Reads like a review written by someone who desperately wants another good FPS on the Wii to me.
Can't wait to find out why!
I'm not sure any game is worth playing for its visuals alone, but maybe games like Okami or Mirror's Edge would qualify. You know, games with original art styles. Certainly not this game, when there are so many better-looking games out on both the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Not sure how gameplay would operate well (no bugs? Good flow? Innovative?), but other than that it's a fair statement, I guess.
So it's generic.
So is the story, apparently.
Aaand it's repetitive (so much for the gameplay operating well, I guess).
Why are they recommending this game again?
This really should be followed with "and only own a Wii for some reason".
So to sum up: the game is worth playing for its graphics alone (blatant lie), the story sucks, the characters are uninteresting, the gameplay is repetitive and the game doesn't offer anything you haven't already seen before in every other FPS on the market. But hey, at least the multiplayer is good. 7.5/10!
Though to be fair, I'm guessing most of the people who were looking forward to the game did so because of the multiplayer.