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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. But then what I really am referring to is my somewhat idealised objectification of Shakira (much to do with the way she presents herself). It would have to be through some sort of haptic/ holographic future device that perfectly captures the essence of Shakira in Whenever/ Whatever. Said device would spell disaster for all humanity. In real life it would be mitigated by two things: 1. I have no real sense of onus. I think. 2. I'm not a fan, so I could probably pull off nonchalant/ impartial. 3. I am good in the sack. To contribute to thread, was just on my run when this came on my iPod, and I exploded with yesssss:
  2. Shakira is currently no.2 on my want-to-sex list. So hot.
  3. Well, like, why the fuck not? Is a PSP game not going to be a little more at home on a handheld that it will be on a dock off giant HDTV? Fuck that, was really looking forward to playing Peace Walker too, and it's not available on the PSN either.
  4. Wipeout: Got just five more Elite Passes to get, and they're all in the 2050 campaign, on Zone stages, which means its going to take hours and hours. There's quite a few tracks that I can navigate really well on the A+ speed class (Which is the analog of the Phantom skill class from previous games - one thing I don't like about 2048; I wish they'd kept those little quirks that gave the series personality- and is ridiculously fast, to the point where you need to anticipate corners 10 metres before you get there), but the final few levels, Altima and Sol, are just fucking impossible. On the plus side though, I've whipped up everyone on my friends list, as well as anyone I've raced online. It feels so good :heh:
  5. This might just me being an asshole, but I hate her face. It reminds me of the incredibly bovine, provincial, dairy farmer skanks you see at any given Manchester club. I'm an asshole.
  6. Nah, squats are painful in the extreme. If you don't feel like your legs are latex tubes filled with playdough by the end of it, you're doing it wrong =p.
  7. Yeah, I'm totally stoked for getting a brand new Double Fine adventure for $15. Absolutely wicked.
  8. Don't become one of those awful couples that work out together (because it's creepy) and kiss across the treadmill 20 minutes into a run, just dripping sweat and all manner of bodily fluids. They're gross. I should know . I did 6 reps on 100kg deadlifts, and I was walking like a fucking baboon the rest of the day. Only my third time ever actually doing that particular exercise, so I'm going to keep it up, can definitely feel myself becoming more defined around the lower back area.
  9. I would love it if Rez is secretly some sort of mastermind blackjack savant. Is there some sort of rule that states you can't gamble if you're "clinically advantaged"?
  10. Definitely going to be getting the Metal Gear Solid HD collection, since I never properly played 3, and never even touched Peace Walker. I'm playing through Portable Ops again, and I forgot how great a little game it is, such a neat idea to introduce squads, and ties into the whole theme of Big Boss transcending his role as a lone soldier and becoming a sort of war general. Story is a mix of the interesting and the inane, in much the way that Kojima always goes about trying to bind real world history and politics with absurd paranormal shit.
  11. Finished the single player campaign on Wipeout 2048, and only have about five events to get the elite pass for. I've played this thing fucking constantly since I got it, and I have to say; it's absolutely pimp. What other racer tries to integrate a narrative into the artistic direction and track designs? There aren't a whole lot of tracks unfortunately, but the ones there are will take a long ass time to master, so many opportunities for short cuts and alternate racing lines that it becomes very strategic. I have a problem with the Sol track though; it's the equivalent of Rainbow Road, and you find yourself gutterballing constantly. Very difficult to navigate in a speed ship. Anyone up for multiplayer sometime?
  12. Yeah, adding a tablespoon (perhaps a little more even, according to how you want it to taste), actually makes it more palatable than most flavoured shakes I used to buy. But then, I really love Agave nectar. Give it a try, it'll definitely make it a lot better, drinking that stuff by itself is like eating sawdust.
  13. I was too. Now I'll rip your jaw off and eat your face if you look at me funny.
  14. I finally understand Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgement, am now off to the gym to make myself sexy, and going out for a film/ drinks with a friend tonight. Today, life is good.
  15. I really wanted Ninja Gaiden Sigma, but apparently it only runs at 30fps, which is balls because that game is so informed by beat 'em up culture and concepts that reducing the amount of frames is going to dampen your reaction times. Such a shame, and unbelievable for a game that was running at 60 on the original Xbox.
  16. I pretty much don't eat anything sweet other than apples, and I have Agave nectar with my tea rather than sugar. Still, my diet isn't exactly healthy, it consists almost entirely of meat. By which I mean chicken. Someone out there must lament the amount of chickens that have had to die to keep me alive. Worth it!
  17. Ah you bastards, surreptitiously having Gears nights without informing me. In future, count me in, love this game.
  18. What's stopping them? Some of you are foolishly falling prey to a classic psychological trait of people who don't know better. It's called Fundamental Attribution Error; the fact that when we see someone who has become successful, wealthy or famous, we attribute this gain and all the advantages it brings, to the successes of their personality, or their ability to work hard. In essence we laud them, in totality, for everything that they've become while what we neglect to look at, is that any given person's input is meaningless without the material and environmental means to propel them. Not only that, but the fact that it is these very material conditions that create them in the first place. Would a Rockefeller or a J.P Morgan been possible without the availability of crude oil and steel, its innovative new uses, and a hole in the market? No. The same goes for any entrepreneur. Sure, you could start a business, but unless, by some serendipitous miracle, you find an unoccupied niche in the market, you're going to flounder. Just this morning,I read an article about the benefits children from poor background gain from a good preschool education, over priveliged children. Why is this the case? Because the material conditions of these poor children leave it so they're never able to attain their maximum biological potential; they never develop because they weren't lucky enough to have the means for it in the most crucial period of their lives. Not only is FAA a prevalent idea in psychology, it's corroborated by, and fundamental to the thoughts of everyone from Marx to Foucault, so don't be an irksome prick, and belittle people by saying that "there's nothing holding you back," because it's your very ignorance, and wilfully averted gaze to the material conditions of the poor and underpriveliged that ends up contributing to their marginalisation.
  19. Don't be a chode, and accept my friend request @Daft. So I've been shitting all over the leaderboards on Wipeout, and I've only had the damn thing one day. Need a challenge folks, step up your game
  20. Forarms pretty much work themselves if you use dumbbells for all your exercises. For example, doing Trapezoids with 34kg in each hand will really tire your forearms out, because you're holding on to them for an extended period of time, or if you do rows with dumbbells, it will have the same effect. I think what Daft was getting at is his grip strength rather than wrist flex, which is what Charlie is talking about.
  21. If my bank account can be likened to a clogged urethra, then I undoubtedly cathetered myself to be able to afford a Vita. I'm so broke I'm currently considering plundering my neighbours' unripened tomato patch for food. But by golly, I love it.
  22. There's nothing glamorous or exciting about Independence era America though (in the physical sense rather than the ideological or political). I don't want to saunter through faceless military encampments and outhouses, I want something with the personality of Venice or Rome.
  23. Disgaea 3 will be out soon, wait for that. Will be especially cool if peeps on here get some multiplayer going.
  24. Yeah, when it got to Washington, it started to look like a Total War game; none of the individuals looked remotely inspiring, which is obviously what they were going for. Nor did the prospect of the battle at hand get me excited; AC is about an individual rather than an army. Although it seems this could be for Assasins Creed, what Snake eater was for the MGS series; introduced interaction with wildlife, camouflage elements, shift from the man made to the natural etc. This will probably be great.
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