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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. This is clearly the best case scenario. Anyway, tis a shame, he was an interesting character.
  2. Dude, that second shot is from 1080 on the Cube. That was a good game.
  3. Was aaaawesome, but they're fucking killing off all my favourite characters...Boone, then Charlie, and then Jin. Wouldn't be surprised if Sawyer and Hurley end up getting fucked over too. To be honest though, the whole moving the island thing is getting a tad surreal. I hope they're going somewhere with this.
  4. There's a kid called Masamune? Awesome. His parents obviously play far too many videogames.
  5. Capcom are the best games company from Japan at least, if not the world. This should be one to look forward to.
  6. Yeah. You're clearly taking the piss.
  7. Haha, what a crock of bullshit. "I'm aware of them, I just decide not to use them." And you're presuming that competitive players' appreciation of the game is limited because they know and play the game more than you? Get your head out of your ass. I didn't say the fighting system in brawl is "broken," I think that's an exaggeration, seeing as it's great fun at times. But is it a fighter in the same league as Melee? Hell to the no, and you can't say shit against that because you don't play either competitively. I think you're just pissed that there are people out there who would utterly penetrate every orifice in your quivering body at Smash bros, because they know the game inside out, and you're using the "well, lol, they're not in the tutorial, so they're not meant to be used" card. What exactly, was added to Brawl to make it a better competitive fighter? Absolutely fuck all, especially in comparison with what was changed to make it simpler. Nobody said it was incredibly basic. Just not as complex as Melee. Why do you seem to be taking this so personally? It's like someone just insulted a family member or something.
  8. You might think it's better, and thats your opinion. What's fact is that it IS fucking stripped down. Just because you don't notice what's gone doesn't make it irrelevant, it just makes your appreciation of what the games are incomplete. Regardless of how you see these techniques, the fact is that you CAN do them, and you can do them with regular controller input, if you want to call it an accident or a glitch the feel fucking free to do so, but remember that it was the cancelling "glitch" that made SF2 what it was, and now it's a staple of that series, and every other competitive fighter known to man (yes, that includes Soul Calibur, VF, Tekken, Guilty Gear etc.), and one which has been improved upon in all of SF's subsequent iterations. It does not fucking matter what the developers intentions were, because we'll never know them. What does matter is that the data on that 2.5 inch piece of plastic is there for you to interpret as you see fit; If you like Brawl because of it's reduced potential to be a competitive fighter, then thats your call, what Goron is saying is what makes it so damn awesome for you is the reason it's shit for him.
  9. True, because only the weak play fighters with n00bsticks.
  10. The sound of a chainsaw revving through McMad's screams of "SHIIIIIT HEEES ON YEEEER SIX!!" still keep me up at night.
  11. Yeah, but you're not exactly one concerned with skill are you sir chainsaw fiend. Roflhax
  12. I played Brawl at a friends house on thursday, and we eventually turned it off and played Melee instead after they'd tried out some of the new characters. I think (and I hope) that Melee will be remembered as the defining iteration of the series. Brawl is still a kickass game though, it's a lot of fun at the best of times, but it's also not a fighter anywhere in the same league as Melee.
  13. Don't even deny it. Although Sayid is far too sexy
  14. To be fair though, not only do all Killzone games suck, but you're talking about playing an FPS with a Playstation controller. GT5 is a snooze fest. The thing is though, PS3 is actually starting to look far more promising than Wii. Hell, I'm thinking of getting one just so I can play upscaled PS2 titles.
  15. Some fucking idiotic suggestions. Die Hard Vendetta was appalling.
  16. Gears buddies ftw. <3 Love it. Happy bday Caris :D ...
  17. Man I pulled the hottest girl at the hilton tonight. So happy
  18. Hey. We don't have to take our clothes off....to have a good time. Na na na nanana....naa naaa
  19. It's what I do. Of, course, what you could do is, like everyone else, take it as it's intended. Tongue in cheek. Getting back on topic: The Wii is the platonic conception of erectile dysfunction. Discuss.
  20. Oooh, did I hit a nerve? Of course, your mistake would be believing everything an "internet nerd" (which by the way is clearly the pot calling the kettle black) writes about his life on a forum, as well as being anal and pathetic enough to recall such a parody, which strikes me as being indicative of your own social ineptitude. Shit, why the fuck else would you selflessly attach yourself to a videogame manufacturer? Being a whiny, overly defensive and petty (hey, we all got our double standards) character yourself, without anything of value to add to the discussion at hand, or any discussion, so far as I, or anyone else can tell, it'd be best if you kept your idle musings to the relevant.
  21. Jesus, you must be really fuckin proud of that. . Lost is all kinds of awesome.
  22. Whaaat. They can't get rid of Speedball, Xevious and...Root Beer Tapper... That's just fucked up.
  23. Tie him up and burn him. A man with the audacity to praise the online component in a Nintendo game, a Phantasy Star Online avatar, and yet one without any appreciation of the greatest RPG to come out of Japan, is clearly someone who shouldn't be allowed near the gene pool.
  24. No, it's not good, because it gives those people an oversimplified impression of what videogames are. Speaking of "me too" titles, the Wii market is inundated with such fodder. Nintendo have really done nothing new this generation that appeals to me as a gamer (TP, MP3, Mario Galaxy aren't new, they're testament to the fact that things were fine the way they were before. Sure, Nintendo may not have been making nearly as much cash back then, but considering their recent output, I can't say that I give a shit.) Ironically, the best thing the Wii has to offer is its collection of retro games. I don't play games like Wii Sports because, in plain terms, they fucking suck. And Wii Fit is not a game, it's a fitness tool. I don't want that. Sure, Nintendo may have come up with a new way to interact, but seriously, it stands as nothing more than a gimmick when the games themselves serve as hardly more than fairly hollow attempts to utilise and justify said controls. Not only that, there is also the fact that the motion controller is pretty flawed in itself. There has yet to be a game that makes good use of gestures, further than waving the controller like a lobotomised monkey and praying that shit happens on screen. Zakk and Wiki, a game that I had fun with, and probably one of the only games on Wii that actually would not be better on next gen consoles (gotta love Capcom), is still missing a fair amount of accuracy. Nintendo seems at war with the best of itself, over simplifying it's flagship franchises and actually coming up with flashier, yet inferior versions of games it released on Gamecube (Smash Bros, and Mario Kart come to mind, although how that pile of anal discharge managed to outdo the fecal matter that was Double Dash is quite obviously something as easily explained as the hordes of sycophantic forum drones who seem to class Sonic and The Secret Rings as something worthwhile...) O the Nintendo freaks are singin...
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