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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. It was the same here. Don't worry though, the deadline for means assessed loans is a month after, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  2. Sounds like a plan. Tonight was hella fun
  3. High fiveS ALl around.
  4. i feel really fucked. just took thes few sleaeping pills and i feel really sedated and shit. Gonna be a good day,e r. Feelin fairly insaaane. Fucking loooove it. jabberwocky
  5. Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.
  6. I got a scholarship from QMUL. Woo. My loan covers full fees though, which means I will be fucking loaded. Win.
  7. What the fuck does hardcore gamer even mean? Does it mean someone who knows how many frames there are in Ken's shoryuken in SF3? Does it mean someone who has every new system on the market? Either way, being hardcore doesn't mean you get any more out of a game than anyone else, or that you have some sort of deeper understanding of what a particular game is about, it just means that you're a database for pointless facts. I play an assload of games, but I try not to involve myself with the banalities associated with being hardcore...
  8. This is true. I'm not one for blondes.
  9. 9:30 sounds like win.
  10. Pfft. Red>Brunette>Black>Other Stuff>>Blonde
  11. We could just go online and spam invites to everyone.
  12. I actually don't know. She's a chick though, which means that she automatically has sex on tap if she wants it, and as previously mentioned, she has monstrously large cans.
  13. Hehe, I'm just kidding. Er...I'm up for it if you want a game later tonight? I haven't played for a good two months, so it should be good getting into it again .
  14. What the fuck? She's not hot. Like, even remotely.
  15. We still definitely doing it on that weekend right? Cause I've already booked my train tickets.
  16. I suppose we could get the crew back together for some matches, but you will get penetrated in every orifice if that happens
  17. Hyde Park is hauge, it won't all be closed. And even if it is, London won't be closed lol, there's always Kensington Gardens, Regents Park etc.
  18. Woah, just remembered that Matt Barlow is back with Iced Earth. Would love to go see them live.
  19. American History X - Intense. Real Intense. 10/10.
  20. Great day, consisted of playing guitar for about six hours, listening to random tunes... about to get stooooned and watch Spirited Away again...
  21. I reckon the Wii was a great concept, but the motion sensor shit could use some refining, as could the games. As it is, I am lurving my 360, and not currently thinking about future consoles, but even so, I think that progress for games as a medium is in the hands of companies making the games, more than it is in whatever a new machine can offer. Testament to this is the fact that one of the best games I've played for a long time is on the DS (The World Ends With You). I'd be totally happy with the current consoles for another good 10 years, I'm tired of getting hyped for a new console, only for the novelty to wear off within a week and a shortage of games to play.
  22. Man, was bored so decided to look over my collection, and I've started listening to "Anthems to the welkin at dusk" by Emperor and "Wolverine Blues" by Entombed again... I have come to the conclusion that if you don't like Metal as a genre, then it's simply because your puny mind can't process sounds of such magnitude.
  23. I hated Banjo Kazooie too, it was just clunky and boring as fuck. Never played DK64 though.
  24. angL by Ishahn is absolutely amazing. And Mikael Akerfeldt is on it
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