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Everything posted by bryanee

  1. God daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn at the latest episode. Best episode of the season and probably the funniest so far out of both seasons.
  2. Delivery didn't cost a penny for me. ahhh - Just checked it £6.99 for delivery within an hour which wasn't available to me for the game. I had it sent during a two hour window so no additional charge. I had a free go earlier in the year but I paid the £79 the other day.
  3. I had a really fucking need to play this today...there wasn't anywhere to get it at 7pm near me sooooo I figured I'd use Amazon Prime Now considering I signed up yesterday....Two hours later annnd Prime Now is godly. Time to get stuck in.
  4. Sooo they blew their entire seasons budget with that last part right?
  5. I posted a while ago about my Nintendo Network ID and deleting it etc. I know if you delete it on Wii U its gone but if I slap that shit on 3DS and then delete it on Wii U will it stay on my 3DS so I can use it at a later date on a home console? I don't care about the 30p VC games I've bought on Wii U. I just want to keep my name and friends list stuff.
  6. Love the cane. I demand all Jokers to now have a cane.
  7. Oh my gaaaawwwwwd. Episode 5.
  8. I marked out like a huge nerd twice during episode 2. Much better than the first episode.
  9. Its not........
  10. Man this show is on fire. Four episodes of pure sex.
  11. I enjoyed the new episode of Arrow more than I did the Flash one. Neither hold a candle to Gotham's premiere though.
  12. What? Backwards inverted controls means you're proper COD player? Idiots. Nice impressions.
  13. Erm I'll still be giving blood.
  14. Season 2 has started in the good ole USA and man oh man what a fucking start. Episode 2 especially was fantastic.
  15. She looks fine on the actual figure (her eyes are painted different) but Elsa looks derpy as fook.
  16. My goal for this year was to start giving blood and I have been. Twice so far with a third time coming up in November. The max amount I could really give. Next years will be a little harder to stick to. I'm going to try and learn Japanese.
  17. My niece is having a Wii U for Christmas after becoming obsessed with Art Academy on mine so I bought some stuff I've got her the first Disney Infinity game, its quite cheap now and I reckon she'll get a kick out of it with her loving Disney. If she likes it enough I can get her the second game at some point. I've also got her Wii Party U mainly because it was £30 with the Wiimote and she enjoyed the mini game stuff and I got her Nintendoland. I also would like to get her Wii Sports U, Mario 3D World and Art Academy but I need to know what my sister is getting her with the console. For my other niece, the 2 year old who is obsessed with My Little Ponies I got her this big fucking castle. And a bunch of little ponies. And because I only buy my nieces gifts at Christmas that's me sorted. Boom.
  18. Really enjoying it.
  19. Paid of some pre-orders My first WWE game since No Mercy. Arnie pushed me over the edge lol.
  20. I want an epic two part Justice League story with some New Gods shit in there. I'd settle for the Legion of Doom though.
  21. Oh yeah has it been mentioned here that Constantine is going to be in Arrow S4 for one episode? Same actor.
  22. That's quite the upgrade. Speaking of DC TV shows I just watched the Lucifer pilot. I haven't read the source material so I cant comment on that but I loved it. Lucifer is so fucking much fun to watch, especially the therapist scene.
  23. Interesting that people are making the assumption that the NX version will be based on the PS4 game. Not knowing what the NX is makes guesswork for this interesting. It could be based on the 3DS version.
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