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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. You mean Bard right?
  2. I don't really think anyone has ever done anything truly outstandingly nice for me so far as I feel particularly endeared to them. I guess my friend Zach took me to his place and let me crash there the night when I passed out under a tree in the park next to the whitworth, which is more than most of my "mates" would do. Oh I remeber one thing, I was maybe 6 or 7 and I'd only just moved to England, and most of the kids at school used to make fun of me, except this one girl, Gemma who I was really good friends with, I almost cried when I came back after the summer holidays and found out that she had moved...but that's all I can really think of at the moment.
  3. Hehe, I returned Monkey Ball 30 minutes after I started playing it...it was pretty suck...
  4. The fact remains that most people on this forum are either whiny pre pubescent outcasts, or middle aged men who've given up on their social lives. Except that's not true, there are a wierd amount of normal people here (for a Nintendo forum especially), I think there's always been some good advice. Here's some from a particularly jaded, sociopathic direction: Fuck it, girls/ people in general tend to be particularly inconsiderate about others' feelings, you don't seem to know her that well, and she could very well turn out to be a total douche. Hunt around a bit more, you seem like a reasonably social person, go out with girls as friends more, enjoy their company, and then think about making a move. And most importantly; Drink up!
  5. I'm always telling people that I hate everyone. And this is true to some degree...but not entirely, I don't think there is anyone who is made up of entirely optimism of pessimism, you need both to be a well rounded person. Not everything is black and white that way.
  6. Dragonball Z is out in a few days, I'm getting that. You should also probably go for Red Steel, as it is crazy good.
  7. I'm thinking of what to do with mine...I think you'll prolly be surprised by some of my choices I just wish there was a category for N-E user you hate most...
  8. They did with Harry Potter...and that movie was well...er shit, following in tow with the books ..., so I'm pretty sure they'll change it for this aswell, nobody would recognise it else (and a nice little lyraism to finish off too ) Also: In my opinion, the books got progressively better.
  9. My only complaint would be that the battery life is way too short..,
  10. Well, they'll obviously change the name back for when it comes out here
  11. Tbh, it kinda sucks, but considering the fact that it's on terrestrial television, these days, thats pretty much a given.
  12. Well, I'm almost done with this game I think, and it wasn't nearly as difficult as some people said, and definately not as difficult as Ocarina, although it was miles better. Got a little way to go yet...I guess I'll be getting me some DBZ action on the 30th then...
  13. Me and my friends feel that using the A-lock on feels cheap and takes all the skill out of the game, so I always have it disabled on multiplayer...on single I only ever use it when I want to zoom in... I really hope they just go for a bigger reticule and dump the whole lock on thing in the next game...
  14. I only just started listening to some of his shit, shame really. You should see Eddie Murphy's celebrity hot tub impersonation of him though teh best thang evar.
  15. I wasn', I was out being "healthy"...
  16. exercise, sex, booze
  17. aww this is so cool...eunuh and arab are so cute cant see the rest too clearly on mah wii
  18. I fucking love your avatar btw...concidentially, Marty McFly is also my Laserquest alias
  19. Nah, I think starfox would work tons better with pointer/ motion controls...
  20. I thought A Bugs Life was good though... I liked the game too...
  21. What took me ages was the reekfish...I was convinced that you had to catch it and keep it somehow Wasted about 3 hours asking around ingame...
  22. Haha, you look pretty much the same My parents used to do the same thing, dress us up in pretty embarassing shit and have photos taken of us...infact, most of them are diplayed around the house...I really should take them down and save myself further embarrassment for when my mates come round... Just a lil peek..? No?
  23. Many many better freebies, Super Mario World, Street Fighter 2, Super Mario 64... I haven't played Wii sports since the day I got Wii...
  24. Haven't played this game for 3 days on account of having exams...I'm up to the snowdrift mansion thing...it's pretty cool, quite different from your typical zelda dungeon...in appearance anyway...about 26 hours in
  25. The Bard

    Far Cry

    Get Dragonball Z Tenkaichi 2, it kicks ass.
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