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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Yeah man, I was already anaemic for a while due to ridiculous weight loss, and weed cuts off circulation to your scalp, hence hair loss. That's my theory anyway, maybe I should light up a blunt, see if it holds water, still got about an eighth lying around somewhere. Also: agreed, I don't want my reactions shot for the rest of my life. Pot isn't addictive though, so how come you got hooked? Or did you just stuff it full o baccy? Personally I used to use this really slow burning pipe tobacco, mellow Virginia or something, which was cool, had a fruity flavour. I'm not the biggest fan of inhaling burning vegetation though, so I think I'll try something else...
  2. That was me?...Nah, can't have been, wasn't in red. Although, my body clock is really fucked up: Currently wake up most days at 3:30pm, and got to bed as late as possible, the day after I usually wake up half an hour later than the day before. I'm gonna try becoming totally nocturnal, how fucking badass would that be?
  3. Hehe, trust the English student to see it as a symbol of freedom . Jokes. I <3 you. Rly rly. Anyway, I don't smoke, except for if I'm out with friends, and I'm offered a cig or two, I don't refuse. Also: I used to smoke weed, but given that up cause it made my hair fall out.
  4. Smoking = look cool and die young. Win win. Shit, why don't I smoke?
  5. Read Rime of The Ancient Mariner today for my interview on Wednesday. Mwahaha, now I can talk about how it's exactly like Crime and Punishment, which should make me sound suitable clever/ pretentious. Win.
  6. Electrolysis is the most ridiculous concept ever. I mean, who the fuck would actually be that vain? I suppose you'd do it if you had like, a hairy ass or something equally as hilarious.
  7. Yeah, we actually need a checklist. You know what...I might just drive down. It might be handy to have a car, especially as I can just park it at my uncles house. Win.
  8. He is called Beardy Man. It's ingrained to his persona. Shaving it off would be selling out
  9. Ashley, you have plans for venereal disease? That truly is weird.
  10. Vinnie Paul looks stupid, you need a beard like Chris Adler. He's also a colossally better drummer
  11. I wouldn't mind being single, if I didn't think it was because there's something wrong with me. I hope I meet someone who gets me at uni, otherwise it's going to be a lonely four years...
  12. Yaay, finally . <3
  13. L Cancelling is still in though. o_0.
  14. Yup, that's what I meant .
  15. I think most people will be coming via Euston, so we'll just exchange numbers and meet up at Euston, and then head off to Hyde Park.
  16. Somebody better bring an acoustic guitar. Aint no fun without drunken singalongs .
  17. Maybe they only have one pad.
  18. This is, quite possibly the best Hack n Slash (I hate using that term) I've ever played. One thing which I would have liked is if they had somehow managed to incorporate all of Dante's styles into one, but I know that not possible, so I'm fine with it as it is.
  19. Yikes, Nightwolf looks even better with long hair. Some people just get all the luck.
  20. Me and McMad are going to kick your asses. And make you like it.
  21. Well, I'm gonna be staying the night in London anyway, so I'm up for doing anything you lot want.
  22. Yup, I'll join in .
  23. If my house was on fire, and the cat was caught in the dryer...I'd go ahead and save: My Guitar My 360 and games, my Wii, all my gamecube memory cards, my DS and my PSP. My Laptop My annotated copy of The Great Gatsby <3 My Stargate/ Scrubs/ House MD/ Dragonball Z DVD collection And realising now that I'd have no time to save any of that stuff, I'd run out with my guitar in one hand, and my Gamecube memory cards and 360 HDD + DS in the other. So do I , had a subscription since the 5th issue. I <3 .
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