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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Not sure! Started with depression/escapism, now it's become a bit of an addiction. I love doing it though - I really enjoy cramming entire seasons into one sitting, I really feel that I get more from the show. Or something!
  2. Indeed. And they're paid to doctor women. So moogle couldn't do that in his current body, could he?
  3. Heh, yeah I am! Far too gripping, but if I hadn't had the next episode ready each time then I'd be rather annoyed at the ham-handed last-minute-cliff-hanger tactics, as they're not really needed. Each episode generally has enough suspense and action to keep me coming back for more. I've seen an episode in a latter season, so some of the stuff I've seen so far (characters, for example) hasn't surprised me as much as it could've. I'm also not seeing too many seeds sewn for the next season, and not liking the direction it is likely to be going in, as it kinda goes against the show as a whole - but hey, that's unavoidable I guess. Took me ages to spot the Professor from Sliders and wossisface from x-files, mind you.
  4. the gynaecologist might not be too keen, mind you.
  5. Lol... by the time you posted this, I was already on episode 12. Currently on episode 17. Am fighting to stay awake until 11 or midnight, which means I should've seen about 3 eps or so of season 2... I r hardcore. Got nothing but nicotine to keep me going.
  6. Hum. I don't know how or where I'm going to get any points anywhere... First game will be against gaggle, and I'm sure he'll put an end to my 9 games without loss in a competitive match I look forward to this season! My first three and last three matches are seemingly against the top three, so I don't rate my chances for a hugely successful start. Just noticed the bliss that is the alphabetical start to the season. Means I will start my birthday top of the league, and no doubt end it bottom :P
  7. Still awake! Muahaha :P I suppose it's a good thing that my tutor emailed me to say the seminar's off today. Just got to try and stay awake 'til a good decent time so that I can wake up and greet my visiting brightonians tomorrow afternoon
  8. Ja, well twozz, dyse; I'm still up. Boo ya!
  9. lol... canand brings the worst out in me. I was THIS CLOSE to doing a dyson. I just googled "i has image" and "lol patrol!" and nearly posted some of the results. NO! MUST RESTRAIN SELF.
  10. Power Rangers: The Movie The chick with the whistling stick-things in the Amazonian get-up is what I'll ask my first sex doll to be modelled on. 10/10 for those 5 minutes alone.
  11. Battlestar Galactica Season 4 episodes 5-10 I've resurrected the BSG thread, so I won't go into any plot details here, just minor seasonal details.
  12. I've decided, again, to try and drink more wine and less cider. When I go and buy cider I buy 15 cans for £12, then proceed to go through each crate in about two nights. Since I've been back to sheffield I've bought 45 cans and drank probably 42 of them, and I've only been back for 5 nights. Consumption aside, wine is more expensive but I take longer to drink it. Got a seminar tomorrow at 2 in the afternoon and am very eager to attend. It'll be nice to say "oh, I've not been to uni since last week" instead of three months. Just watched the old Power Rangers movie with Shorty and nami, after ordering chinese food and eating by candle light! Felt all posh and grown up. Now it's time to finish off BSG and eithwe watch Bound or start on Prison Break - either option is equally uninteresting.
  13. With ashley it's always either that, or ridin' you like the village bitch.
  14. It's only a trip t'pub for tuesday. 10th is when Reggie's back and it's his house where the partay'll be at. [/side-tracking]
  15. Aight. Well I've challenged moogle and haden (couldn't see your challenge for me anywhere).
  16. I rock at passing the time, but not so good at giving advice for getting out more. I've got two eps of BSG s4 left, after going to bed about 6am. Made a facebook event to see if anyone's around for my birthday for a drink and only have rejections so far :'( Got a seminar tomorrow! On a book I've read! Going to actually try and go. Will be the first thing for uni I've been to since before the reading week before xmas... Then there's the deadline for tuesday and... well, that's not looking good :P
  17. Happy Birthday freakish and MikeyNUMBERS!
  18. I don't see the challenge request anywhere... Where do I find it again?
  19. Shup Wesley. You're an awesome member. Glad to hear you're all wii'd up, even though I disbelieve the sobriety of your post. I've got a mate popping up for a night or two on tueday, which is awesome, then another mate is staying later this month, then ashley is gracing our presence, so I'm feeling the love too Molly - I trust ReZ, so I trust you with my address. If you have any spare train tickets, then that'd be a bonus EDIT: Woah wtf how did that end up posting six times?!
  20. AH but I do like, I've not read it yet. I dare you to send it to me when you're done. Put your name in it, then I'll put mine in it, then send it to someone else. It can be awesome?
  21. Spent my day completing Army of Two w'Shorty. Then pizza was ordered, bill bailey was watched and I started teaching nami how to play chess. We figure that I should come up with an 'achievements' list for chess to encourage her to play. Real Life Achievements is defiitely something to be done... Now I'm all set for BSG until I succumb to sleep, in preparation for what will probably be a stupid-crazy day of stress and anxiety as the deadline looms. A friend has ordered some "illegal" drugs for his body building stuff, and he's used my address. Included is 1mg of methadrone, which sounds interesting! Shame there's no post on sundays, mind you. Soo... anyone got any good ideas for a novel that they want to give me?
  22. I think it's awesome. I play mostly co-op games with Shorty, and the achievements add an element of competitiveness as well as co-operation. When one of us suddenly gets an achievement and we don't know why... well it's cool! Generally speaking the gamerscore can be overlooked. Nobody with 11,000 is going to laugh at some 'noob' at 9,000. It's only interesting when tehre are people, like HOT, who have insane gamerscores that lead me to guess he doesn't do much else besides play his games to death. To an extent I think that takes the joy out of a game, but that does depend on the game and the achievement. For me, I hate games with excessive numbers of achievements only obtainable online. I don't have Live! Pah.
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