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Everything posted by bryanee

  1. The pilot has leaked...
  2. Why did they announce this now? Why?
  3. Looks fantastic, well except that forehead tattoo but I love the rest.
  4. MoS is not that bloody dark. I know I've watched it quite a few times. That part in Africa that they changed is way off, its like its covered in grass in their version. edit - Their version of the original on the left and the actual original on the right.
  5. Nope. The only other way to the cinema was really out of the way. It would of taken a while to double back home and make my way back to the cinema. Its fecking stupid how the two ways to the cinema are quite a distance aways from each other. The cinema has a canal blocking routes, the M6 blocking others etc.
  6. I booked my tickets to see Avengers last night to see it today at 3:30pm. I make my way there, I get off the bus and notice massive roadworks by a really small bridge near the showcase cinema. The workers tell me I cant walk through so I make my way to the near by cemetery and climb over a wall onto the canal because I know theres a way down to the cinema but nooooooooo that's all fenced off. My only other option is to walk home and go the other way around but if I did that I would of missed 30 minutes of the film so I just went home but I left my keys because I didn't think I'd be home until after 6pm so I have to twiddle my thumbs in the garden waiting for some one to come home for an hour and a half. A waste of ten quid and I don't even wanna see it any more lol.
  7. Oh man, pure sex.
  8. From the WB Batman exhibit in what I assume is WB Studios. A look at the Trinity costumes from BvS. Look at how fucking sexy they are.
  9. Boooooo you Fierce_LiNk Fiiinneeeeeee :P
  11. Now that's how you do a fucking teaser. I am hyped.
  12. That wasn't even the proper teaser and I damn near got an erection. And after seeing the final 30 seconds of the full teaser I'm at full mast. I'll be in hospital after the full thing on Monday.
  13. Its damn good fun. Not very good at it though. Abit of dicking about with Cassie for the second time. Still trying to learn. I'm not very good at fighters so it takes me a while to get used to them unless its a DOA game which I tend to do pretty well with.
  14. God damn if they do a Ghostbusters pack.....or Jurassic Park pack. I'll be fucking bankrupt.
  15. expected to be honest. Lego products are always expensive. Any way fuck Infinity, Skylanders and Amiibo. This is how you hook me on this NFC stuff. Pre-ordered LEGO Dimensions: Starter Pack (PS4) LEGO Dimensions: Fun Pack - LEGO Movie Emmet (PS4) LEGO Dimensions: Fun Pack - Wizard of Oz Wicked Witch of the West (PS4) LEGO Dimensions: Level Pack - Back to the Future (PS4) LEGO Dimensions: Fun Pack - DC Wonder Woman (PS4) LEGO Dimensions: Fun Pack - DC Cyborg (PS4)
  16. Yeah, finding those shortcuts is the key to real progress imo.
  17. After a few days of not playing I come back to take on the Cleric Beast for the first time and it was a piece of piss. I'll be humbled shortly though lol. edit - lol holy shit. Father Gascoigne beat on first try. My hands are trembling
  18. Don't make me slap you. Dying Light is brilliant.
  19. You have to find the shortcuts. Luckily I knew this before hand so before even going for the first boss all I did was explore until I found the shortcut to the locked gate which was next to the respawn point. Is it hard? Yeah. Is it unfair? Nah. You will die before finding the shortcut but luckily you learn where the enemies are, you get better at the combat and you make short work of the areas you have already been through. I died a whole bunch before finding the shortcut but boy when I found it I let out a huge sigh of relief in a good way, its been a while since I've actually felt rewarded for hard work and patience in a video game without actually getting a reward lol. I do keep forgetting to use my gun.
  20. I uploaded 15 minutes of my first hour with the game. Forgive the noob tier gameplay, tis my first souls like game after all Great game. I died about 5 times before that video and luckily managed to stay alive after that despite being shite lol.
  21. Other than Zelda it was my most wanted Wii U game for this year, the confirmation of no voice chat has caused me to drop all interest in the title. The online multi is a team based shooter which imo needs voice chat. The fact that they haven't included it just for friends is the most annoying part. I'm not going to buy any multiplayer shooter on any console that doesn't have voice chat. If the single player turns out to be amazing I'll pick it up in a years time second hand.
  22. Nah, its being ported to the NX :P
  23. Xenoblade is an obvious game to fill the void but also a good way for it to get lost in the sea of Fall games.
  24. The not at E3 thing is really weird.
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