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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I finally played Darksiders last week and it kind of felt exactly like an inferior Western take on Zelda. Well, the combat was more God of War/Devil May Cry, I guess. But the rest of the game was like someone had poured brown paint over Zelda. The best part of the game was when I was in the last temple and wondering what Zelda item they would steal next, and I got... the Portal gun. That was hilarious. It was still pretty fun, though, so I may check out the sequel. :p
  2. You occasionally get to choose what to say! What more do you want? Well, I hope you enjoyed it/are enjoying it, anyway. I really do think the story becomes awesome eventually.
  3. Am I remembered? No? Never mind, then. I just got back online after five days without an internet connection. I'm glad to see that I didn't miss anything interesting on N-E! I had a dream that Shorty told me about a thread he deleted where people had been listing their most disliked N-E members, but hopefully that didn't actually happen.
  4. Well, according to Urban Dictionary... That's probably not it, but I thought it was funny after your other thread. The things you get up to when you're not on N-E. :p
  5. Well, at least the other guy was a good sport about almost killing himself (and the instructor?). Or it's proof of how innocent you are! You're as pure as the driven snow.
  6. The reviews I've read of Deadlight have all been pretty negative. One review said the first third of the game was by far the strongest, so if you haven't finished the game yet, Dog-amoto, you may be in for a rude awakening.
  7. Magnus


    Really, Fused? How much did you say you loved the game?
  8. Yes, that's what it's for. To make RPGs with. To the Moon was made using RPG Maker.
  9. Close! It's short for 'cock and ball torture'. :p Maybe it's a good thing you didn't know that beforehand, Dazz, or you would have been even more nervous.
  10. Congratulations! Now if you could just add another 25cc to that somehow, you could do all the races in Mario Kart. CBT is also a porn thing, by the way. :p
  11. Maybe it was a longing sigh. "I didn't know it was coming to the PS3 as well." *Siiigh*
  12. Does "this autumn" count as a date?
  13. Don't worry, Pancake. If you clone enough dinosaurs, we can just eat those. Or they'll eat us. Either way, problem solved!
  14. I think you should go back and apologize. You need your meds. :p
  15. I don't know... I kind of like the irony in Nintendo forcing you to buy a Vita! Ever 17 was written by the same guy who wrote the script for 999, hence why there are some similarities. It's a great game, but be warned that there's really no gameplay to speak of and the story takes a really long time to get going. It's worth it in the end, though.
  16. And so the story of Jidderbug continues. You always knew it wouldn't last forever. What did I do? :p
  17. Way to ping out right after I logged in, Moogle.


    So rude. :sad:

  18. That was pretty much how my time with the game went. One day progressing the story, then one day doing nothing but sidequests. While the sidequests usually weren't that interesting, I did find it very satisfying to fill out the affinity chart.
  19. Who knows. Ghostlight seems like our best best, but if Devil Survivor is anything to go by, we'll be lucky if we get the game by this time next year. Well, I suppose we'll be lucky if we get the game at all, really! If you haven't played it, you could always check out Ever 17 while you wait impatiently for this game to maybe be released in Europe.
  20. Well, they couldn't very well tell you that your Flemish sucked and that you should go back to your own country, now could they? :p Because your Flemish was just that good.
  21. See, this is another reason not to read Fifty Shades of Grey. :p "He ripped off his underwear, revealing his throbbing eight-inch penis." "He thrust it into her vagina, past the flappy things. Also, the whole thing was moist for some reason and part of it was bulging. He started to get a real hankering for fish."
  22. To be fair, I think I only like Claude because he's got that whole British thing going on. It's not like he's done anything interesting yet. I haven't read the books, but I hear they have an Elvis look-alike vampire. They really should introduce him on the show and give us some intentional comedy for once. :p
  23. I'll learn so much about a vaginas. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.
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