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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Thafe. Check out page 93 of the User Image gallery . What time does the show start again?
  2. How can you not like the Exorcist? o_0. I thought it was brilliant. It wasn't scary like in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or Resident Evil sense where shit jumps out at you. It was scary because there's a little girl possessed by a demon doing crazy shit. And you can't say that the demon face didn't haunt your nightmares.
  3. Lolol. Gonna be awesome. If I see you there I'll holla. Aiii...still donno where I'm gonna stay for the night, anyone know any cheap motels?
  4. Games TM gave Scarface 6/10 when it came out, and I trust their ratings more than anyone else...although a 6/10 from Games TM probably equates to about an 8 from IGN.
  5. As most people on here probably know by now, almost everything pisses me off. The top of the pile has to be Jehova's witnesses though: They believe in god, which makes them stupid, they try to inflict their stupidity upon others, which makes me angry.
  6. God. This game seems thoroughly tasteless anyway, along with the rest of Rockstars output (except for Table Tennis). I don't see why anyone would want to play it anyway, seems a bit shit to me.
  7. Got it a few days back. = awesome. I hate racing games, but Burnout is fucking ace.
  8. IGN didn't hype Red Steel...they like, have it a 6.8 or something. Anyway, I think I'm gonna pick this up. I respect Cassamassina's taste in games.
  9. Well, I think it sucks anyway, so no biggie.
  10. I want lots and lots of Soul Calibur 4 info. Next Gen Street Fighter for 360 . Next Gen Timesplitters...er...Can't really think of much else. Oh yeah: A fricking PROPER sequel to Chrono Trigger! For 360 . Either that or Chrono Trigger remake...actually no, that'd be pointless as the games already perfect .
  11. Haha, nice one. You're not joking? *Sodomises WOOP with a meat hook*
  12. They're both 2 of the best fighters ever made, I just prefer Tekken, probably because I've spent inhuman hours mastering that game and know it inside out. Ikaruga is...well, it's the most fun you can have without being forced to cuddle afterwards...
  13. Deja vu. I swear the same threads pop up from time to time. As for me. my motto is "No Remorse, No Regrets." I put all regrets out of my mind because time spent wishing, is time wasted...
  14. I'm running in 720p, and I tried changing the setting to 1080i 50hz mode, and there was no difference. The same problem occurs in either 50 or 60hz. Just started Lost Planet, it's very awesome, story's a bit shit but it's crazy fun so far. My Burnout Revenge disc doesn't work keeps coming up as a DVD and telling me to insert it into an Xbox 360 console probably go get it replaced tomorrow. Man I get the worst luck with games
  15. Eh? Why would I have bought it if I didn't like it? Fool.
  16. Just got Burnout Revenge and Lost Planet. I got Halo and Halo 2 yesterday. 1 question; On Halo 1, it won't play in widescreen so half of the screen appears as just a blank, black area. Anyone know why that is?
  17. The Butterfly Effect: This film is such a mixed bag. It's pretty mortifying, and pretty depressing at points, and at others it's quite frankly hilarious, although unintentionally. Filled with plot holes and some parts were just in bad taste, but I do like the concept behind the movie...it got me thinking for quite a while. AK and tasty coma wifes performances were pretty good, I don't see why Kutcher get so much criticism. It was a bit ridiculous, but I was watching it in my room with the lights out on my tiny iPod screen and it was kinda creepy. I'm going to be generous and give it a 7/10.
  18. ^ OMG that's exactly what I thought...it's pretty creepy.
  19. Have an awesome day dooooooooooood.
  20. It's the best kareoke song of all time. The lyrics also don't make any sense I think the Killswitch Engage version is better though...
  21. Why though...it's really not that kind of game. It didn't really have much substance in the way of story. I wouldn't have thought it was a life changing experience. Great game though.
  22. Well for me it's: LTTP/ LA > WW > OOT > TP
  23. I love lots of classical stuff, I'm kinda ignorant though, only know the really popular stuff. Jazz is alright. There's a fine line between it being too pretentious and too cheesy. Most jazz really grates.
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