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Everything posted by Waylander

  1. Hi all, Does anyone know if the latest firmware update will be available on upcoming game discs? I cant seem to download the update. Keep getting 32004 error messages. I can go online with the Opera browser and I was able to download VC games so I dont know what the problem is. I've tried turning my firewall off and other settings but nothing seems to work. I have a Netgear DG834G wireless router. Any help would be welcome Thanks!
  2. Nice. I just hope it has great controls.
  3. I just got my new Macbook last week so I'm looking forward to seeing what Leopard can do.
  4. Wind Waker for me. Twilight Princess hasnt grabbed me the way WW did.
  5. You can reset Safari in the Safari part of the menu bar. You can also empty the cache there.
  6. I think they should have let Saddam rot in jail for the rest of his life.
  7. I'd LOVE a proper golf game using the Wiimote control system. I just hope EA do a good job of it.
  8. My number is 4736 5868 5277 3596 Nickname is Waylander
  9. I have 2 remotes. One has the old strap and the other has the newer thicker one. I've sent off for a replacement, just in case.
  10. I'm looking forward to this. I've never played a DQ game before. I hope it gets released outside Japan.
  11. I have a Netgear DG834G. Works perfectly with my DS and Wii.
  12. They should have had some multiplayer tennis to show what the Wii was about. I was disappointed only 30 seconds was shown.
  13. Is the S-video cable going to be available at launch? My HDTV only has a DVI hi-def input so S-video would give me the best picture.
  14. Doesnt bother me. I only wanted a Wii in white anyway.
  15. I'll use WiFi. I dont want cables trailing all over the place and I've been using it for Xbox Live for the last 5 months with no problems and very little lag.
  16. I'd love to see Mickey Mouse: Castle of Illusion. I loved that game on the Megadrive even if it was very easy.
  17. The price doesnt bother me at all. I just hope there are plenty of online games for the Wii.
  18. You can look at your pictures, surf the net and check the weather and news with the Wii.
  19. I hope not. The shiny blue scroll bars really make the Apple OSX stand out from Windows. The grey scroll bars remind me of Windows 95
  20. Yeah, I'm getting a Wii at launch. I'll get Zelda, Red Steel, a second Wiimote, nunchuck and the classic controller. Cant wait!
  21. Doesnt bother me. I already have 3 DVD playing devices.
  22. I'm getting one at launch. I'll get Zelda, Red Steel, extra Wiimote and nunchuck and maybe the classic controller.
  23. White is fine with me. It'll match my white DS Lite. Hopefully we'lll get more good news from the conferance. Can't wait!!!
  24. I miss the old blue scroll bars. The Mac version looks more like a Windows app now.
  25. I think the Wii points sounds more like the Microsoft points. You use them to buy downloadable content.
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