My niece is having a Wii U for Christmas after becoming obsessed with Art Academy on mine so I bought some stuff
I've got her the first Disney Infinity game, its quite cheap now and I reckon she'll get a kick out of it with her loving Disney. If she likes it enough I can get her the second game at some point.
I've also got her Wii Party U mainly because it was £30 with the Wiimote and she enjoyed the mini game stuff and I got her Nintendoland.
I also would like to get her Wii Sports U, Mario 3D World and Art Academy but I need to know what my sister is getting her with the console.
For my other niece, the 2 year old who is obsessed with My Little Ponies I got her this big fucking castle.
And a bunch of little ponies.
And because I only buy my nieces gifts at Christmas that's me sorted. Boom.