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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Not the point. The old "my opinion is different to yours" thing? Well so's mine! So eat that! And no complaining, because that's my opinion. You don't understand -- I can say these things because I speak from experience. I'm not just here to rub that in your face; it's surely a logical thing, to listen to someone who might know something from an angle you don't? Because that's what this is. Me coming at you saying "I, too, used to think like you, but thanks to years of actual legit interaction with the opposite sex I have learned that this way of thinking is not wholely correct or appropriate to deciding who is 'right' and 'wrong' for me. People who claim to know what they dislike are people who are close-minded, scared to try new things, and unable to quantify why they don't like olives. They just don't. That last bit may be a personal dig at someone else. I'm not trying to be mean (anymore) - I am simply stating (this isn't a personal opinion of mine, now) that you are wrong in doing this. You are narrowing things down when you don't necessarily know if they need to be narrowed. I am trying to get you to open your eyes to the possibility that your opinion on this matter can be wrong. Realising this can be good for you, and alleviate some fears or worries. I like the bit about being too inebriated. The price of stuff down here, I wish! Y'know what goes well with three weddings in two days alone? A girlfriend who is kinda a little bit not-so-subtle about the whole thing. She has a penchant for watching tv shows about weddings, wedding dresses, babies, wedding planning... She's told me that the ring doesn't have to be glamorous... She knows what dress she wants... So no pressure! But of course I don't want to propose, knowing that I can't support us... She deserves the Big Day that she wants and I don't want to propose until I know that can happen.
  2. ... That's only 5, jimbob. :P
  3. Start sending in your lists, guys!
  4. Thanks Nolan. Well, I've become disenchanted with the game. I've been chasing the dog tags, and I essentially need to finish on Hard then get the tags on extreme and finish on that... Which isn't possible for me. I'm on the Rays boss on hard and just finding it grueling. Ever since the harrier boss I just thought "...jeez, this'll be a tad tricky on extreme!" but thought I'd be able to grind through. However, going through 20 metal gear rays? Why? WHY! This is too much. I do fine for ages then get stomped, rocketed, shot and blam that's my health gone. I've spent probably 40 hours playing the game so far, primarily for dog tags, and it boils down to 80G. So I'll give the other MGS2 achievements a whirl. Played snake tales for a bit - the first mission I was facing fatman, and had 3 bombs to defuse in 30 seconds. Lost the faith a little. May just skip to MGS3 to try to recover some love!
  5. What is this change? Yes, I know you fail to see. That's kind of a problem. But if you fail to see it as a problem, then it's all good! Now, this is coming from someone who has a relationship, and has experience with relationships. I've not just read books about them, or seen movies where they happen. Here's the issue. You cannot safely state "I know what I want" when you have never had a relationship. If you don't know what you like or dislike in a relationship (which you can only know after being in one) then you don't know what you're looking for. You can assume things but you may be wrong. Do you understand that you may be wrong? Do you get that? I state that it is unrealistic because, simply, it is not a realistic thing. Do you understand that? You do not know the reality of the situation, so you cannot make a statement that is real. Do you undersstttaaannnd? If you have never had a relationship, then any of the bits where you speak about what you perceive a relationship to be like -- well tehy're assumptions. Do you see? I also have extensive knowledge of the location of coins and rings. For coins, simply headbut a brick repeatedly, and for rings all you need to do is kick a hedgehog. Source: I have 25 years of experience with this. I've also got at least 20 years of experience of watching birds fly and fish swim, so I believe I am the correct person to speak to regarding human flight and any attempts at holding your breath for extreme periods of time. People seek relationship advice from others simply to gain another perspective. You may be able to offer them a new point of view - something rather possible for someone who is not them. The accuracy of your "spot on" statement is something that I have no need to argue, nor do you have ability to prove. I know this is a bit hard for you to understand, but I'm actually existing in a different time to you currently, so I've had a drink or two and I'm finding it hard to type whilst laughing at your egotism. Dude. You do not have all the answers. Do you recognise this? You can be wrong. In fact, often you are wrong.
  6. I have made a n-e space on my desk, for my laptop to reside, and I have begun to re-integrate it into my routine. It should be a sticky thing. Mmm.
  7. I don't even own one pair! Of shades! Sunglasses? No. Ok. Sorry.
  8. Jive-ifying this thread has just made my meta-loving mind jizz a little.
  9. Hi! Long time no speak! How are y-- oh, wait, what's that? 6 months have passed and you're still moping and self-centered about this whole thing? Advice? You're not being realistic. You're assuming far too much. You have no real concept of love, of wanting to spend time with another person, of, as ville said, respecting their oddities. There is no guarentee that anything you say is true, or bound to happen. No guarentee! You set up these unoccurred scenarios to excuse your feeble attempts. You've created these imaginary, not-yet-happened instances that roll through your mind like a movie trailer each time you ponder a girl for long enough -- "coming soon! He has a month to save the world from a lack of knowledge, She has to put up with it. He is ashamed of what his whole life revolves around and she is therefore ashamed of him too. What is she thinking? Why is she with a... *shudder* gamer?!" etcetcetc. You need to check out this crazy theory called empiricism. It's where you need this thing called evidence, which tends to be gathered first-hand, to, like, prove something? Basically, if a girl is lame enough to not understand your needs, to not acknowledge that you have a job that requires specific things in order for you to buy her pretty things, then she is not interested in you for you, she is interested in you for the sake of having a boyfriend. What if she's a pilot? She goes away at least two or three times a month, for 3-5 days at a time? Is that going to lead to you walking out? You can't know the answer to this. There'd be other factors. If she was a bitch when she was around, then yeah, totally. If all she did was whine about shit, then yeah, totes. Dump that shit. But if she spends her every spare moment with you in a caring, funny, relaxed, loving way - then why end the relationship? Stop being so ashamed. Stop thinking you have all the answers. Honestly, it's a little sad to come back 6 months later to see you've finally gotten round to dating sites, something we all said you should do over a year ago. You disrespected our opinion the entire time, shunned the success stories we all presented to you because of what? Your opinion. Shh. A girl with little interest in gaming will not spell the end. If you have little interest in shoes, make-up, shopping, 50 shades of grey/magic mike/twilight/formula 1/tennis/country music and yet she likes these things, does that mean it's over? (well to be fair, twilight? I mean, jeez...) Bottom line: You have no experience of relationships so don't bother imagining what it'd be like, and don't let those imaginations stop anything from happening. Don't make up these stupid excuses.
  10. The concept of swag is beyong me, too.
  11. ^That and Wayne's World, ofc.
  12. "Fixed perspective angles," like Time Crisis then?
  13. I get $200 a week to 'au pair' -- cook, housekeep, help my cousins with homework. My food is paid for, and no bills. I've started tutoring another kid, which is another $30 an hour. I have time during the day to get more supplementary work, but a combination of my visa and my age - minimum wage here for my age is £10.50, which is twice as much as the min. wage for 16 year olds, and above and beyond that of anyone younger. Kids can work from any age here, with parental consent - it is fairly common to see 14 year olds serving you. Looking after two 'kids' (14 and 16...) is a surprising amount of work, and in a way I feel like I've matured a lot and learned a lot about myself, who I am and who I was. I've had a few nice trips here and there, seen the animals of oz etc, but not been able to afford great barrier reef or uluru (ayer's rock) just yet... though I've started saving since I got more money a week. Everything- everything is more expensive here. I am jealous of everyone with a proper, grown-up job :P
  14. No worries Have a good think, perhaps of some golden oldies. And @Ville - curses! My plan, foiled...
  15. Very kind of you, Jonnas My alcohol intake has dropped quite a bit (quite expensive over here!) so I've not had a good 'ramble' in a while. I may need to see to that...
  16. I heard... and I was mega jealous! The one time I don't go. Maybe... maybe that's the link! :'( Congrats on moving out. YOu want to be a kept man, you gotta learn the housework skills :P I saw your aussie philosopher on FB and I thought "... needs more cunt" I was surprised as everyone :P It's my cousins, rather than just random kids. They're decent enough, and unfortunately they know about this forum so I can't tell you how much of a pleb one of them is (:P) Working on my housewife skills, basically. I cook daily (got me some excellent recipes), clean, sort, tidy, iron. I have learned to appreciate the boundless efforts my mother put in, and regret the whining I did when I was younger because it's hard work. But I also get a relatively stress-free life, but that just brings the weekly (or so) mad stress-head worries about the future. Seen sights and animals. I live in a suburb as far from sydney as brighton was from london (about an hour away), so I'm not exposed to the 'hip' happenings of city life. I have no friends, and everyone has been hassling me about making new friends since my lady went back to the uk about a fortnight ago (therapy is fun). I have watched many tv shows (but not as much as usual due to limited internet), read a few books (currently have a Dexter anthology) and recently aquired an MP3 player to go on some walks with. How about you (dannyboy)?
  17. Yeah I don't think your chances are great; you may be better off contacting them ahead of time to check that it's still worth doing the interview. I've had an interview which started off as a group interview - after the introduction I raised my hand and said "I'm not going to be able to start 'til May. Will that be a problem?" And of course, it was. They feel the need to come up with all sorts of mumbo jumbo as if you'll sue them for not giving you a fair go, but yeah, it was a waste of time!
  18. I actually am :P technically I wasn't hired because I couldn't do the shifts they wanted, but actually they found out I only had 6 months on my visa -- and they advertised the job as 'school hours', and later said they wanted me to work from 3pm-midnight. Which I think they made up simply because they couldn't just not hire me due to my visa (could they? Probably could, to be fair).
  19. I had a job interview for subway, and they turned me down. That's pretty depressing, right?
  20. I have recently discovered the joys of operating a slow cooker, and the wonders of goulash! Instead of tomato and basil, italian style, it's tomato and paprika. Anyone got any slow-cooker ideas? man I'm getting old. I'm way more interested in cooking than I am in gaming these days. I mean wtf, right?!
  21. I've somehow squeezed n-e out of my routine, and I think I want to claw it back. I've read a lot of threads like this over the years and never really imagined I'd be making one. Except that one time, 5 years ago, when I stopped posting for 6 months and came back as teh_emo. What've I missed?
  22. That's right! It's nearly 8 in the morning for you northern-hemisphericals, so it's time to prepare the After Eights-- No, wait, that's not it. BISH. This thread is where you admit that you're interested, and submit your appeal to be a part of yet another BISH - widely known as the game with the best prizes, and most energetic and attentive GM around. ... For those who don't know, BISH stands for Big Internet Scavenger Hunt, and it comprises of a vast and glorious list of... nouns (but not exclusively!) which the players then snap up and submit in order to win Big Internet Points. The rules are few, and will be comprehensively listed in the game thread to come next weekend. If you wish to play, please post in this thread and send me a list of 8 'things'. Feel free to ask any questions in here or PM me if you are unsure about anything at all. Players jayseven (or whatever his name is) Cube Animal Flink Eenuh Peeps Diageo ReZ (presumably that was a yes) Jimbob Ville Dannyboy Moogle nemi Edit: Here'a a link to the previous game which, as always, was expertly concluded - and in a timely fashion.
  23. @Ramar how did you do? I got the set about a fortnight ago, and I'm still focusing solely on MGS2. I'm currently on my 5th playthrough (started on normal, had to do normal again for the tags >_<). I'm presently swearing at the TV due to the sniper/emma/oil bridge bit. I kinda have a love/hate thing with how the game lets you unlock the wigs/bandanas/stealth as the game gets harder. It makes the majority of teh game easier, but then suddenly at the boss sections the game is BACK TO RIDICULOUSAAAAH... I bought this 'collection' aware that MGS2 was more of a movie than a game, thus I went into it with a lot of patience. I also played through Twin Snakes about 20 times getting the tags on all difficulties, and doing the same with this game has brought back a lot of fun memories. I love starting the game an absolute noob (diving onto the floor instead of running away, etc) and then progressing to the stage where I know the guard movement patterns and know how many ups/downs I have to press to get to the item/weapon I want. 80g is waiting for me for completing the game on hard and extreme (for the tags)... and man, I'm not looking forward to the hard slug that extreme'll present. Then it's the VR stuff, boss survival, snake missions and whatever else I've forgotten, before I get onto MGS3 and start again! the achievements all seem doable, just requiring a lot of time. If I can succeed, then this'll be my proudest 1k. Also, it's nice that the only metal gear games I've played before are Twin Snakes and... the game boy colour Metal Gear Solid! So this collection should pretty much complete things for me (I hear metal gear 1 and 2 are on it somewhere...)
  24. Does anyone make a good macaroni cheese? It appears to be my nemesis dish, but perhaps because I've just been screwing up the roux.
  25. I hate how telephone companies and football commentators use the word 'campaign' as if they're dealing with military exercises. @Guy forgive me if you're not associated with telephone work, it just reminded me of when I was on teh phones all day, dreading the EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. Currently I get paid the equivalent to minimum wage for a live-in au pair job. The pay would be double this but it's split between me and my girlfriend. The plusses to the job; living with family, girlfriend, no bills, no food worries, no rent, in sunny sunny Oz. However! My girlfriend is crazy, my free time is inconsistent; rarely a long enough stretch to do something meaningful with... But mostly I just panic because I'm 25 and I have no career to speak of... But reading about everyone elses fears does kind of allay the pressures I've put on myself :P Cheers guys!
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