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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Soo I ordered a One. I have spent my day off (as my tennis was cancelled) just reading reviews, watching gameplay videos, checking out what's coming out and the One fits more of my wants at the min than the PS4. It's so minimal though, it's literally only the exclusive games that have swung it. Just a much stronger showing from Microsoft on that front. Was £349.99 for the white console and Sunset Overdrive which I think is pretty good. I'll prob end up picking up Forza to go along with that too and maybe try and get Dead Rising on the cheap! I'm pretty excited! More for the games than anything else. Now I need to find some damn shelf space for it. It's not exactly svelte like the PS4 is!
  2. Thanks for your reply Happenstance. Yeah it kinda does come down to games with someone like me as I have never done much online gaming at all over the years. I do like online co-op but things like death matches and team hunt type things haven't ever really been my thing. I quite like lone gaming as sad as it sounds! Both consoles have great gaming line ups, but the one has more in the way of exclusives that look to suit my tastes more than PS4. At the moment. I say that because I know what exclusives could and probably will come to ps4 which is what's making me unsure at the minute. I read about the new One update that's coming and I had to lol at things they were letting you do, like adding a background image and improving search functions in the game library etc - how is that only being added now?! But I guess if I get one after that I won't know what it was like before so might skip some of the early adopter frustration that seemed to be a little crazy! I'll spend some more time today mulling it over. I may end up ordering a ps4 though if something puts me off haha.
  3. Lol to is it a wind up haha. No... but I can understand why you'd think that. Not a lot o'lovin round these parts. Thanks for your reply btw, everything you said is right too, they started very shaky but seem to be doing a lot to make up for it. Regarding Kinect, I don't think I'd bother with it. I don't have the space for it and there doesn't seem to be an awful lot of games to utilise it. Yeah I had all 3 consoles last gen but I did a load of gaming then. I don't think I'd find myself with all 3 again any time soon which is why I'm trying to make the right decision for me now! Titanfall is a strange one in that I played the beta with a mate and thought it was ok but didn't blow me away. Destiny does not look like my type of game at all. Plus I'm not huge on online play. Both consoles seem to be hugely online driven though which is cool, but I don't think I'd get loads out of that side of it. I did think the One had better launch games, and their exclusives have definitely been more appealing from what I have seen. This Sunset Overdrive game is one of the first new games that has really got me excited, so it's definitely looking to be a system seller in my eyes! I'll be sure to let you know if I end up buying one. Hugely tempted to put a preorder down, plus dat shiney white console do. :p I like white things haha.
  4. I'm looking into getting either a One or a Ps4, have been for a while but haven't been inclined to buy either due to not desperately wanting anything either system had to offer just yet. In all honesty, I haven't done much gaming the last few months in general. Been a little bored of games as weird as it sounds and not really felt like playing my 3ds or Wii U. Even new games like smash bros and others I've bought have had minimal play times. Nothing to do with the games, more me not really wanting to play. Anyway, seems silly saying about buying a new console then but I do feel like the 'other 2' are offering something totally different to what I currently have (as has always been the case) and as I had a 360 and ps3 and enjoyed so many games on them, it was always going to happen. I was dead set on a ps4 in March time, and didn't see much changing my mind but decided to hold off buying one until something came out I really wanted. For the PS4, there hasn't been anything yet. But then Sunset Overdrive happened... Game looks so good. Like really impressive. Watched some live steam of it before and some videos of people playing it and it really seems like a great game. I've just had another look at the games line up for the Xbone and I'm really impressed with it. The new Forza looks brilliant. I had my first experience of the series a few months back at a mates who had the last version for the One and enjoyed that, so if definitely look at picking this up. I also saw a game called Ori and the blind forest which was announced at E3 this year for One. That impressed me no end. Dead Rising 3 is a game I really wanna play as well as a Project Spark which is intriguing me the more I look into it. There's a load of third party games I haven't got round to playing yet such as Tomb Raider, GTA, Watch Dogs etc. The white Xbone is releasing with Sunset Overdrive for £349.99 so I'm pretty tempted to take the plunge with it. I have read a few opinions on the One here and I know there's like 2 (?) people who like it so I dunno if my post will be met with enthusiasm or not ha, but for those who do have one, do you enjoy the system? I've had a hands on with one and thought it was ok minus the dreadful interface but my mate had managed to remove half the crap that's not really needed on the home screen etc and it made it seem more bearable. The Ps4 is still very much an option, but I like some of the games I'm seeing for the One that make me excited about the console. Decisions decisions eh.
  5. Everything on HDD. I have a basic Wii U, so is physically impossible for me to store, well... anything on my system. But I wouldn't want too. The HDD I have is 1TB, so more than enough for me. I haven't had any problems with my system downloading anything, but in all honesty I haven't paid attention to updates being downloaded automatically. I don't even know if I have them set to do so, or if there is even am option! I'm more of a 'put the game in, download the update when prompted' type guy. Although I do often hear my HDD whirr of a night and the Wii U light is orange, so it's probably doing something! : peace:
  6. So there is meant to be an outline of a Pokemon in that loop? Coz to me it looks like Charizard in that image above? I'm majorly confused by it all anyway!
  7. This is simply teasing! I need impressions and more pics dammit!! Exciting!
  8. Never bought either of the Wii U versions as I always thought this would be better on a handheld. Delicious announcement. Will buy.
  9. Yeah I agree with that Glen-i. I like that they have given the mega evos to less powerful pokemon this time, it's about time Beedrill got some lovin'! It's a shame they can't all become mega evos. Mega Victreebel would excite me no end.
  10. I dunno how I feel about mega evolutions still. I like it, but in kinda just wish they were normal evolutions rather than all this mega stuff. Like Beedrill is crying out for a further evolution as it is awesome, but shit. I feel like I'm cheating with a mega evolved Pokemon. It's like having Mewtwo on your team all the time or something. Mega Starmie is most welcome though. So if they could make that happen...
  11. Ahh. What I love about this is how excited people are! And who'd have thought an idea born out of a mini game from a main Mario flag ship game with TOAD as the star would make us Nintendo fans this hyped and excited! Dat Nintendo magic. It's about time Toad took the spot light for a bit. He's always been full of charm and Nintendo cuteness IMO. I didn't think Nintendo could make him more adorable than his stint in Luigi's Mansion 2, but the trailers we've seen have already done that! Really looking forward to this.
  12. That sucks Mike. Sorry to hear. See, part of me is concerned that I am using my Peach 3DS as much as I am / have. It is meant to be Limited Ed and I was originally planning to not use it... but dat pink glittery lid... haha. This is why part of me is tempted to pick up a transparent 2ds to tide me over to the new 3ds. At least I can use and abuse that console and chuck it round without fear of it breaking. And if it does, it's not too difficult to replace unlike the Peach one. Was gonna import a new 3ds, but just can't be arsed, gonna wait for the offical UK launch me thinks.
  13. Well I think it's pretty much a given that there is going to be a Direct at some point before it releases. The fact it hasn't been given a release date during a Direct is not something I am particularly bothered about as I was more interested in 'when' than 'how'. But each to their own. Just find it funny how good news on here always has to be met with some form of dissatisfaction from someone! The N-Europe way. Doesn't mean to say people shouldn't think that, everyone has different expectations at the end of the day. : peace:
  14. I have loads of suggestions!! But could do with knowing what games you have got first before I suggest ones you've maybe already got! One game I think would be great to get lost in on a train journey would be Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies. If you've played previous games in the series then you'll know what to expect, but I really enjoyed the cases in this one. Was a bit of a return to form! Definitely recommend that if you enjoy the series. Even if you don't though, you can just dive straight into it and get lots of enjoyment out of it. Train journeys tend to be boring, so you're full attention can go on the game (which is sometimes required when cross examining witnesses etc). Another suggestion would be Kirby. I haven't personally played it, but really want to. A lot of the guys on here have got it and they spoke really highly of it. If you're a fan of platformers (which I'm guessing you are as a Nintendo gamer ) then I don't think there's been a better one this year. All my other suggestions are older games as I think the 3DS has had a bit of a slow year software wise, unlike previous years. But here is a list of must haves for me anyway. If you don't have one of these, look into them! Luigi's Mansion 2 Donkey Kong Country Returns Mario Golf Resident Evil Revelations HarmoKnight Loads more. But I loved that little selection above! Let us know what you decide! : peace:
  15. Just gone online with this for the first time. First game unplayable. But I noticed I was playing with henrié which I'm guessing didn't help... After that it was all typical English names, and it was relatively smooth. Got a couple of wins! Twice I ended up in sudden death with another lad playing as Ness. Twice I beat him down. Dat sudden death tension! In fairness, he was trying to PK Thunder me from across the stage which everyone knows is foolish in sudden death. He learned a lesson tonight. He learned twice. :p Ahh I love Smash. Didn't enjoy it quite so much when some complete pro came and bitch slapped me with Little Mac twice... but then it's always good to be brought back to reality after winning a few! Good fun! : peace:
  16. Mmm. A particularly delicious news item. Guess that adaptor is worth the money after all... And how I thank The Lord that I kept hold of my precious WaveBird!! I'll just need to give it a clean and it'll be like new. We all know how mucky my light coloured controllers can get... : This is awesome though!
  17. Edit: Damn photobucket. Edit 2: Damn Flickr. These photo upload sites are wank. ________________________ Had to. It is now complete. : peace:
  18. It's coming out before Christmas and people are complaining at how they announced it? Only on N-Europe.
  19. We have no sympathy on this one as you got the game early, so quit whining.
  20. Yeah Ness doesn't sound his normal self! When pressing up on the dpad to activate his "OK!" And cheeky nod, he doesn't sound as assured / chirpy as he did in Melee. Small things. Same with his PK Fire. Don't really have a problem with the announcers voice though.
  21. Well I've been enjoying this today, particularly home run contest! What's your top score guys?! My first attempt with Fox (the same way I used to do it on Melee) was pretty good I think, but I wanna hear what everyone else's high score is so I know if it's any good or not! Also, I just love Ness so much. No other fighter has come close, maybe Megaman who I liked, but no one will ever compare for me! So glad he's included!
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