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Everything posted by bryanee

  1. God fucking damn. The one Wii U game I'm holding on to my Wii U for. NX LAUNCH TITLE BABY :P And now I'm reading it wont even be at E3.
  2. That single player better be damned good because I'm not buying it for the multiplayer now that it has no voice chat, not even for bloody friends.
  3. Just finished episode 1 of Resident Evil Revelations 2 and it is good. I haven't truly enjoyed an RE title like this in years, I liked episode 1 more than the entirety of both RE5 and 6. The game seems to of borrowed different concepts from different RE games. The co-op for the first time in RE isn't shit in single player. Each character has s et of abilities that make using them unique. You have Claire and Barry who are the gunmen of the game and then you have Moira and Natalia who both don't use guns but can help out with the enemies by either slowing them down with light or pointing out a weak spot on an enemy. Character zapping from Zero done properly. Enemy encounter have been fun and the enemies themselves seem to be quite varied at the moment. This game also managed to meld the feel of classic Resident Evil with modern really well, especially when it comes to the tone and atmosphere and I hear it only gets better in that regard so I'm looking forward to carrying on with it over the next week. You can easily see its a budget title though, some janky shit goes on at times and the visuals are kind average but it does look great at times, especially at night in the forest.
  4. I've been trying to get Metroid Fusion since these went up and still no luck. The site is bollocksed.
  5. True enough. Its just bloody annoying. I look forward to Nintendo console unveiling like no other.
  6. I love all Nintendo hardware announcement but I do wish they would of waited a little longer to officially confirm its existence. We all knew it was being made but giving a kind of name to it makes the waiting even harder. Also if this is a proper console type thing then come on man it has to be atleast on level with the Xbone when it comes to power, maybe even better.
  7. lol this was the first thing I thought about when I saw this news But eh it could all be fine.
  8. I like it, it turned out much better than expected. The costume certainly looks better in promo shots than the Flash outfit did in its promo's.
  9. About Freiza in the new movie.
  10. Claire is best RE girl.
  11. Spock to many but Galvatron to me. RIP.
  12. Yeaaaaah buuuut the end of the new issue.......
  13. New Bleach - Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
  14. Thank you for the kind words.
  15. Step dads latest hospital appointment said the cancer is much worse than feared, he know has a 1 in 4 chance of survival. he has to go and stay in hospital for 5 days while they pump him full of 3 different types of chemo, then comes home for two weeks and has to go through it again. if he gets through it and it doesn't come back within two years he'll live for a good few years more, if however it does come back within two years he'll have 6 - 12 months left to live. It just gets worse and worse each time he fucking goes.
  16. The WWE Network? Sub for a month and then quit it.
  17. Just finished it. Its solid 7.5/10, a good game held back by a few things. It took me around 9 hours give or take a few minutes to finish it on normal. The stealth stuff whilst not bad it wasn't good either, maybe a little more time on that to tighten it up. The cover system was serviceable but after the dynamic cover systems in TLoU and TR its hard to go back to a system that glues you to an object. The gunplay is nice and punchy with some damn fine weapons to use. The Lycans are however abit of a disappointment, not used to their full potential at all. Visually the game is by far the best there has been and art direction is fantastic. In fact the presentation taken as a whole is outstanding, the visuals, the fantastic OST, sound effects, good story and excellent voice acting elevate the game. The ending however whilst fine is not how you end a story, it feels a little unresolved. The whole game oozes atmosphere. For their first original effort on the PS4 RaD have done good work and have laid the foundation for a fantastic sequel which I hope they get to make because I adore the world they have built.
  18. Cutscenes can be lengthy there is no denying that and for some they might just be abit too much (they're not MGS length). But they are so well acted with the best lip synching and amazing animation I cant just help but sit back and watch. The tone of the story is very much like that show Penny Dreadful if you have ever seen it. The games structure is like and odd mish mash of Gears of War, Heavy Rain and a Telltale game but without the choice making. As for the overall length of the game I cant really say. I haven't finished it yet but I do think it'll be around 9 or 10 hours for me. Just like I did with The Last of Us I cant help but walk around and marvel at the visuals which are by far the best I have ever seen. They are fucking CG quality mate, its unreal. I said it before but on more than one occasion I've been waiting for the cutscene to end when it already has. Wth every other game there is an obvious cut from the cutscene to the gameplay and a somewhat downgrade in the visuals but with this its all the same graphics and seamless. The attention to detail is astounding. One odd negative though erm character models don't have reflections in mirrors I don't see any other game this year beating this when it comes to the visuals. Not even Uncharted 4. Its not going to be a game for everyone but I do suggest people give it a chance if not now but when its cheaper if you don't want to risk it. Its worth a few quid just to see the visuals, detail and general over all quality of the presentation on a big screen which I know is very graphics whore of me. EDIT ------------------------- Another video, this time of chapter 11. No story spoilers just location/level.
  19. I don't think it'll be an issue. I honestly don't think the likes of Aquaman will be in it for any kind of significant time. Bats and Supes will be the focus with a good chunk of WW thrown in. Gaurdians of the Galaxy also proved you can do a team up movie with a whole bunch of characters and make it work just fine. I also don't think DC need to copy Marvel in regards to setting up the universe.
  20. I wouldn't call 3 years from announcement to release rushing. I'm sure they have this planned out properly and the likes of Aquaman and Cyborg are more than likely going to be brief cameos to set up JL.
  21. I think the game keeps getting better the further I get into it but like said and I mean this it is a really slow paced game, if you cant stomach a game like that then it might not be for you.
  22. A brief update, the game is definitely slow paced so if that isn't your kind of thing then this game is not for you and some cutscenes would benefit from a slighting trimming but overall I'm still really enjoying this game. I've upload two short videos, the second however is spoiler territory so watch at your own risk.
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