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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. People should post when they've updated their EP -- otherwise we might not see the thread's been updated and miss stuff. Like this!
  2. No, the name does. Duh!
  3. Ah! Well in any case, they'll be getting laid.
  4. Each season covers a single police case, where a special unit is formed from narcotics and homicide divisions to investigate a drugs operation in west baltimore. The lines of good and evil are blurred as the show portrays the city life from many different points of view - the police, the drug dealers, the drug fiends. The show is all about realism, and it slowly draws you in and refuses to let go. I did get my hopes a little too high when I started watching it - don't go in expecting some crazy Lost-type crap to go down. Don't expect any cliff hangers. Just expect great character development and great dialogue -- and be prepared to start talking like a homeboy. ONTOPICLOL! Er... BSG season 2 today. Debating whether to watch 2.5... I think I'm hitting the tiles with Dan Dare tonight, then house-partying it up with a bunch of strangers that are friends and not-so-friends with someone I met on the internet (Dan again) - my mother would be proud. Still not unpacked...
  5. Yeah, if you want an event near you then just do it. You pick a date, people will see if they can come I have generic meet-up pictures. Perhaps this thread should be renamed? Flink and his tree. Oh yes. And a rather awfully taken picture of rummy, with ReZ in the window and supergrunch sorta rattling around there, too. This was the only picture of the St Albans meet that I managed to take of actual people :/
  6. The only thing I don't get about all this gender/sexuality thing is how people believe your gender is optional, but you have no choice with your sexuality. Ya dig?
  7. Logic phail at the end, there. If you posted the story on here, and you get generally negative reactions on here, what makes you think people on here will care about how much another forum orgasmed over it? There's a difference between not caring about the subject matter and not being affected by it, or being able to observe or comment on it. But you're right - it's not that I don't care, as clearly I must care if I can be disappointed in your posts. You're right. I can't do anything about what you post. My main gripe is just that you have already posted this in a separate thread. If you wanted to show off how cool teh responses were, that thread would've been better suited. I'm sure you'll return and say I've wasted too much time and effort on all this serious business.
  8. Daniel, I love that picture :P half the people look like they're beat-boxing.
  9. So visceral, yet deeply inept. It's the only way I have learned to express myself - through other peoples' descriptions of life... Is it legal to do this?
  10. Don't be sad! Who knows what'll happen in season 5. Well, besides Dante, of course.
  11. Well where were you going with your post? This thread's purpose is to share interesting elements of the internet, but you've already shared that with us. You know as well as any of us that your reputation on these boards is along the lines of egomaniacal, so we're just expressing our groans of dissapointment that you seem to enjoy the reputation and stride to continue it. We're the people you want to read these stories and we're the ones saying we don't care. Sorry.
  12. Really? I did not know that! Ordered a bunch of pizzaaaaaa... watching battlestaaaaaaa.... drinking cidaaaa.... not much elsaaaaaaaaaaa!
  13. Maybe drive with your dad and your stuff in your dad's car, then unload, then he can drive back? Consider this my rebuttal.
  14. I saw them on the internet too.
  15. Battlestar Galactica Season One Not what I was expecting, and far more visceral and gripping than a lot of stuff out there. It's like Lost set in space.
  16. But while they get bullied for a while, they'll grow up to be rock stars or baseball players!!!!
  17. Spoof joker interrogation scene. No idea if it's been posted already...
  18. Why aren't people watching my video! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=OVqgKlXMgA4 - it's awesome, like Totally Radd!! - Video Store (which I can't find on youtube...) I don't want to describe the video too much... it's basically screamo club music. Check it out, it's not like anything I've heard before.
  19. I'm not adding any extra time/weeks :P I've no idea if we've got teh Fifth element in the flat, but I'll try watching it later. Next movie, batter up!
  20. Ok. But my point stands; your link doesn't do anything but encourage the notion that you're narcissistic. And it's not funny.
  21. King_V; maase joined in 2007 so go ahead and change your vote :P
  22. I'm very tempted to just go down the road and buy one now. Or break into Dan's house. You got his address for me?
  23. That makes you the cunt? lololo ... yes
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