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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Nah, it's time to leave Liberty City behind for now. After GTA IV, two DLC episodes and Chinatown Wars, I'm ready for something new. It could be worse - he could pronounce it "Gtaiv".
  2. I wouldn't mind eating pancakes with pancakes with Pancake. We could talk about pancakes.
  3. But which came first?
  4. You've never had pancakes?
  5. Fixed that for you.
  6. This is worse than being rickrolled.
  7. I base what I think of YouTubers entirely on how attractive and/or charming they are. Someone posted this video in another thread a few weeks ago. I still think it's the best YouTube video of all time.
  8. You say that so much it's lost all meaning.
  9. Shouldn't you have asked that before ordering the game?
  10. Magnus


    Haha, this is my favorite renaming of a thread.
  11. This forum's fascination with defecation never ceases to amaze me. 2 is Hitman: Contracts. 3 looks like Silent Hill: Homecoming. 8 is Dead Space. 7 is Prey. You know what, I'm pretty sure I found the source of all these images through two seconds of googling, so I'll stop there.
  12. Yeah, I felt kind of bad about not being able to give you a point for that guess.
  13. I'm genuinely surprised by this. Are you sure you actually play video games? It's not just something you've dreamed?
  14. I approve of this idea because of this:
  15. It is. You always swoop in and guess screenshots when I need you, Olly. Haha, I was recommending the game to a friend just the other day, and then I ended up ranting about the controls for five minutes. It's still a fantastic game, though. The scores at the moment: Jonnas: 3 Cube: 2 jayseven: 2 Olly: 2 Dog-amoto: 1 MadDog: 1 Sméagol: 1 For those interested, all twelve games this round had a 9+ average rating on Game Rankings, so when I called them critically acclaimed, I meant it.
  16. Well, now you can't break up with her when you move.
  17. Yes! I'm surprised no one guessed this sooner, but maybe I'm the only one who's still haunted by the game's nightmarish rendition of the living world. Mass Effect is basically BioWare making a Star Wars game that they own, so you wouldn't have been too far off. That just leaves screenshot 35, which I was afraid no one would recognize, but I had to throw the game in there because I love it so much. It's an RPG released in 1999 for the PC, if that helps. Oh, and it takes place in a lesser-known Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting.
  18. Yep! I thought someone would recognize this sooner.
  19. You're absolutely correct.
  20. Haha. Or I just find weird screenshots. Since none of the guesses are correct Peeps is none the wiser, here are some hints: 026 - This game is named after a type of dance. 029 - A previous guess for this screenshot was very close. 035 - One of the best RPGs of all time. You play as the dead-looking guy in the second screenshot I posted. 036 - This game is based on a well-known license. There's a sequel of sorts on the horizon.
  21. Haha, at first I couldn't figure out why you were bragging about this in Tapedeck's birthday thread. Congratulations. That's a lot of visitors!
  22. I'd assume that the Worms games still support more than four people in multiplayer and I've heard good things about Worms 2: Armageddon.
  23. Guys, there are still some points up for grabs:
  24. This is the positive thread.
  25. "My birthday thread has 64 pages? People do love me! This is the best birthday ev- oh." Happy birthday, though.
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