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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Man, it was just supposed to be a joke about how a lot of people say literally when they mean figuratively. Sheesh.
  2. He obviously meant figuratively.
  3. Since Nando always complains about my rounds, as he "only play good games", I have put together a round just for him. All of these games are critically acclaimed (and I can personally attest to their quality), so do me proud, N-Europe. The scores have been moved to here.
  4. Earthbound feels like the game they wanted to make when they made Mother, anyway. Just... better and more developed. What killed it for me was the high difficulty level and the constant level grinding. You're right about NES RPGs. I don't see myself ever playing another one.
  5. I agree with Iun that calling Batman Begins okay doesn't do the movie justice, considering how great it is. Also, I had no idea that Temple of Doom was a prequel. *Feels stupid*
  6. I think Earthbound was the first RPG I ever finished back when I had just discovered SNES emulators. I actually finished Mother 3 for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. It's a pretty great series, even if I'm not too fond of the first game.
  7. Man, I was sure they outlawed steroids in the Pokémon league ages ago. Well, it's a nice picture anyway.
  8. I never realized how tiny you were, Ashley.
  9. You're not allowed to rename anything anymore, Odwin.
  10. Just rush it, Mcoy. You can do it.
  11. That's not going to happen, considering how the New Super Mario Bros. games have sold a gajillion copies each.
  12. It is. *High five* I'm it will be an amazing game too.
  13. Well, that's two upcoming 3DS games that I'm interested in. And they're both Mario games.
  14. So instead of just being a Minecraft clone, it's a Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft clone! That's... not better. At least the person making it is honest about not having any original ideas, but I still can't take DwarfFortressMinecraft seriously.
  15. All we need is an "I are tiger" photo.
  16. Well, clearly this right here is the problem.
  17. Happy birthday. What happened to the first two Gorons?
  18. Wouldn't a straight Grindr just be filled with 90% horny straight guys? They might as well just use regular Grindr! Or do the long-distance thing. There was a whole Seinfeld episode about how great it is to date a woman you don't have to spend any time with. That's what happens when you don't put out!
  19. I think someone has been headed on the end one too many times. Also, *their. The owl looks lovely, though.
  20. Haha, sure there has. :p I might brave the sea of old men at some point when I'm feeling more emotionally stable. Right now I don't think I could deal with being rejected/rejecting someone. I'd end up in a committed long-term relationship with the first person who messaged me!
  21. Coolness needs to get laid. "The only people who have ever shown interest in me on online dating sites are old men. You should totally try it, though!" That's a nice story. I know a Turkish girl who met her Swedish boyfriend through WoW. I knew there was a reason that game is so popular!
  22. Aww, but I like Dyson, so he deserves to get a point or two. Also, he's not a threat.
  23. I knew a couple who met each other on a forum. Eventually she moved to Australia to be with him. Last I heard, they were still living happily ever after. And it's funny you should post this thread now, as I was just talking about online dating with a friend the other day. Apparently he's met a girl on a dating site and now he thinks I should try it out too. The easiest way to meet someone online is to either a) be a reasonably attractive woman, or b) be into older men.
  24. Here's your chance, Dyson! If it helps, Soyo Oka has a Wikipedia page...
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