice to be a piece of piss, really can't see why people are struggling with him The only character i don't like fighting is Lizardman, he's just bloody annoying! They only accept RRODs after a year, everything else is £70. There are ways and means to force an RROD though, which is what i'll be doing when i get home tonight
  8. The disk looks like a baby's been teething on it Not sure if the disk actually is broken tbh, it might just be the drive thats nackered Thinking about it i might just get a replacement 360 from Microsoft, sell up and buy a new TV + PS3. For the amount i use the 360 for i doubt it'll make a huge amount of difference which console i own.
  9. My 360 just died! And guess what? It took SCIV with it! YAYNESS! Was so pissed off i through my 360 controller across the room, it hit my PC monitor, put a dent in the screen and the 360 controller died. All in all a good £200 worth of damage. Oh joy! I think i'll just give up on gaming, the Wii is dull, the 360 is an unreliable piece of junk and i'm really not all that fussed by the PS3 right now. PC gaming is still great, but i only really play online and my net connection has gone to shit (along with the dent in the monitor and the lack of a headset due to 360 controller die-age) Gonna go pop some perscription strength pills for this damned headache i've had for the past 3 days and go to bed i think....
  10. Speedtest says 190kbps down, i say lol. It's supposed to be 2Mb broadband FFS! I'd noticed it's been slow lately but this is taking the biscuit! Done a few tests and most of them have been around 250kbps up and downstream, an 8th of what the downstream should be under ideal conditions. Any advice peeps? Gonna give my ISP a ring, but i know they'll just fob me off
  11. Simple, he weighs on Batman's concience. Batman will drop everything if The Joker gets out of Arkham and he won't stop until he's caught again. He'd be a useful plot tool if they ever wanted to strain Bats to breaking point. He also gives birth to Harley Quinn, quite an important character in the Batman universe really. I'd like to see him return, but not in the next film. Give it a one or 2 film gap and then try again. That's if Nolan does more than 3, he might not
  12. From what i remember reading he's not weak against magic, he just reacts to it normally. Basically magic affects him to the same extent that it effects Batman or any other human.
  13. Wickedly awesome. He's my main character again, just stupidly, stupidly fast and flashy : peace:
  14. Deadshot is dead. He was in Gotham Knight, the animated film that bridged Begins and TDK. Batman caught him and he was given the death penalty along with Ronald Marshal, the mobster that hired him. That version of Deadshot sucked anyway, he didn't have a death wish and was just a hired gun. It's possible that he could be broken out of death row, but there's not much point really if they've removed the most interesting part of the character. You're missing something here; The Dark Knight isn't the conclusion to the story. Saying that they should have killed The Joker off in this film is like saying that Darth Vader should have died in both Episode's 3 and 4 (both times by Obi-Wan's hand). That would have made more sense for the individual story, but it would have screwed up the series completely. The Joker being locked up in Arkham ISN'T the ending. It's a beginning It was adapted to fit the film. In the comics Two-Face ended up with a half scarred face because Maroni threw acid over him. The resulting scars are rather different from the ones from TDK: There's various different looks to Two Face, but the one in The Dark Knight is the most chilling and gruesome of the lot. They made it about as horrifying as they possibly could without breaching the 12a certificate (which imo they really pushed the boundaries of as it was). Of-course they could always have dismissed the source material altogether, but then you'd just be left with another case of Resident Evil
  15. Just got this from town today. Local indie stores FTW! The bloke's taken down my mobile number and a list of games i want over the coming months, i'll now get a text when they come is stock so i can pick em up before release day Only exception is stuff like GTAIV, where there's a huge legal threat hanging over release.
  16. Ah, well on that note then this is how i'd like to see the next instalment play out: Batman is on the run from the GCPD. Bruce has to become more carefull about how and when he uses his alterego for fear of being caught. The criminal underworld is in chaos, with leadership struggles among the big crime families and increasing pressure from the GCPD, along with the usual Bat problems. During the course of the film we see Oswald Cobblepot (AKA The Penguin, but not refered to as that at this stage) and a man calling himself 'The Black Mask' make use of this power vaccum, splitting the criminal underworld in to warring factions (the ones who follow corrupt businessman Copplepot, those who turn to 'The Black Mask' for help and inspiration, and those who attempt to stay independant). Super-sleuth Edward Nigma is brought in by the GCPD to aid them in discovering catching The Batman and discovering his true identity. He's a free-agent, a PI with a very, very good reputation and the best in the business. The problem is the police know nothing of his methods and with Batman proving to be his biggest challenge yet he forges a plan that stakes Gotham City's very existance against unimaginable wealth and glory. Rumour has it that a man called The Riddler is selling a new super-steroid nick-named "Venom" to the highest bidder. It is from this rumour that The Riddler (or Edward Nigma as he is more commonly known) unleashes his deadly plan to trap Batman between the GCPD and the criminal underworld. If Edward's plan goes well then The Batman will be unmasked and in custody, along with Oswald Cobblepot and The Black Mask. Edward Nigma will be hailed as the saviour of Gotham City and it's new 'White Knight'. If it all goes wrong then Venom will find it's way in to the hands of the criminal underworld and Gotham will be facing it's darkest days ever. The next film is then obviously ready for Bane to make an appearance. Rather than have him bulging on Venom from the off i'd rather see him aquire it during the course of the film, a necessary tool for his plan. Scarecrow takes a more prominent role (after being feed from Arkham), becoming a true villain and actually capable of occupying Batman's attention alone. The Joker is introduced to Dr. Harleen Quinze, and we see her fall for him during the course of the film, before Bane ultimately breaks The Joker free. The fifth installment focuses on Harley and The Joker.
  17. Who do people think should be the next villain? I'm thinking Black Mask would be a great entry for the next film. The criminal underworld in Gotham is in chaos at the moment, and he's the right character to re-organise it and give Batman a real fight. Introducing Dr. Harlen Quinzel is a must too, with her slowly falling in love with The Joker throughout the film. That would then set up The Joker for a break-out in film #4! Bane is another character i'd like to see, but done properly this time. Bring Knightfall to the big screen! Hopefully it's not the next film though, too similar to TDK in terms of it's effect on Batman. Oh and on a final note, i'd like to see Scarecrow step up to the plate a bit. I don't want to see him as the main villain in a film, but maybe a force of chaos in his own right. I want him as a stronger character that's perfectly capable of standing on his own, has his own agenda and occasionally causes trouble for both sides in a Batman vs Villain fight.
  18. Splinter Cell: Conviction has been delayed. AGAIN. Expect it in the 2009/2010 financial year now
  19. Same dilema here. My biggest hate of Live is lag, but as this game is only 4 players i don't see that being too much of an issue. That's my biggest gripe with the 360 done with, so i guess it just depends how many of my mates buy this on 360. If none of them buy it i'll play with internet mates on the PC version instead.
  20. I'd buy it over GoW2 too. I want both games, but stuff from Valve is always pretty special!
  21. Muse aren't the only (or even the best) band in the world y'know? One mention is enough surely?
  22. http://kotaku.com/5027053/tf2-%252B-legos--amazle Awesome! :awesome:
  23. I was just telling it the way i heard it, there's a few different versions of the story though. To me the 'Activision said no' one makes the most sense to me, i just can't see where Nintendo tie in to the deal if Rare own all their non-Nintendo franchised games + all their own engines. Unless Rare don't own that engine? Who knows...
  24. Negative. They stopped working on Goldeneye because Activision won't give them access to the Bond lisence
  25. So what i said was partly true, yet completely false. Go you!
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