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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. No need to rub it in my face twice, wench!
  2. 12k is massive to me... Years of dedication, that is.
  3. If ReZ is the butt of your joke then who's the penis? lolololo....
  4. O_W I had no comment on your rantings until you insulted The 3 Ninjas by comparing them to the abomination of Reloaded. There is simply no comparison. TUM TUM RULES.
  5. ... I stayed up 'til about 5am watching BSGs1 - saved the last ep for this morning, then I got about 4 eps of s2 and I've decided to start on Prison Break, rewatching the first four episodes to begin with. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I had a dream last night that was very xbox orientated. After my mate set fire to my hair (which left a shorn blue patch) I went off and found some people who had found a house for sale and were basically trying to steal the xbox and the xbox 360. THe 360 was locked to the TV but the original was alright, so I was trying to sneak it out of the house... Is that fable 1 or 2? Either way the Rage grows as the row of xbox games here stare me in the face. I've actually had to relocate myself and sit facing the door/wall in order to reduce stress. Worst thing is that the xbox isn't even mine, so when it comes back Shorty will be muy eager to play on it himself. *sobs* DAN RESCUE ME
  6. That's not funny shit, that's just basically a repost of what you've posted on this forum already but with "omg i luv yoo and ur massive post count" replies. Pft!
  7. BAH! Lost the friendly to dyson 3-2. He got his defense right and I got mine wrong, so I'd say we're fairly evenly matched. Not a good sign for the big league, but it's not put me off :P
  8. I love how you are going to throw another meet. Give me some respec', homie. But yes! I have vague directions to Dan's house. Meet-up confirmed!
  9. I'm pretty sure they would do exactly that :P I GOT THAT JOKE.
  10. What, the students that fail? They still have to pay... The economies that fail? Well, name me three and in all instances I'll point to their lack of education investment... Money isn't a simple sheet of paper of round bit of metal. If you look closely at a fiver, you'll see that the note actually acts as a cheque; it promises the bearer the sum of... thus it is not real money. But what is real money! The problem we are facing with or economical 'crisis' is that people were lending other people money based upon the assumption that the money they have already lent was going to be paid back when it was supposed to. The nation has been running on borrowed money for a long time - money that doesn't actually exist yet, as the lenders are waiting to be repaid before they can actually lend the money again. Once a domino falls and finds themselves unable to find the money to lend up the line then the rest struggle to ensure repayments. What people don't realise is how interest works -- we lend the bank money on the pretence that they will pay us more in return, yet we barely ever question how they manage to make money out of thin air. They actually take our money and 'invest it'... which means they lend it out on the promise that the borrower will repay it at a rate higher than that which they actually repay the original 'invester', whom is joe bloggs himself. Intermixed in all this is the bank's -- the company's profit. The bank is a middle man who has been relying on lies for too long. At least the government has to respect us small people because, ultimately, without us to churn out labour they have no country to run.
  11. We've had this sort of thread before - but this is the first time anyone's mentioned student loans as being part of the problem. Theoretically, student loans are providing the government with more funds in the long run. Before, what, 2006(?) the government was covering a larger proportion of the Further Education costs, where now the cost is passed onto the student themselves. This surely means the government 'freed up' a large sum to invest elsewhere. Plus the 'free money' that students get in the forms of loans and grands is pretty much guarenteed to be re-injected into the economy through rent, food and alcoholol :P I don't think this decision had much to do with the general welfare the state. What really doesn't help has generally been the whole PANIC!! element. People queueing up to take their money out of bank accounts even though their savings are covered by the government, but in doing so they just drown and disembowel the banks by pulling the plug on investments and bonds which might've been ok, which could've helped lessen the impact on the economy. People are sheep and the media whistled too much. But then, the media's profit cannot differentiate between fervor and panic. EDIT: Jimbob these aren't 'free' payments. In the short term things for the government, iirc, no different today than they were before tuition fees. Tuition fees if anything provided more money for you, The Tax Payer. So shh.
  12. I've been saying for a while; we're living in the golden age of the internet. We've got pretty much unrestricted access to any content we please, and we'd be fools to think it'd last forever. While the internet currently poses unlimited potential for getting around all sorts of laws and restrictions, it can't last forever. Personally, my conspiracy theory is that basically computers will be produced without hard drives, as web sources begin to provide 'personal' user space on their own self-managed servers. Then the companies behind this will begin to be controlled and shaped by the government as they restrict and oversee the files kept on 'personal' hard drives. The 'silver' age will be one where people with their own hard drives will still be able to control their own content, but I forsee restrictions applied to the access available to the purchase and ownership of hard drives, leading to the reduction to availability of such hardware. I'm sure most people here will deem me a FEWL, but it's one possibility. Currently the government can prod restrictions onto any self-respecting website that floats upon the stock market; companies that seek to exist within governing law in order to make a profit. The whole "www2" phenominon is currently being massively preyed upon and extorted for individual or corporate gain while largely not affecting personal choice, and it will always be a shame to see this freedom, liberty and sharing consensus belittled and shorn into an entity where the whole nature of economy are fully in effect. But that's just my personal opinion. From what I see about the OP is that domains could be restricted currently by prompting a user to insert their age. In the long run surely the ideal situation would be for a personal user to have an entire internet profile where their age would be a preset configuration that would have to be verified before net access is enabled. The next step after this is surely calling into questions the verification process of such age quantification, which could potentially lead to extranet activity (lol I made the word up -- extranet being REAL LIFE shizzle) being required before internet personas can be realised. This is building up to be a bit of a rant; personally I think the 'dangers' of the internet are vastly misidentified and largely can be attributed to poor education or poor observation by 'senior' citizens (by this I mean adults who don't understand the internet at all); the latter most certainly is something that can dissappear over time. Another worry is perhaps the technologocal evolution phases occuring more and more rapidly; in the last 20 years we've had mobile phones and the internet hit the mainstream, and the forecast suggests that such life-changing technology will only continue to occur more and more often. Even if this is the case, all it suggests is the government may as well either rely on us 'kids' to grow up into responsible adults RE: the internet, or await the next technological leap and try and police that 'effectively' from the start, rather than make a problem out of nothing as they are doing with this. Ok, I'll stop now. This is rapidly becoming an essay topic, with roots and branches into all sorts of areas; each leaf a paragraph, etc. BYE!
  13. Back from watching The Big Lebowski (a movie that has repeatedly occured in the last 2 days of my life) with some people I didn't know really well. They all act/are really grown up so it was an interesting experience, and some interesting conversations arose. Recently I've really felt as if I'm a rubbish 21/22 year old. I've felt hugely uninteresting and boring and childish, and I'm not entirely sure why. I'm going to ruin what has been a perfect sleeping pattern by staying up all night watching iplayer and the other channel's counterparts. Also; I sneezed 9 times while typing this post.
  14. I Like this one. I think Eenuh's T-shirt conveys excellent emotion combined with my thoughtful, about-to-cry pose. The rest of the pictures of me are mostly EVIL MONSTROSITIES. The one The Fish posted... Yes that's my head and Yes, I am doing It.
  15. Ah, it wasn't a joke, I just didn't read your post properly. My bad!
  16. Danny, you should go easy on posting pictures of your high-school 'friends' on the internet for others to gawp at. Not too sure they'd appreciate it if they found out!
  17. You mean you didn't watch the bit where he jumps off?
  18. Are you saying I can't pee into a pillowcase while typing while on a unicycle?
  19. Gay. I'm peeing in your pillowcase as I type.
  20. Call them Ben and Zoe and just nickname them Banjo and Zooie Third name Kaz for a Karen, mayhaps.
  21. Seph, Thornton, Thom, Draper. First and middle names shall be selected from this lot :P
  22. The 360 is Shorty's, and he forced it to RROD/tried to, as it borked and wouldn't read half the discs. I've got some new games (kinda presents for shorty, but I bet he never reads this! Mwahaha!) that I wannuh plaii! Going t' watch Big Lebowski with some semi-friends tonight. Interestingly enough; last night in Brighton I had a mini birthday dinner and opened some of my presents. I got a blender, an AWESOME calendar (guinea pig games) and The Big Lebowski on DVD, even though I already own it. I also got a poker set, and lots of useless rubbish that meant I had to haul so much crap home. Trains are lame. I was so self conscious about the fact that I was sniffing all the way - and I managed to somehow get a reservation in the BE QUIET FFS carriage, which meant I was worried about the volume of my music all the time. WHAT A FUN DAY.
  23. A video to test your fear of heights. I was literally shouting at the screen when I first saw this!
  24. I fell in love again yesterday. So awsome, on so many levels. Brokencyde - FreaXXX. Hilarious. Awesome. The youtube video is shite quality of course. I saw a better one on wimp that i can't find now.
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